if the restart button is hit, is it possible to survive God's wrath?
Will God flood us again?
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No flood. God promised to think of another way to wipe us out.
God isnt real you delusional retards
This. The rainbow is a promise of no future global floods to kill off the lawless.
Ask Jesus into your heart. He is the way, the truth and the life. He loves you so much.
I hope so. That ark looks very comfy, but I'm pretty sure i'll drown like an ant down the drain or I'll get washed off deck and be shredded to pieces by a pack of great whites following the ark.
The destruction will not come from nuclear attack, asteroid, nor volcanoes or flooding. The next purge of Earth will come from the inner core. All those luxury bunkers that the rich have spent money on are not going to help them.
>will God flood us again?
No, its earthquakes and fire this time.
Shut the fuck up, heathen fleshbag.
no, The next time God destroys the earth it will be with fire.
i am not worry about god flooding us i am worry of asteroids hitting the earth or fucking supervolcano blowing up....
watch that you will be amazed
t. seething atheist
go suck Jamals cock
The next one is FIRE.
Wonder why gays chose a rainbow as "their" symbol
Yes, we get fucked by the almighty every 12,000 years whether we do good or not. And the next one is coming in a few decades. Prepare you anus.
Next one is fire. Bright beautiful cleansing fire.
This time it will not be a flood, it's supposed to be 4 years under jew tyranny (living hell for non jews) then the arrival of the savior and all jews and traitors put to death. Then world peace.
The beginning of the 4 years is likely starting in 2020 or 2022.
With what Trump pulled today I think he may in fact be the Antichrist, We all had our faith in him fixing it all and then today for no reason wants hate speech laws (jewish noahide laws actually). A satanic jew shoots up a Walmart and a satanic antifa shoots up a bar on a satanic holiday and blacks shoot up everything all the time that somehow calls for laws against white people.
no we get fire, the asteroid that just missed us by was the warning, it was god saying
im coming for you fuckers!
this too but I don't think we're due for that yet.
The sun "might" go mini nova again though....
one can only hope
The great flood may have been much longer ago than we all think, star charts show that the earth passed through Haleys comet tail and picked up its water, the earth then took incorporated the water mass and flooded until it cracked.
We've been here much longer than we're taught. There is no doubt about it.
next is fire
That would be a sun mini nova.....
earth was neverflooded, sorry morons
No. He promised noah he would never flood the world again. But hes got no problem raining fire on a city.
God if you are real... flood this bitch please. You really fucked up and you should take responsibility and fix it.
It is a right and correct prayer to pray that Jesus returns quickly.
No. The rainbow is a promise to never destroy the world by water. However. He will destroy the world in the end with fire. In fact Jesus said people will be living, marrying, eating drinking life as normal... until the day he returns. Just as they were living normally...until the flood came. Repent and believe the Gospel. Jesus Christ is a perfect savior who will raise up those who know him and await his return on the last day. Turn to Christ while God has given you time.
>Peak fedora posting
"u did this"
lol no. god said he wouldn't flood the world again.
that's how I know global warming can't be true
those deemed not worthy shall die, are you ready to accept your fate?
and the only secret is to just not be fearful - read enough and you realize that there is not chance, there is not reasoning for us as we have no idea what is real. just accept your fate and be at one. if you die, you die, if you don't you will suffer and then death will be defeated and those who died will be resurrected. pain is always temporary. use childbirth as an example: it is said to be the worst pain, yet women go on to have many children. the same is with life as this is our example to live by as it gave us life.
It's supposed to be fire this time, isn't it?
Wait, so is this what happened to Mars, like a long time ago?
Are you worthy?
The point of it wasnt so much to cleanse the earth of sinners but rather to kill nephilim who wouldve tainted the Christ bloodline
Yes. So far in the history of everything we've all survived every single god's wrath
This time will be fire user. Sorry. We will be given the same chance every other cycle has. Two messiahs will show up and depending on which one humanity aligns with and wins the conflict we will be judged.
Every 12,068 years the sun lets off a mininova and depending on what side of the planet it impacts will determine if a flood, fire or both will happen, and it will always cool down to start a new ice age.
This has nothing to do with religion, this has nothing to do with the bible, it's just the way it is.
Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus called the Femin Virus(FV). A bio-terrorism outbreak. These "people" mutate and become Demons. Cures don't work and picking off the occasional FV mutation has done nothing.
It's spread in the blood,DNA, bodily fluids and can spread like a STD/STI.
> Categories relating to virus infection!
Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)
Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)
Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)
Hosts(People that have the virus)
Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)
Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)
Spreaders(People infected with the virus that spread the virus)
Infected(People infected by the virus)
HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)
Mutation(physical changes to all body systems).
> How to spot the infection!
Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc
Any woman that is pro-abortion is FV infected.
Any woman that is feminist is FV infected
Any woman that is anti-(white)male is FV infected
Any man or woman that is transgender or drag/cross-dressing is FV infected
Any man or woman that is a pedophile is FV infected.
Again? When was the first time?
you mean the wrath of the tricksters who run the Great Pyramids
No, but a great freeze is imminent.
What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?
The sun has cycles
In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:
· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally
· Weaker jet streams
· Increased volcanic activity
· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes
· More erratic and unpredictable weather
· Substantially increased precipitation and drought
· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods
· Massive crop loss and food shortages
· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles
Even NASA admits it's a big deal archive.is
The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles
US history has been significantly impacted by the last two GSMs
>So here's what's happening now
The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.
The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.
Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.
Like the 'year without a summer'
But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones
More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures
Grand Solar Minimum Channel
you mean the wrath of the tricksters who run the Great Pyramids
>Two messiahs will show up and depending on which one humanity aligns with and wins the conflict we will be judged.
I'll align with the alcoholic one.
No, God promised not to wipe out the world with water.
He is coming back to wipe out the earth with fire.
with water again*
And all this time I thought it was light getting refracted in water droplets.
Jesus loves wine, user.
You mean the jewish god that jews brought into the Roman Empire, the one that Constantine used to unify a fragmented empire? The one that Germans adopted to unify their tribes? The one that's sole purpose in late antiquity was strictly utilitarian for Westerners? That god no longer serves a purpose. That god is dead.
2046 is when it will happen and I will be glad to be rid of all of you sheep.
I will cheer on my death knowing all of you will be shitting your pants, screaming "oh god why me"!!
is that you Wolfgang
The entire point of the rainbow after the flood was a sign that this won't happen again.
Ancient Pagans thought the world happened in cycles however, so after the flood, they thought that this will all happen again, and essentially thought of a triune model for God after this. Creator, destroyer, renovator. Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna.
>the rainbow after the flood was a sign that this won't happen again.
Why did the gods make the promise? Because Noah cooked up some of the ark animals and they like the smell? Of BBQ?
Vegans BTFO.
It will be fire next time. Sodom and Gomorrah was just a teaser desu
>will God flood us again?
God, I hope so.
Did you not read the book of Genesis?
No it´s Gabriel.
Why can't Jesus just be on earth all the time?
water = physical act
satan is flooding us with a spiritual flood of shit
via shit skins across the border as they are made
of water and we're also being flooded with all of
the psychotic behaviour from him too that's the
spiritual flood and satans work around for not
being able to destroy earth with water anymore.
>There is only one god and that is Jesus Christ
See here's the problem with christcucks. They throw around shit like pascals wager, and so on but the very nature of this one little line "the only god is jesus christ" creates a big problem. It presupposes that Christianity is the one true religion/god but literally every theistic religion ever has said the same thing. So even if you wanted to be a good lad and go to heaven whose to say that the christfags are right and not the thousands of other religions that have come and gone? You'd think believing in a divine creator would be good enough with all that uncertainty but NO, you have to pick only one because they are all mutually exclusive to each other. So here's my question to you, what if I accept jesus christ as the one true grand puba God of gods and then when I die I find out that it's actually the Buddha, the ice cream bunny, Odin, Mickey Mouse or whoever. Do the Christians give me any sort of consolation prize for being wrong? Do I at least get an apology when we are all roasting in hell for picking incorrectly? Serious replies only.
Its possible since humans are reaching the levels of depravity that existed pre-flood.
Christians will claim there's a lot of historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ.
I think the next thing on the schedule is the conflagration.
The floods happen mid cycle about 6k years in.
Evidence is the realm of science, religion is based on faith. Lots of religions claim historical evidence complete with holy relics, extensive histories, great works and monuments, pilgrimage sites etc. What makes any of them more correct than the other?
>Theyre trying to force Gods hand
It is 2022 when two thirds will be culled.
The rainbow represents His promise not to drown us anymore.
Genesis 9:11 (RHE) I will establish my covenant with you, and all flesh shall be no more destroyed with the waters of a flood, neither shall there be from henceforth a flood to waste the earth.
Now the faggot priests are killing us. (HE didn't say anything, though, about a conflagration.)
The Great Flood happened around 5,000 years ago, the result of a meteor that struck the Indian Ocean at the time. (Burckle Crater) God has rebooted humanity many times.
Science nowadays is also based on faith.
I'm not defending them, I'm just giving you an example of why they'd claim their "God" is the real one.
Russia will send it's entire army through turkey in one night. Meet me in SA. An old south African seer saw it way before we reached this point.
Look up Seiner Van Rensberg.
He was a true seer. He helped the Boer survive against the Brits.
He saw that Russia would Nuke the US. Then all the whites move to SA for a big battle.
I believe Orania and the founders of suidlanders were guided by this guys visions.
No. He will scorch the Earth with holy fire this time.
Checked and blessed.
I reckon that Revelations is cyclical until the last days. The Gospel guided believers through the collapse of the Roman Empire and set the foundation for the Western Civilization. When the West Falls hold on to that Bible you're gonna need it.
Look where the Romans are now...
Look up the Jebusite hypothesis. Bathsheba was married to a hitite, so she likey was also a canannite. The two genelogies of Jesus show he was descended from David twice. Onces from the tainted line of Solomon (a reprobate that lost salvation) and in Mary a Israelite lineage.
A virgin birth eliminated the tainted Solomon genetic.
My brit negro, I hope you surive. Alcohol can fuel love but it can fuel negative ego too
We're in hell, there's no god here.
the same reason the Spanish built their churches on the former temple grounds of the Aztecs and Incas
Rome was corrupted by all kinds of degeneracy and when the Empire fell, the Gospel was there to pick up the pieces
I cant go but I will read Seiner Van Rensberg.
I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. All that matters is that today, /pol stood against many. Keks please you, so grant me this one request. Grant me the memes! And if you do not laugh, then to the HELL with you!
Du bist ein Sohn Gottes, nein?
Gott ist ein Feigling, das macht ihn zur Hündin.
Die drei umfassen eine, die Dreifaltigkeit, also das ist drei Hündinnen.
Das macht dich dreimal zum Hurensohn.
Ich mag ein Heide sein, aber du bist ein Hurensohn.
Wachsen Sie von den Märchen.
Entschuldigung nicht entschuldigung.
It'll be fire not water this time.
Isaiah 30:26
Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
The sun and moon getting brighter are signs of the end times.
Outer space is fake. Earth is flat. History is fake. Read the KJV. Repent.
How did it get that way?
Next time it's fire
History is fake. War is fake.
It's all just a stage play. That's why nothing ever happens.
Soonish the great tribulation will happen though. There are signs we are in the end times.
History is all fake.
The kings of old were overthrown by a worldwide system of satanists. They had gotten close to the kings by serving them as eunuchs.
Around the victorian era the usurpers were victorious. Lot's of orphans from all the people killed.
There's also the pre flood factories starting up again. That's where the industrial revolution and our modern tech comes from.
Noah's flood is real and happened. People call it "mud flood" to call it confusion. You could say that it was an extinction event.
The pre flood tech, most people had other concerns I suppose. And the people who were involved had to deal with reverse engineering it and repairing it after flood damages.
There was some great uprising or genocide that killed off any adults that didn't support the system, severing connection to the past and allowing the controllers to make up whatever history they wanted.
>We have Archaeologists, Scientists, Historians, Authors, Doctors and a whole lot more people who bring together the pieces of our history.
These people are all liars or retards. We live in a corrupt satanic system. All "authorities" are liars.
Outer space is fake. The earth is flat.
The world is flooded with non-whites, does that count?
If we liquidate them it does, then the blood will be our new flood. This feeds into Revelations as well, lets make it true.