I am a Tall, strong, educated (Physics major going to best ranked public uni in the US) Hispanic lurking from /fit...

I am a Tall, strong, educated (Physics major going to best ranked public uni in the US) Hispanic lurking from /fit. This was a red/brown country before it was ever white and it seems it will most likely go back to being so one day. I myself will find a strong white or Hispanic wife, have many beautiful mixed (aesthetically superior and healthier) children and live my life unbothered by the sorry losers whose views are in the minority even amongst your their people. If you are a “muh ein volk, whitey über alles” autist or, god forbid, a “the south will rise again” subhuman, you are the butt of the joke in any place that normal functioning people gather. You have been indulgent for far too long. You are unable to adapt to a changing world because you are now literally stupid and useless. Driven to madness by your failure some of you sperg out and kill scores of people, white and colored, who were each all worth and contributed far more to society than your miserable existence. You are all moral cesspits who will die off slowly. Future generations will laugh at your impotence and pee on your graves lmao.

If this post doesn’t trigger you, you can probably expect the kingdom of heaven. Or at least a better chance at a happier life in earth.

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Spiceroni spiceroni give me pepperoni

bruh i could make you my twink bitch in about 30 seconds lmao

Incorrect* entire population of north America including Canada and alaska less than 1.5 million people on European contact, this in contrast to the great population centers of modern day Mexico city and andrean peru

Largely nomadic stone age families following animal herds, amazingly without even use of the wheel.

>I am a Tall
So you are at least half white

America didn't exist before the Revolution, idiot. Do you think that it's more impressive to have come to the North/South American continents by walking over a glacier or taking a boat?

If you're Iroquois, do you walk hand-in-hand with the Cherokee? Totally different groups of people. What about the scores of "brown indios" that were the first wave over the Bering Strait? Wiped out by more aggressive tribes coming after them.
>no all brown people are the same lol they only managed to enslave/genocide other browns so it's ok #peace #love #fuckwhitey

Your post isn't "triggering", it's just dumb

>public uni
>muh physics (puff puff cough cough dude lmao), not math or one of the non-meme engineering majors

>Physics major
lmao gtfo

That is what most Hispanics are

That actor from stranger things is Jewish. You should have chosen the niglet for your photo.

Gimme back that Filet-O-Fish
Gimme that fish (Hoo!)
Gimme back that Filet-O-Fish
Gimme that fish

What if it were you
Hanging up on this wall?
If it were you in that sandwich
You wouldn't be laughing at all!

So gimme back that Filet-O-Fish
Gimme that fish (Hoo!)
Gimme back that Filet-O-Fish
Gimme that fish (Hoo!)

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Haha im browner than you but much less of a faggot. Post your inspirational " pat on the back" bullshit somewhere else, because its always at white men's expense.

lol i thought this was him

>i'm a tall

No one cares. Everyone knows tall people are the ones ruining America.

Tall people are content to stew in their mediocrity, coasting along on their height for success. They'll never amount to anything except the status quo's idea of success.

There's a reason why all the biggest shakers in history were manlets: Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler.

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Shut up and post more cute boys shitskin!

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I like you guys, not sure why you are cucking to the Jews. If white people want white people to continue exist what does it matter to you? I want a lot of kids, if half marry mexicans and half marry whites that is cool with me

>high school

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every warehouse I walk into is filled with blacks and mexicans

fuck you


>tall Hispanic
So you're about 5'8? That's as tall as it gets for your kind

Napolean was average height for his time

I'll break your face you worthless spic. Go back to Mexico and fix the shit hole you came from.

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Shut up dickfart

t. never been to Texas or the Southwest

>You have been indulgent for far too long
this does not mean what you think it means

yeah i've met like one tall hispanic guy and he was as pale as me, the rest are like 5'5 average

>2 pederasts saving photos of Jewish boys

Somehow you guys call Jews pedos.

Fuck off back to Mexico

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im from oklahoma dumbfuck we have plenty of spics and he is absolutely correct


>mossad detected

I just really don't like how most of your women age like milk. bangin ass bodies just disappear at 30. The fuck

>was average height

So, a manlet.

I dont call Jews pedos. I call jews child mutilating scum of the earth.

Pederasty is literally the white mans past time.

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So 5'9"

this post doesn’t trigger me since it's bait. have a nice day.

I live in south Texas and no, he is not

>This was a red/brown country before it was ever white and it seems it will most likely go back to being so one day.
Could you imagine if the subhuman injuns had discovered oil or industrialization? There wouldn't be a goddamn tree left on this continent.

fuck off creep

Literally everyone in this thread could be jewish, and you would have no way of knowing.

You know you are admitting that you are a faggot right? The definition of a homosexual is a man that likes people their same sex. You are legit liking little boys. At least straight pedophiles produce.

Kys faggot

okay whats the average height of mexicans then

I miss my grandpa

Not me, I am too honest

You said 5'8 is the talleest mexican, Fuck does that have to do with "the average height of mexicans"? You are dumb as fuck


Kys faggot

based sopranos

it was clearly a joke u god damn retard, the point is that mexicans are manlets

Podes insultarnos por agora pero non esquezas quen matou aos indios. Un puñado de homes brancos valen máis que decenas de millóns de vós. Non hai moito, deixamos aos porcos comer aos indios para divertirse. ¿Quere volver a ver isto?

Dirty fucking indian filth.

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Uh yes? I'm a pedophile for both genders. Both are cute . just like the greatest white civilizations of all time.

There is nothing creepy about it. Its beautiful , abrahamic cultural brainwashing has taught you its something to be vilified.

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Eh whatever, I already have a job lined up at LIGO lab upon graduation. I’ll be helping to advance the knowledge of the human species by searching for gravitational waves while my engineering buddies slave away just to provide the CEO of lockheed or some shit with a couple more shekels

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fuck off jew fed shill

The average height for Mexican men has to be about 5'7 or 5'8 where I live. Average white is like 5'10. Not much of a difference. I am 6'2 and see a mexican taller than me every day

Wanted to but couldn't get past the second sentence, sorry. Tl:;dr

na its like 5'5 and you're not 6'2, stop larping mexican

I don’t cuck to anyone, I live my life and do what I want as long as it doesn’t hurt any honorable people

Nobody fucking asked for your life story faggot

I have blonde hair and blue eyes
seems like a cuck to me

remove taco jajajaja


i wonder if he has his foreskin?

Nice larp

Have you noticed how white supremacists all look like Thumbs?

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Not a Jew you dumb the_donald newfriend.

I literally post against all forms of Jew control. Including the feminist order you retards support.

Hes not jewish or american.

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no you dont spic, you're probably below 5'10, hur dur im 6'2 and have blonde hair and blue eyes lmao cope

I really dont get it and it seems like some shit that is hardwired into all various form of niggers' brains. Any time they talk about how "how great they're doing" it is really just a half assed smug insult meant to demoralize white men specifiically.

Contemplate suicide

Yeah bullshit you're probably just a summer intern. All the jobs require 3+ years of codemonkeying and physics majors can't do that


I meant to turn pleasure seeking and soft

Even if the US were to go back to it's original inhabitants, you still have no right to set foot on the country. The civilazation you come from has nothing to do with those from North America.

Besides, without whites there is no US, you'll just turn it to a shithole in less than a generation.

>Red/Brown Country
>Loose group of territories
This wasn't a country. It was a land inhabited by a savage, uncivilized, inferior "culture." Many of these people didn't have laws. The few that did agreed that the land belonged to whoever was strong enough to hold it.
By your own Red/Brown laws, it belongs to whites now.

You sure are butthurt.

You are from Oklahoma? You are probably part injun then. What makes you so superior to castizos and spanish mexicans anyways?

yeah, look at all these ugly white supremacists

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If that's you in the pic, you're not done transitioning yet, and I honestly don't know if you're going M2F or F2M from the look of it.

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This is an unfortunate truth that doesn’t apply to only Hispanic woman. Most women hit the wall early. Hispanics in the US are usually more recent immigrants though and tend to be poorer and so don’t eat as healthy as they should. This should change as time goes on

It’s not me in the pic you idiot I’d probably off myself if I still looked like that at 21

Just join us faggot I know a 5'3 mestizo that is more or less down with this site although he spends more time on Jow Forumsthe_donald like a homo

Kys pedant

im not injun retard, indians are a small minority in oklahoma and have almost completely mixed out, hard to find a "indian" nowadays that isnt like 80plus%white, i would expect no less from a braindead texan though. btw i was right about height, castizos and spaniards dont count as mexicans btw, they white

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I am saying you are part injun just like a castizo or a spanish mexican. And they do count as mexican, they are literally counted in the statistics.

>unapologetically brags about leeching resources from a people exponentially more gifted and successful than his own

Thank you for continuing to prove that non-whites are actual human waste.

Who are you and why does anybody give a shit?

I am a police officer. I've put most of your spic friends and family in person.

Not all white men, just the incel racists like you. Cope more

Kek im a quarter choctaw.

Indians mind their own business, are very abusive in a violent sense toward the nuclear family, and are substance abusers.

However, they are very honest. They arent very in your face with the "gotta defeat whitey" bullshit.

Many mexicans, yourself included, absolutely exude "fuck you" to white males in all that you do as you do it on their dime.

Enjoy the privilege that only a White majority country could give you, you ingrateful bastard

These spics that try shame and browbeat whites into enthusiastically embracing the gentrification of their communities and countries shouldn't be taken seriously at all. They have nothing but contempt and hatred for anyone that wants to preserve their people, has preference for their people, and is proud of their heritage. They will continually argue that mixed race children are more beautiful, when they look like nobody and grow up with identity issues. Should they ever get leukemia they would most certainty die due to no donor matches being available in the databases since they are have bastardized DNA. "Muh accept your demise hur hur hur. The brown hordes that want you gone will piss on your graves for loving your people hur hur hur"

You have no place in heaven. You will rot in hell

tl;dr OP is a fag.

The best post

I have blonde hair and blue eyes, I am 6'2, 1/32 mexican and probably a similar amount cherokee. So is the quarter choctaw why you are so butthurt? Cool it

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You're a diversity hire with a low IQ who's been forcefed propaganda.
The red/brown savages that lived here didn't have a country, let alone laws. They raped eachother so often most of the dozens of languages didn't even have a word for it. It just fell under the category of "war." Which was also common.
You study physics. Something the Red/Brown people hadn't even considered, let alone studied.
You benefit from white culture daily. Physical fitness is a white concept. University and education is a white concept. Everything you enjoy about life came from whites.
Unless you're willing to dress in skins and live off the land, migrating with seasons, shitting in holes and washing yourself in the same stream you drink from, kindly STFU about this land belonging to anyone but whites and enjoy the privilege of being here.

kys shitskin
>tall for a beaner
Still shorter than the average White
>smart for a beaner
Still dumber than the average White
>strong for a beaner
See the previous points.

Hi I’m Mixed I kicked your cop friend in the face with my steal to3 boots.

I kek'd pretty hard at this

Damn, fapping to that flapper. Need moarrrr

Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Especially, when legacy media and social media are very much pro non-white and anti-white.
All I see are smug non-whites whose narcissism and political opinions are being confirmed by Jewish media.
Things could very easily end very bad for them.
Famine, economic collapse, literally anything could light the fire.

Oh lookie here, it's another useless affirmative action subhuman coming here to talk shit.
Keep attacking white men within every aspect of life. You and your affirmative action subhumans should continue to demand more government forced lower standards, affirmative action, special programs to steal from white men within every aspect of life.
It is you affirmative action subhumans that cannot build a country worth a shit, so you parasites come up here to parasite off white men and destroy the country white men built.
The next few decades will be interesting in the USA, as your lowlife low IQ brown filth continue to gain population and continue to destroy businesses, educational institutions, the economy and your beloved government.
You useless brown garbage will turn the USA into just another majority Hispanic third world shithole, just like every area of the USA you infest.
The problem with the brown filth, like you: you filth cannot escape your garbage genetics. You brown filth cannot escape your low IQ. You brown filth cannot escape your proclivity to vote for far leftists/ socialists/ Marxists, because you brown filth are innately violent stupid lazy parasites.

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