Is anyone seriously worried

Trump will take away their guns?

I mean, the man has never done anything he said he would, why would he start now?

Attached: yep.jpg (600x609, 46K)

He hates them, his daughter hates them and the 'conservatives' only know how to lose and fold on horrible legislation after tragedies, for example the horribly anti 1A anti-semitism laws, all of thme should get booted for that.

hurrr shill harder trump 2020 miga errr uhhh i mean magawooooo

just going off of his record so far Trump
>tells people he's going to do something
>they get excited
>exactly 1 news cycle later he decides not to lol
>everyone forgets this is what he always does

He signaled support for red flag laws more than once. Now other Republican politicians are following suit because his boomer base liked red flag laws now. I'm not saying it will happen, but it sure could.

Oh man Trump never keeps his promise cause orange. Oh he gonna take da guns. I now won't vote orange. Oh orange so bad not like nice Clinton lady I voted for. I give up my orange man support today cause of broken promise to do things. I wish I could never have voted for orange. It reminds me of the many hours I work on Clinton campaign, she never break promises, never lie, it was her turn, then Russian Nazi orange won worst day of my life. So today I say miga kushner bibi, why not try socialism? Gun control, and ubi, and universal healthcare like Europe is the only obvious choice. So today I renounce my previous orange ways, it's too much with him telling his incel shooters to kill all the browns.

Could be just his frustration as well. I'd bet that he thought that being president meant that he could do whatever he wanted, but when he came face to face with checks and balances, and the fact that he's stacked his cabinet with neocon pussies, he's realized that all he could do is stoke his base in order for him to be elected again so he could buy more time to set up deals/policies/hire people that could work.

Attached: anyone want an avocado.jpg (339x360, 67K)

If he takes away leftist guns, he'd win the entire country.

I'm not. it's election suicide.

have sex

Its was his go to strategy even when he had majorities in both houses and it doesn't seem to matter who he's cutting a deal with.
for example
>tell dems you're going to cut a deal on dreamers
>they get excited
>1 news cycle passes
>lol actually no I'm not going to do that

>tell neocons you're going to bomb iran
>they get excited
>exactly 1 news cycle passes
>lol actually no I'm not going to do that

what happens in congress is another story but Trump himself is a literally do nothing troll.

It’s possible he thinks he has to play the centrist before the election, with hopes that he can enact his promised conservative agenda after the election, like the opposite of what Obama did before his re-election. However, I don’t believe Trump will ever get his Congressional majority back, so any planned actions will have to be EO’s, which is not what people want. Overall, I am not optimistic about what Trump might do in pursuit of what he thinks centrists will like him for doing.

Many people are single issue voters when it comes to guns. If he gives another inch on guns he'll not only lose my support, but I'll actively campaign and meme against him, and my memes are potent unlike leftist memes.

Oh man Trump never keeps his promise cause orange. Oh he gonna take da guns. I now won't vote orange. Oh orange so bad not like nice Clinton lady I voted for. I give up my orange man support today cause of broken promise to do things. I wish I could never have voted for orange. It reminds me of the many hours I work on Clinton campaign, she never break promises, never lie, it was her turn, then Russian Nazi orange won worst day of my life. So today I say miga kushner bibi, why not try socialism? Gun control, and ubi, and universal healthcare like Europe is the only obvious choice. So today I renounce my previous orange ways, it's too much with him telling his incel shooters to kill all the browns.

What do you expect from Donald Trump? That he says >"hey really good that some Mexicans got killed at Walmart."..???? . He blames video games and the mass media lol.. He is still on our side and won't take your guns away from you, so stop crying.

No, you won’t. Not a single Dem has a good policy on guns, and that’s our only other option. Trump has us held hostage to his whims. He’s the only one holding back the leaky dam of impending gun control legislation and he is looking bored as fuck at his one important job.

I'm counting on the retards in the Democratic party to be intransigent demanding an assault rifle ban and to torpedo anything they try to do.

But it is scary, like go to Breitbart right now and there is no mention of the red flag laws or any attempt to hold Trump's feet to the fire. Eventually a critical mass of Republicans will crack on this.

>I'm counting on the retards in the Democratic party to be intransigent demanding an assault rifle ban and to torpedo anything they try to do.
Its more likely they'll just refuse to move on anything that has immigration reform tied to it

the real question is how many """mass shootings""" can they get before election
my read is this is an attempt to make an election issue that smells better than support of illegals and trannies

If 50 dead fags, 20 dead kids, 58 dead CMT good ol boys, a church with a few blacks in it, and a few movie connoisseurs can’t get shit passed then a few dead randoms won’t either. Bump stocks were extremely low hanging fruit that ultimately ended up in mass non compliance. I got a feeling prices will rise a short while then this’ll all blow over.

He always follows through with cucking though.
>says we should ban bump stocks
>bans them a year later

this is just the beginning of the end of the game
they have played their card. it's accelerationism
it's not just the end of the good but also the end of the bad. this is a time to celebrate. the end is nigh

I like at least the fact that he's not doing anything for anyone, which means that the centrist neoliberals get as much as die hard trump supporters. Still shitty though.

If Trump flips on guns I absolutely would turn on him and support Tulsi, largely out of spite. Democrats have no hope of passing gun control, but Trump could probably drag a couple RINOs along and get it passed, therefore he's the greater potential threat. I don't think he'll flip, but if he does, I'm out.


No, you don’t understand. He only keeps the shitty promises.

No, because it's impossible without millions upon millions of Americans dead