Why does Jow Forums refuse to acknowledge this?

Why does Jow Forums refuse to acknowledge this?

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Because white men are OUR people you two faced kike.



That pic is so dumb I lost brain cells.

>hispanic shooter-BUILD THE WALL
I don't think this has ever happened.

Islamism is a real problem and in virtually every case, religion was cited as the reason. And the Muslim ban is a literal myth.

That never happened besides the one time where the guy literally was a BLM supporter and killed cops.

Curious why Asian isn't included.


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That image is just right. Exactly as it should be in a country built by huWhites

Every time a Hispanic gets on the news for something violent the comments are always filled with BUILD THE WALL stop acting like if the shooter was Hispanic Trump wouldn’t have used it for his 2020 campaign


deletet thisd

lmao, if we could get rid of the incel losers who shoot places up then we we would. There's just no option to do so cus their people have been here for so long.
Hispanics it's easy to say "Deportolo!"
Mooslims are explodey anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
Blacks are criminals, so when they shoot some place up it doesn't even make the news.

The left is cancer. While the top three are examples of ignorance that are said by few and carry very little weight the bottom statement is being made into a point of conflict on the basis of partisanship and pettiness while in all actuality it should be asked in the case of every violent outburst.




building the wall would unironically have stopped this

>Why does Jow Forums refuse to acknowledge this?

Because murders by whites are so rare in comparison to our population size that it is reasonable to ask 'why did this happen'.

Checked, OP is an irredeemable faggot.

what's wrong about this pic?

Remember the one time the shooter was Hispanic and the media just called him white anyways??
>Pepridge farm remembers

So you guys don’t hold your own accountable? Well look at that

Because it's untrue. They're saying all white shooters make all white men terrorist on main stream media. They never use any of the other examples within the main stream.

Left or right, everyone expects better of white people

People don't say that about white shooters.


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much more oriented to reality than op's who seemingly cant stop smoking dick.



>hispanics massacre people
>they make good immigrants its just racism
>muslims murder people in terroism
>they are freedom fighters its racism that made them do it.
>blacks murder
>dey dindu nuffins dey be gud bois, dey poor dey misunderstood, its raciss
>"white" murders randoms
>all white people are evil and racist ban white people, ban white nationalism etc etc

Irish, Italians, and South Europeans weren't even considered white until the 1960s. You low IQ white trash idiots deserve to be erased from the gene pool before hard working immigrants lmao

Your handlers have you shill 24/7 on here we are RACIST n shieeeeet. they acted surprised when you receive our response...…..

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I've subjected myself to your "media" all day. I can't count how many times I heard the words

Do you fucking losers ever get tired of constantly lying for bullshit propaganda game, and pushing your racist narrative?
Do you actually believe we're going to keep taking this shit? The inevitable pushback has begun, and what are you doing?
Poking the Bear?
Fucking genius. You deserve everything you've created, faggots. This isn't a fucking game.
I hope you're ready.

This. Fuck OP and his shitty thread.
They already want to memory hole the shootings so now they're just posting garbage until the next thing happens.

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Well, in reality, the cases where a no habla engles mestizo is the shooter are pretty rare.

yes they were jew. many of the founding fathers were irish and signed the declaration of independence for fuck's sake. europeans from all regions of europe immigrated and were naturalized under white-only immigration laws in the early 1800s.

there's no evidence of discrimination impacting employment rates or income levels at all at any point in time.

the burden of proof lies on you to substantiate your claims kike. but you won't

because they're typically glownigger patsies that have a handler meaning their minds were broken and are in fact mentally ill? 0/10 bait

Then your going by their definitions, is 4 really enough? That's like the sweet spot. A lot of gang bangers can easily rack up 4 kills on an enemy gang and get put on your list here. Don't you think it should be more than 6 or something like that? If it's more than 6 we could certainly come to the conclusion that it's not gang related.

White Rage

The black rage is their defense

Now when the young guy in Charleston did his shootings, they instantly convicted me which gave us lots of publicity.

The guy who just did the Jewish Center killings has just been convicted. At the beginning of his closing argument he put up on the whiteboard that “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”.

But oddly enough, nobody came after me.

One explanation for this is, the same reason they put it off with CNN, they can’t deal with me.

But all this has made me consider White Rage.

If a black man runs around killing white people, it’s because of oppression.

Now if we have white guys out killing, In The Name Of White Genocide, it may be a warning.

Isolated Black killings of whites are the result of a legitimate “Black Rage”.

So isolated killings In The Name Of Genocide, may mean that instead stopping all discussion of White Genocide, the White Rage may indicate that’s exactly what we need to discuss. Or are we going to just have people keep picking up guns?

At the moment we’ve had very isolated incidents, two of them, but should we not consider White Rage?

There is no excuse for anybody just shooting other people, on a basis like this, but it may signify that we are going to have to discuss the real issue. And that does not mean with in the current bounds.

So maybe we should start looking at these isolated two killings as White Rage.

And a warning.

The preferred method of mass-murder for spics is to drink a whole case of coronas and drive their shitty truck as fast as possible straight into a six car pileup.

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You should have thought about that numerous time in the past 300 or so years.

That there is some shit propaganda

more projection from npcs

"we need to ask ourselves how are we as a society failing these poor troubled young men, raising them in fatherless homes and letting jewish doctors pump them full of SSRI's"

Black> Just another day
White> white terrorism
Asian> remember the roof koreans
Hispanic> just another day
Depends really most of the 250 shootings have had no motive out of rage or gang violence or just random crap

the top three are solutions to a problem we already understand, the bottom are questions about a problem we don't understand, followed by a solution.

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I'm not sure if you're looking for an honest answer but its because the country is mostly white and was built by white men historically. It's also not pol it's the real world that acts in this way.

Go cry on reddit pussy bitch ass weak coon

surely the first reply is necessarily the highest in quality, the thread was destined to go downhill from this point onward

it's our country and we'll shoot it up if we fucking want to

Low IQ response. being Catholic is what categorized them as nonwhite. But you're too low IQ to appreciate that

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all of those minorities kill in numbers disproportionate to whites and are wards of the state that whites have to take care of to the tune of their own displacement and subjugation. Thats just one major difference.

The problem is that only one shooter has a bad solution. The solution for the white shooter is, of course, removing the mudbloods.

wtf are you talkionig about

leftists are already saying white men should be shot




Eat shit kikes