Charlottesville and the Leftist Civil War

>Knowledge Bomb. [Charolettesville “Unite the Right” Rally]
It was a very well planned “Perfect Storm”:

1) [Mayor knew & was involved]

The rally was a Trap, which is why the PD were told to stand down & why it was approved in the first place.

He knew a Car Attack was going to happen at/in the Rally & had memo’s/statements/tweets already pre-prepared/made.

2) [Agent Provocateurs were in the crowds]

This was on both sides. You had a mix of Natural conflict & Artificial(Staged) conflict. There job was to justify the Mayors call for NG.

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Other urls found in this thread: Law/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/)

fuck off mossad larping fgt frank

>Knowledge Bomb. [Charolettesville “Unite the Right” Rally]
3) [Leftists were bused in to attack the Rally]

They were given “free passage” by the Mayor & the PD. Cannon fodder is always needed/used for Color Revolutions.

4) [PD/NG were used to make the Right move away, which would cause the Leftists to follow]

Leftists needed to get/be in position for the Car Attack, so they used the Right as bait.

PD/NG were even told not the protect the crowds or set up anti-vehicle barricades.

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>Knowledge Bomb. [Charolettesville “Unite the Right” Rally]
5) [The “Car Attack” was a False Flag.]

Leftist organizers/herders led the Leftist crowd to the “hit spot” location. The Movie Stage was then set & Directors got in position.

At/In the “hit spot” location were Crisis Actors/Witnesses/Victims & Press. Some of which created/crafted the MSM narratives & clearly knew about things ahead of time.

A Modified Car was used & a trained Operative did the job of driving in(and reversing out) of the Crowd. The Operative escaped & a Pasty was used to take the fall for it.

6) [Helicopter saw too much]

It saw the whole Incident happen & became a “loose end”. NG vehicles were used to take it down.

(Weeks/Months ago I talked about False flags being done to blame the Right to cause Martial Law in Cities: Law/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/)

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Why so upset about anonymous5 ?


>Knowledge Bomb. The Threat of The Left.
The Left is a threat that should be/should have been taken seriously(Much like that crippled guy who showed the Persians the goat path that got the Spartans killed). They are millions of people that got social engineered into expendable/useful pawns for globalists and other interests that want to bring down The West. They are a cult of suicidal zombies.

The Left took over The West a while ago, now they wage war against anyone who fights back against them.

Education systems/buildings are nothing but brainwashing/social engineering mosques for The Left, creating more of them by damaging generations.(Left teachers/professors fill the Imam role).

Governments, corporations & media are all infiltrated by them, which causes society to degrade and collapse under their rule. All 3 are then used for demonizing/attacking anyone who fights back against The Left, to a point where they are jailed if they do fight back against The Left.

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He's a shill. Look at his claims ITT:

>3) [Leftists were bused in to attack the Rally]
The rally was organized by crypto-Leftists like Richard "Marx was kinda right" Spencer and Mike "Vote Bernie" Enoch. The entire alt-right movement is a Judeo-Bolshevik psyop to demonize people who hold nationalistic views. That... my newfag friend... is the real redpill.

>muh innocent nazi terrorist is the real victim

>Knowledge Bomb. The Threat of The Left.
The Left are backed by powerful organizations/figures that want to bring down The West(Such as Soros). They have no problems getting massive numbers for marches/riots/protests, being violent & going after peoples lives if they are going against them. The Left have connections to Islamic groups, so expect Islamic style attacks being done by/with them in the near future.

When a actual resistance to The Left wins/fights back against them, The Left creates a mass "resistance" force to crush/defeat them, which is then supported by celebs, social media/MSM & globalist backers, and even some Intel agencies.

The Left has already destroyed generations & when push comes to shove in a civil war scenario in The West, they will kill alot of people immediately.(The Left has kill/hit lists that are circulating around the networks/organizations they have.)

Not taking The Left seriously as a threat has caused The West to be on its deathbed culturally, population, spiritually & society wise.

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Any ideas why they’re speeding up the decline of your operations so rapidly?

>Knowledge Bomb. The Threat of The Left. (More Details)
READ the original thread(the "KB" wasn't put before it) first: boards.Jow

The Left should not be underestimated & its networks are becoming Security threats.

They are pawns on the chessboard, marching forward to there doom. Pawns(which shouldn't be underestimated) in chess have more important/powerful pieces behind them, which is why looking into Left protest networks/organizations matter.

Adding to what I said in the original thread(boards.Jow about Left Professors/Teachers brainwashing people en mass, Common Core is a type of brainwashing that is used to "short circuit" the mind & mess with peoples ability to rationally think.

The Left employs propaganda in all forms of Media(Video Games, TV, Movies, Social Media, MSM, etc). This is important to understand when you consider which agendas are being pushed & why if people go against the narratives/agendas they get demonized/attacked(Talked about this in the original thread: boards.Jow

They are a Cult of Suicidal Zombies(as I said in: boards.Jow An Alliance(Mental Illness/Sickness, Islam, Communism, Socialism, Feminism/SJW's) of Destruction being used by Globalists to destroy The West from the inside out.

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Take your meds, OP

>your operations

the helicopter crashed damn they are sloppy

>Knowledge Bomb. Why Terror Attacks are allowed to happen
1) [Corruption & Infiltration]

(Terror Groups, Globalists,Countries & Intel Agencies having operatives/deals/agreements on the inside)

Terror Groups & there actions are also considered "Return on Investments" for those who helped/made them.

2) [Incompetence & Overwhelmed/Overrun]

(Not being able to handle all the situation(s) & the sheer amount/frequency/type of them(You cannot stop/intercept all the plots/attacks). An uphill battle while avalanche & mudslide/landslide is happening.)

European agency's/forces have been weakened overtime so that the EU can come in with "Solutions", such as the EU Army. That and Western Europe is on track to eventually becoming a Caliphate.

3) [False Flag]

(Real Attack allowed to or does happen, Real Attack but with RRCA(Rapid Response Crisis Actors) used on scene/being nearby, "Drill", Government Done, etc)

Fear is a powerful manipulation tool, especially when you(or your organization/government/party) come in as the "Savior".

4) [Terrorists are allowed to Live.]

(Instead of filling the Body Bags with the Terrorists to stop any future Terror Attacks, they end up eventually filling those Body Bags with Civilians after the Terror Attacks.)

No Quarter & No Survivors. These Networks(Pedo & Terrorist) should be "Silenced", to cause others to come out of the woodwork to try to figure out what happened to them.

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Your failing false flags

>Knowledge Bomb. Future of the Dems/Repubs/2 Party system.
The Dems are not sustainable, and are going to implode. They keep double downing on identity politics, working with Soros & Islamic groups.

The Repubs have a opportunity to effect generations of voters, similar to how the Dems cornered certain minority blocks(And that is falling apart for the Dems). But are not acting on it as much as they should be.

The 2 Party system has a big problem, there is no longer any competition between the Party's spurring the rise of good leaders.

Both Party's have people inside them that are playing on the Globalists team, not the US's team. The Repubs & Dems have had such a mutual circlejerk for so long, the Party's turned into a Party. This isn't even factoring in the lobbying,special interests, back door deals, connections, etc

This why they(Dems & Repubs) both hate Trump, because he wants to bring back winning & competition between Party's, while being a good leader. Also because Trump came from the outside.

The 2 Party system only works, if there is competition between them.

>muh false flags
You're a fucking schizo

The last shooter was a leftist. The media, from FOX to CNN, say he was a white supremacist. Even Trump has condemned "white supremacy" thanks to these shootings. And now both Right and Left are moving towards gun control and internet censorship.. exactly what communist faggots want. The Alt-Right was from its inception a bolshevik psyop.

Is for

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Angry and inept lol

Maybe Look into the mayors of the cities where the shootings happened?
>Knowledge Bomb. Mayors with Terror connections.
Any US Mayor that supports/protects Sanctuary Cities needs to be investigated into.(Might want to make a list & look into each of them pronto).

These US Mayors all have Terror(and Criminal) connections in some shape or form. They are knowingly allowing Terrorists to set up networks/safe houses in there cities. Also something important to keep track of is which Left Protest groups & Islamic groups/organizations do they allow to operate in there cities.

And its not just the Mayors in the US, consider the Democrat Party's close ties with Left & Islamic groups.

Any European Mayor that supports/protects "Refugees" needs to be investigated into.(Such as the Mayor of London).

These European Mayors all have Terror connections in some shape or form. They are knowingly allowing Terrorist networks to set up in there cities.(Also think of how the EU Army might factor into this whole thing.)

Also look into any contact between these European Mayors & EU officials and things like that.

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>Maybe Look into the mayors of the cities where the shootings happened?
This has nothing to do with the fact Charlottesville was organized by Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch, two crypto Judeo-Bolsheviks, yet you say outside Leftists sabotaged it. You're a disinformation agent.

Richard Spencer financed all the buses, hotels, tiki torchers, Hollywood directors, drones, crisis actors, and everything else?!?


Try harder

Who said financed? I said organized. Don't use simple deflection with me, rabbi.

There has been so much escalation within the past month. I wonder what made them suddenly so desperate to get agendas rolled out.

>Knowledge Bomb. Anatomy of a Left Protest.
Left Protest Networks are organized, if you look at and into them you will find out how they work & who does what work:

Once you know who/what to look for you can bring down these networks and stop the protests/riots before they get going:

1) Scouts (Looking for protest routes, places to smash, Hotels to stay at, places for Buses/Cars to go, etc)

2) Protesters/Rioters (Can be moved around to different places, recruited, turned loose to attack or look nice for PR,etc).

3) Organizers/Handlers/Directors (Herding protest/riots, doing chants, etc)

4) Counter Ops/Narrative Controllers (MSM connections for photo--ops, Social Media monitoring, AstroTurf, etc)

5) Visual Producers (Mass production of pre-made Signs, Tee Shirts, Banners, Flags, Hats. etc)

6) Logistics (Bus Transport( and/or Car transport), mass Hotel reservations day(s) before, etc)

7) Backers/Funders (People such as the Soros)

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>Knowledge Bomb. Left protest network connections
Once you look into all these Left protest networks, the organization size is staggering. This goes beyond DistruptJ20 & Antifa. Left Protest networks are a industry/business for people that want to push agendas and cause chaos.

The Left protest networks are connected/intertwined with eachother. Leadership, funding/backers, people who take part in the protests themselves,means of transport, etc.

Left protest networks have connections to Islamic networks.(Which is why you see them working together so much lately)

Soros backs/funds a massive amount of Left protest networks, by either direct or indirect means.

The Pipeline protest networks were backed by Buffet & the "Occupy Wall Street" protest networks were backed by Koch.

The Mexican/south american nationalist Left networks in the US have Cartel connections.

China & the UN has connections to some of the Left protest networks.

Left protest networks are being radicalized & should not be underestimated & under researched/investigated into.

>fed posting intensifies

I think they’re losing their Canadian and Israeli influence shill network.
Which means they’ve lost all plans associated with it so they’re just executing all plans they have laid out

>fed posting intensifies
more deflection. doesnt address the claim. scripted response. this is why no one takes you seriously franky.

>Knowledge Bomb. Fate of The West.
Fate has issued a Ultimatum. Only one of these will happen, there is NO middle choice between to two:
1) The Left kills The West.
2) The West kills the Left.

If The West was a car, it would be swerving all over the road due to fighting inside it(Nationalism vs Globalism, Right vs Left, etc). The car is accelerating(which is why you are seeing so many things going on lately in The West & people starting to pick sides) and coming to a fork in the road, if it doesn't make a choice of where it wants to go, it will end up crashing in to the Tree between the road split and end up on the Galactic version of Live Leak.

If The West was a body, then it has some lethal Cancer(The Left). The cancer will either kill the body, or the body(to survive) would have to do treatment to kill all of the cancer.

Want The West to Live/Survive? The Left must not.
You don't need to be/know a old school globalist who can plan/see things 100 years ahead or an AI system(s) that can predict future outcomes(both are helpful don't get me wrong) to figure this out. Just look at Human History.
Also, Civilization would fall if The West falls. The Dark Ages wouldn't have shit on how much Technology progress would be delayed.

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Bumpsy bumping bump. Spencer is controlled like (((Frank Collins))). They puppet these fake extremes.

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I did not think about the fact that these operations might be Israeli/FVEY specific. Especially the right wing ones since they indirectly support some of those groups through places like Ukraine and the think tanks.

You fucking suck at blending in here.

Spot on.

>Knowledge Bomb. "Greater Israel",Samson Option & Zionists/Zionism
1) ["Greater Israel"]

It's connected to Agenda 21/24 & the MEU(Middle Eastern Union. Which is either going to be Arab controlled,Jewish controlled or a Mix of Both). The "plan" also makes for some great propaganda & Ego boosting.

"Greater Israel" isn't really possible due to the Logistics/Military & Population factors/needs. Which is why the Zionists have worked with other groups involving Destabilization of the ME, allowing for possible land grabs when the dust settles.The Zionists have also worked with other groups to create hostile environments(Islam/Muslim takeover & Anti-Semitic view) in The West, that would cause Jew's to all go back to Israel. Zionists also exploit the "victim complex" that Jew's in The West have due to Holocaust brainwashing. Since Jews living in The West can always flee to Israel, they can be manipulated(by Zionists,Social Engineers, etc) into helping destroying The West.

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>Knowledge Bomb. "Greater Israel",Samson Option & Zionists/Zionism
2) [Samson Option]

Israel Embassy's are part of this & like how during the Cold War the US placed "landmine nukes" to protect Europe's borders from large Russian force movements, Israel has something similar to protect its borders from Arab forces.

After the "6 Day War", Israel came up with a Contingency Plan/Kill-Switch that would be used if Israel was pushed to the brink of being overwhelmed. Israel has nukes(lots of them) specifically intended to be used for the Samson Option(Nukes would target/blow up everyone, allies & enemy's). This is the reason why no country attacks Israel but "Saber Rattles" alot & even if Arab country's had nukes(SA already has some), they wouldn't be used against Israel.

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It's time for you to know, user:

>Knowledge Bomb. "Greater Israel",Samson Option & Zionists/Zionism
3) [Zionists/Zionism]

Zionists/Zionism only cares about the country of Israel, not the people. Anyone regardless of Religion/Race can be them, so its not exclusively Jews who are them.

Israel is not the only country that has Zionist/Zionism like Groups/Movements that only care about the Country. Those groups/movements are called Countrism/Countrists.

I’m not clicking that

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Proof pf knowledge of car attack?

That does not change what he said, the protesters were bussed in

>Knowledge Bomb. Zombies & Bioweapons(Race & Sex)
All these talked about below exist, can be made & there for deployed/used.

1) ["Zombie" Bioweapons]

These can be done either as Virus,Bacteria or Parasite. No rising from the dead, but things like aggression, hunger, pain resistance, spread by fluids/air/creatures, infection time, etc are all part of them.

"Zombies" can be extremely effective because the greatest threat to humanity its itself & it has more "wow factor" then the typical bioweapon that just kills.

"Umbrella Corporation" entities & partnerships exist.(They handle things like Genetics, Pharmaceuticals, Super Soldiers, Clones, Chimeras/Hybrids, Artificial Wombs, Bioweapons(such as "zombies"), etc)

SJW's act very similar to Snails infected with a certain Parasite that causes them to act suicidal.

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>Knowledge Bomb. Zombies & Bioweapons(Race & Sex)
2) [Race Bioweapons]

These target each Race(Black,White, Asian, etc)

Entire Races can be eliminated with these. The real reason why Globalists are promoting/Social Engineering race mixing is so that they would eventually need just 1 type of Race Bioweapon to kill off humanity rather then several different types.

Whites don't need these types of Bioweapons used against them, Feminism is & has already exceeding expectations when it comes to destroying that Races population.

They don't need to use some kind of tech like this, they can just radicalize a patsy and then leave him high and dry after a kill team does their work. That sounds like what might have happened in El Paso.

There have to be people out there baiting people kind of like Al Qaeda and ISIS do to cells/people in the West. Can't really tell yet if the Dayton attack was a genuine leftist baited into escalation or if that operation was a team as well to simulate a retaliation incident to rile up both sides.

>Knowledge Bomb. Zombies & Bioweapons(Race & Sex)
3) [Sex Bioweapons]

These target each Sex(Male & Female).

The ones that take out the Males are good to eliminate the fighting/work force & allow you to colonize/take over places. The ones that take out the Females are good for eliminating populations entirely.(Children of Men style)

These are different then STB's(Sexually Transmitted Bioweapons) which are used for soft-kill sterilization & population control.(several STD's are actually STB's).

(Race & Sex Bioweapons can be combined to target certain parts of specific populations)

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>Knowledge Bomb. [Sandy Hook, Columbine & Vegas]
[Sandy Hook]

It was a conflict between globalist cults/groups involving the town. Symbolism is important to notice & the tactics can be used to identify groups involved in operations/incidents.

Due to the multilayered coverup that occurred, the public just thinks it’s another mass shooting & the “conspiracy” groups looking into it would only figure it was a false flag to push anti-gun agenda’s.


The shooters were groomed/abused by a pedo network that was operating out of the town. Some of the teachers were involved in it.

In their minds they targeted what they believed to be the “source” of the network & several of the killings were not random.

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>Knowledge Bomb. [Sandy Hook, Columbine & Vegas]

The shooting was a group sniper/gunmen/terror attack, something that has commonly been used in color revolution "Springs"(Arab, Ukraine & US). It also has similarities with the Dallas Sniper(which was part of a similar operation) & ISIS attacks.

Predictive programming was also used involving Marilyn Manson getting hit by guns from above at a concert with a purple(color revolution hinting) background.

If you map out the locations of Yellowstone, Groom Lake & Denver International Airport they form a triangle. Pyramids create triangle shadows, in this case the shadow points to Groom Lake which is near Vegas. In Vegas they have a pyramid, who's shadow casts pointing to/at the kill-zone location. The hotel, pyramid & kill-zone form a triangle. (Symbolism)

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>Knowledge Bomb. Operation Mockingbird & the term "Conspiracy Theory"
Operation Mockingbird was a program by the CIA to influence & take over the US MSM. It never ended.

The MSM is filled with Intelligence agency people(From the MSM to even local news) & Intel Agencies keep funding MSM outlets so they don't go under.

Operation Mockingbird uses Psy-Op's on the public. The way they talk, look, present the news & craft the narratives. If OM was ended you would see a Day/Night difference in how the MSM acts and does things.

The term "Conspiracy Theory" was invented by the CIA as a way to smear & label people, also as a way the public to dismiss things as "crazy". The CIA also invented several other words if people dig deeper into how they did the "Conspiracy Theory" term and apply that to other things.

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>Knowledge Bomb. How the Tech Company's plan on betraying the IC
Tech Company's & the IC have had a cozy relationship for a long time. With the IC setting up/working with the Tech Company's for R&D & "off the record" projects.

Everything the IC has, the Tech Company's know inside and out. This is due to The IC(when it's not building things in-house) relying on Tech Company's for equipment and things like that.

Tech Company's have turned into an IC of there own. Mass databases, facial recondition, etc. Tech Company's have very similar(in some cases identical) tools as the IC.

But here is the thing, the Tech Company's have lots of connections & make many deals that the IC isn't fully aware of when it comes to certain things. Such as [Back-Doors]

[Back-Doors] exist in all of IC's tech. Which means many different organizations/agencies can get into them and use them.(This is very ironic consider the IC uses [Back-Doors] in tech for spying & sabotage.)

The Deep State, Competing IC agency's(They sabotage eachother) & Foreign IC(China,Israel,Globalist IC networks, UK, Europe, etc) can get into them to use them. (Whole IC Agency's tech is likely compromised & could even be simultaneously shut down).

Some Globalists consider Tech Company's more important then the IC when it comes to Endgame goals. While both the IC & Tech Company's are means to an end & have different roles/usages, the Tech Company's are closer to some Globalist groups then to the Country's & Governments they work with.

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>Knowledge Bomb. [Awan Brothers]
The Awans are Pakistan IC Agents & DWS was aware of the whole thing.

They got Intel on India from the DNC(Who is working with China) about Troop movements & positions. If WW3(Pakistan vs India vs China) starts/happens, the Awans & DNC are partially responsible.

India was/is planning it’s own version of Turkey’s “Operation Euphrates Shield”, against Pakistan. As China is/was planning on pushing India out of the disputed area’s.

Keep track of Border Conflicts/Clashes between all 3 Countries & Military Movements.

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do you deny bolshies were bussed in by numerous corporate outfits to break up the unite the right rally?

Bump. Fuck the Virginia State Police for not keeping the peace that day. And fuck all the Democrat politicians involved.

Both sides were bussed in.
>Knowledge Bomb. The Blurring line between the Left & Terrorism
The Left want to destroy the West, so do Terrorists. Which is why both of them work together & are allies of eachother, to a point where the Left help smuggle them around and/or protect them in the social sense.

In Europe the "refugees welcome"/Open Borders Left groups are in bed with the enemy in more ways then one, compromising security.

In the US the connections between Left organizations & Islamic groups are growing stronger by the day.

There will come a point in time where the Left & Terrorism will be the same thing & be done by the same groups of people in the West.

If a Left group/organization/movement is getting Soros money, it needs to be exposed pronto.

The defeat the Left, make it fight itself & turn them on eachother.

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The police didn't stand down. They formed a chain and riot shield wall and pushed us out of the park straight into a crowd of violent antifa faggots.

>Knowledge Bomb. NoFap,Child Free & MGTOW
These are all forms of Social Engineering being done:

1) [NoFap]

(The origin of it is connected to the "Sub & Dom"/"Whips & Chains" & Cuckolding Fetishes due to how the the Men are being punished/tortured sexually. Masturbation is not the problem, its the effects Porn has(Social Engineering & making people addicted to it) that is the problem.)

2) [Child Free]

(It's Social Engineering designed to reduce Birth Rates & replace the Joy/Fulfillment of having a Family/Kids with Material Possession & Consumerism.)

3) [MGTOW]

(This form of Social Engineering is designed to Turn Men against Women(Similar to Feminism turning Women against Men), Reduce Birth Rates due to lack of Family's & Collapse society by making less Men want to get involved with it.) lol

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Mods and Jannys are cucks

Jannys do it for free gold passes
Mods do it to blow Rape Ape

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Mods = Fags.
>Knowledge Bomb. [New CPP/PG Information]
1) [CPP is always has surveillance on/in it. Many different DC groups have meetings in CPP, it's a "neutral" zone that is also protected/guarded.]

CPP isn’t the only “neutral” zone in DC & the owners of them(such as James) have/do a role/purpose.

2) [James & CPP was turned into a "Sacrificial Lamb" to take the blame/fall/"Several Thousand Autistic Eyes" Attention so that the actual DC Trafficking locations would not be discovered. The "Shooter" wasn't just a False Flag, it was a warning to James.]

No one told him that he & CPP was made/turned into the "Sacrificial Lamb". After he finally realized/figured it out, James was planning on doing something with the Press. Originally they were going to kill him("Sacrificial Lamb"), but decided to instead scare/threaten him as to not get more Eyes looking into the East Coast Network that DC is apart of.

3) [Everyone was so focused on the Owner(James), that no one looked at the Employees and/or possible Social Media Staff when it came to the Social Media Posts.]

CPP has more resources/backing then your normal pizza place. It has/requires PR for both the Public & for the Groups who have meetings in/at it.

4) [The focus on CPP/PG was designed(By Podesta, Brock & MSM) to distract from the DC Trafficking/Pedo Network & Podesta’s Emails.]

Thousands of DC VIP’s are compromised or involved in the DC Pedo/Trafficking Network & Podesta’s Emails could have brought down the DNC.

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It’s okay Jannies

I will make you learn

Fuck off frank

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>The police didn't stand down.

They did though. They are supposed to stand between the two sides using barricades to keep the sides apart. The Virginia State Police stood motionless off to the side, and the Charlottesville City police weren't even allowed to go outside of the police station.

fuck off frank i'm serious. I will rape you. I've done it before and I'll do it again

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Are you really admitting on Jow Forums that you have raped people before?

Frank is not human, he is master and commander of the spine beetles, an operation he runs from the safety of his D.U.M.B. (Deep Underground Mother's Basement)

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You’ve really lost it haven’t you?

>You’ve really lost it haven’t you?
said frank of all people

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You have yet to get my name right.


was a spergfest go back to 8chump

Spencer is a rat fuck. Always knew it.

You shills do nothing but confirm my suspicions. Thanks. Psyop confirmed.

fuck off frank

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Oy veytro your wrong

This is all very entertaining and amusing

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Dude Frank is back and more fucking stupid than ever.
Dinosaurs didn't have feathers.
You always use / to join two synonymous words. Always fuck your apostrophe up like an idiot.

Eat shit!

[helicopter knew too much]
They took "it" down?

People see things, they kill people who notice their nigger tier psyOPs.

Bump for important thread.

>It was a very well planned “Perfect Storm”:
>1) [Mayor knew & was involved]
>The rally was a Trap, which is why the PD were told to stand down & why it was approved in the first place.
100% true.
This is the left using the power of the state against their opponents.
Think of what they will do after Trump.

Hey Card.

Nanny Jannys are super gay tonight

They Banned Anon5 but can’t ban Card

Your mother was a CIA whore of the worst kind

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Hey user

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>Think of what they will do after Trump.

They’ll Wipe out the right

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The left bused in goons to attack the Unite the Right rally, with the consent of the mayor and chief of police.

The key to understanding the Charlottesville op, is Brennan Gilmore's role

>"Casual" witness.
>Just happened to be there ( like Richard gutyahr)
>Sets the talking points for the media
>( Muh Nazis ... Antifa are peaceful saints etc etc)
>Brennan just happens to be CIA
>Pure coincidence goyim ,,, move along...