>American Psychological Association CEO responds to mass shootings by saying mental illness isn't to blame
>simultaneously throws undiagnosed mentally ill under the bus and virtue signals about gun grabbing and muh haets peach
And (((psychologists))) still pretend like they're a real science.
American Psychological Association CEO responds to mass shootings by saying mental illness isn't to blame
According to APA CEO
>We don't know who will commit violence until they establish a history of violence
So they're useless to us.
That is beyond fucked up. Who in their right mind would say this isn't a mental illness issue.
You really are getting fucked on all fronts.
>APA saying something
Who gives a fuck, they have already revealed themselves to be incompetent ten fold.
Logical smart people
Yes it’s Mossad.
psychologists also now say that wanting to surgically mutilate your genitals because you're some kind of magical, never hitherto known type of gender is perfectly normal and not crazy at all.
L. Ron Hubbard knew: psychologists are psychos.
No shit, these people are leaving manifestos for a reason. Take them at their word. This is the beginnings of a political war. Far left vs far right violence is the new norm. Idk how we can stop it.
The fact you cannot understand the deeply disturbing mindset you have to have in order to kill people actually scares me.
> overwhelming majority
You don't need an overwhelming majority, or even a plurality. You just need a few as mass shooters are relatively uncommon.
>but they now classify masculinity as a mental disorder.
I suspect there are jews to blame for this.
>You just need a few as mass shooters are relatively uncommon.
Why are "mass shooters" regarded separately from regular gun violence? Why focus on a single psycho instead of the other thousands?
It's mind control and jewish occultism. Of course golems will deny it.
We train people to do it all the time. Literally, it's a constant ongoing effort.
Calling this a mental health problem is just a cop out. Especially from the party of "socialism is bad! also, everything is socialism!". What is the GOP proposing we do about mental health? Universal healthcare?
They're just making feel-good noises so their base can tell liberals, "nuh-uh, our politicians ARE doing something and it ISN'T guns".
"Mental ilness" is their product. Nobody shits on their own product.
>cutting off your dick because it turns you on the be the qt grill isn't a mental disorder
>playing video games is a mental disorder
Yeah, who cares what the APA says?
This is basically avocation of racial cleansing
The American Psychological Association routinely published the biggest tripe within medicine. That they believe theyre taken seriously by anyone besides other 100IQ intellectuals who fell for the psych meme at uni is cute.
t. an actual MD
Trump needs to come out and say it, it's a glow nigger problem. Without feds posting propaganda on chans riling up ugly incels, these mass shootings wouldn't happen.
The majority of shootings are done by african-americans, not white kids with mental illnesses. The white kids shooting up their schools are on SSRIs and coming out of fatherless homes.
Gun ownership has hardly changed but no one was shooting up schools in the 50's and 60's.
no blaming video games is simplistic
Is the apa logo a fucking menorah?
Well, it's true. People with mental illness are no more likely to be violent than the GP. However, they are ten times more likely to be victims of violence than the GP, so if anything, we should be arming the retards.
all the shooters have personality disorders. they require insight so that people change their shit habits, which not everyone has. no amount of money or counseling is going to grant people insight. the root of the problem is lonely loser people
greek letter psi you fucking mongoloid
nice numerals user, have a (you)
you're wrong tho, if our glows didn't brainwash us the glows from the other side would and it would be worse. those glows are basically your babysitters, angry young man. can't let anyone else harness your energy
>you aren't mentally ill if you go out and kill a bunch of people
Oh I guess that makes you normal then, huh
tarrant wasn't a loser last I checked
he fucked chicks when he was younger but that isn't everything. he felt disenfranchised and was a narcissist
Exactly this. They lost all credibility when they cucked to the trans issue.
get a load of this pleb kek
>you're wrong tho, if our glows didn't brainwash us the glows from the other side would and it would be worse. those glows are basically your babysitters, angry young man. can't let anyone else harness your energy
Seriously the best "explanation" I've heard for Glowies.
None of this is surprising. Psychology as an institution jumped the shark when they took homosexuality off the DSM.
America at this point is a culture in total decline, it is filled with corruption upon corruption and lobby upon lobby that even trying to fix anything is impossible, as a culture it can't even decide on what the problems are or what is even real. Don't expect to get honest discussions on it nowadays because so many lobbys are interested in it financially and power wise, basically every killer of this type comes from a fucked up, fatherless home but good luck raising that as a topic it's more abstract. To simpletons it's easier to say "guns bad - ban guns" as opposed to discussing family units.
Check out pic related, a based poster from yesterday.
As for the mass shooters, it's deliberately done to stoke fear and usually targeted specifically at "assault weapons" (even though statistically, they kill fuck all people). More people die in Chicago every year from guns than were killed in mass shootings in the whole country combined. But Chicago has super strict gun laws and those killings are always done with illegal handguns.
high school level screencap desu senpai
Well, that settles it.
No you sperg it's the greek "psi". You know, for psychology.
will cars be banned next? they seemingly are more of a threat than a gun in america.
>less cars than guns
>still more deaths than guns
when will the madness end? ban assualt cars now.
>Gaming is a mental disorder
>chopping off your dick is normal
>Forcing your kids to transition is a human rights
>mass shootings isn't a mental health problem anymore
God I fucking hope ebola comes here soon and wipes it all clean
Father in law was bipolar and crazy as shit.
We couldn't manage him.
Assisted living/nursing home couldn't manage him.
He finally died.
Peace at last.
>poster posted yesterday
>summerfag tier posts
>no anons begging to be in the screencap
i can confirm that it is in fact summer, i know because i looked at the calendar and the board is full of summerfags
Fucking, did people not learn anything after what happened with Eitka? The guy is a perfect example of the mental health issues thats plaguing America that people refuses to acknowledge and help with.
>every country has the same fundantal culture of civilization
Goodnight Mr. PhD guy
Murdering people is normal human behavior. Okay cool. Glad to know psychiatrists.
>Calling this a mental health problem is just a cop out.
That's because they don't want anybody to think critically on the issue, because once you reach the end of that rabbit hole, you begin to find out what makes modernity so shitty (consumer capitalism, sexual degeneracy, oversocialization, modern technology, dissolution of the family, etc).
it's not even a real science
Is that why I’m almost about to quit Jow Forums Bc of all the Fucking stupid posts? It wasn’t that bad last year. I hardly noticed.
Watch it, bipolar is inheritable. Your husband might be a ticking time bomb.
How about both the mentally ill and guns are both not to blame?
mental illness isnt even real. maybe fucking stupid maybe actually needs locked up but they need to do something first.
not even baiting but murder has been with us since the beginning buddy
>psychological scientists
>Why are "mass shooters" regarded separately from regular gun violence? Why focus on a single psycho instead of the other thousands?
Because over 95% of all gun crime in the Jewnited States is commited by Democrat voters.
The last 5% and their rifles are still a huge thread to Jewish domination.
They are saying to turn back towards traditional family and values. Duh.
AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH They are so fucking dumb it hurts. Nice partisan slant you fucking morons. At least get an MD and a neuroscience PhD.
Just focus on the content, you actual morons.
>And (((psychologists))) still pretend like they're a real science.
And yet this is who republicans want the power of gun grabbing to.
FPBP. Best post of the day, actually.
>I-I'm not a summer fag I swear!!!
deep post faggot
Yea, Ive read that, but isnt it a part of the family resemblance model that they are a danger to themselves and others?
I didn't think they even counted as a medical journal. I never see them referenced like I do the AJP or journal of psychopharm
And if the first time a mass shooter is violent is the mass shooting, no amount of gun control is useful either.
This is like the CDC saying the outbreak of flu isn’t related to disease.
Actually, it appears they dicksuck both sides of the aisle. Can somebody explain to me what this PAC wishes to accomplish?
Id guess a large chunk of gun violence in the USA is blacks people shooting each other and or others
Can't focus on that because it's racist tho
They also don't have any decent ideas on how to implement a system to address it.
Healthcare is prohibitively expensive for a lot of people, nobody wants to incur the extra cost of seeing a shrink (and anti depressants are a meme). Plus they might just say you're a mental health risk and take your guns away because they conflate being depressed about the world with wanting to murder everybody.
They certainly wouldn't want to put money into it and if it *did* go into it it would mostly go to useless administrators and not front line care. Plus they don't want to take money away from useless overseas ventures.
But... felons aren't allowed to own guns. And in my state domestic abuse makes you unable to legally own a firearm.
Gee I wonder....
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It's just science goy. White male violence is an epidemic and must be stopped.
Kids take SSRIs because it's fun. Duh.
police officers like to beat their wives user
>American Psychological Association
They also say that being a straight white male is a mental illness so....
(((They))) can go fuck themselves.
Yes. The real answer is that all the boys are actually gay and need to have more anal sex and suck more dicks. To do otherwise would be against All The Science We Have.
It's never been about reducing the amount of victims. Trucks of peace and the recent KyoAni arson prove that you can very well cause a higher number of casualties with no guns whatsoever than a shooting will cause. Why is murder only considered a problem when guns are involved even when attacks that involve no guns are typically deadlier?
>what are serial killers
Is Psychology the biggest pseudo-science in all time?
They've been tainted since around the turn of the 20th century. Nothing made me lose respect for the APA quite like reading about how they, a supposedly rigorously scientific organization, removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses by a vote. It only exists nowadays to give an undeserved air of scientific legitimacy to lefty bullocks.
t. Board certified psych
Well, it's easier and it also defends the status quo better. For at least half the country gun rights are a non-issue that they wouldn't even notice losing, and all those people vote blue, which also happens to be the side leading the charge against them. As long as nothing actually happens on the grand stage, debating the removal of something that not everyone cares about (and then doing little) is pretty safe.
What wouldn't be safe is discussing the sorts of radical changes necessary to put fathers back in the home. If anyone were to prove that such changes are not only beneficial but vital, and that it's worth trampling whatever we have to trample to get there, that'd be a terrifying revelation which would demand action. There'd be no procrastinating then...or so we think.
As always, the ego defends against change.
to bad the fbi conclusion is that more guns in the hands of civilans prevent the death of inocent lifes and stop mass shooters dead in the track.
Because sane people are mass murderers. Just because you have a phd don't mean you're very smart.
Hundreds of millions of the mentally ill go without committing mass murders while every day gun owners kill people. Where is your compassion user?
what makes you say he was a narcissist
That makes no sense. The claim is not that the mentally ill are violent, but that the shooters are mentally ill.
And also, isn't a "history of violence" drives in mental illness?
>just a bunch of anti-semites
its how they get their word and of course jews never do their own fighting. they never do anything too btw. useless niggers
Most homicides are "heat of passion crimes." I would put mass shooters in the same category as serial killers or most anyone who actually plans a murder in terms of being off the rails.
More like MicroDick
This is a purely partisan statement. Saying that mental illness isn't the whole problem is fine, but then saying that access to guns is the whole problem is just incoherent
>t. Neuroscientist
Is your image available as a text file somewhere?
Ya it makes no sense...
If this was considered mentally healthy behavior you'd see mass killings every single day, since it would only take like 0.00001% of the mentally healthy population to have a bad day and go into some fit of rage.
That obviously doesn't happen so the only explanation is mental illness.
I think the APA is able to play word games here since they state it as something like "not diagnosed or seeking diagnosis" which means they don't account for the possibility that these people are just undiagnosed mentally ill people who never thought to seek treatment, and since a good percentage of these shootings end in the perpetrator committing suicide, it's not possible for them to ever be diagnosed.
These manifestos make no sense, why write one as if you will die for you cause and then give up peacefully ? Its like they trying to convince people they are prepared to die, why do this ?
They know they are not going to get killed to begin with, the manifesto is made up bullshit to use as a weapon against websites they deem threat, who decided. Funny how manifestos were never a thing, suddenly they have become a weapon to get websites closed down. Its fucking bullshit. Its obvious these manifestos are a leftist tool being used to shutdown certain websites,they are waving them about as if they are some legal document and everybody should believe what they are. Bullshit made up fake shite .
In a sane world, psychologists would have the same social status as pedophiles and murderers.
Based and Red Pilled.
This is great. They are just showing everyone how useless they truly are. Years later, like the media, they will wonder why no one trusts them.
Some have coherent ideologies and go the route of propagandists of the deed. Most are just lonely, sexless young men. Very few are like Loughner and legit out of their minds.
What tremendous skills these psychologists are endowed with where they are able to diagnose Trump with Alzheimer's and Narcissistic Personality Disorder by reading short tweets but a sprawling incoherent manifesto with highly paranoid ideology is just way too fucking hard to crack.
They’re right, it’s demonic possession, chek em
not sure, probably