Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated, we wouldn't have mass shootings every freaking month?
Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated...
now that i have your attention,
IOTBW is happening again this Halloween, tell your friends (I'll remind you a lot more too closer to the date)
>tfw you get jebaited by a BASED leaf
KYS you boot licking disgusting pathetic imitation of a human being
IOTBW is happening again this Halloween
you're alright, leaf
this time
Nice pumpkinpe
> we wouldn't have mass shootings every freaking month?
Leaf pls
Because the motivations to shoot random people would equally motivate someone to make pressure-cooker bombs or just go out and stab people without the fear of someone shooting you back?
how the fuck does america having regulated guns prevent ahooting in canada you dumb faggot jew proxyfag?
Oh for god sake, another threa-
*reads *
Oh, nevermind, this will be another lulzy halloween.
the issue isn't guns
the issue is not hunting central and south Americans for sport
we're supposed to hunt them for sport
they're supposed to think of us as angels of death or demons
the liberals want to fuck things up
the liberals are the real enemies
frankly guns are for killing liberals
also gallows are for killing liberals
there are so many liberals that we need the government to kill them
all it takes is an Amendment to the Constitution to kill all the liberals
kill 100 million Americans in one go
tell your friends let's make this Halloween a big one, plenty of time to order stickers ahead of time
why not just regulate crazy people
You say that like conservatives are actually conservative.
Im glad heroin is illegal. Since it was made illegal 70 years ago, no one has been able to acquire it and there has not been a heroin overdose death in over 70 years. Check mate .
IOTBW is happening again this Halloween, tell your friends
Well played, leafbro.
this thread is not what you think
lmao I just noticed that, my mistake
He'd just use a knife in the bottom pic and stab everyone
It's funny how they say banning anything will make that person want it more, but when it comes to guns....
We understand. We just don’t care.
We like guns, fuck off.
the uk did that, then they had to ban knives, then ban acid, then box cutters, I think they're about to ban trucks here soon.... Besides what if they make their own gun and fill their own ammo, or they come running at you with that bucket of acid, or that bottle of gas and lighter? Then you're stuck helpless waiting 30mins for someone to show up and hope they rescue you. No thanks!
Fuck he did it to me to
Respect, based leaf
IOTBW is happening again this Halloween, tell your friends
You can't just make 400 million firearms disappear over night you retarded fucking moron.
But you can read the first post:
No it wouldn’t. Have you seen Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles. Each of these shitholes have some of the strictest gun crontrol in the country and are also grounds for the most violent gun deaths in the country.
>all lives are equal
Wrong, leaf. Your life isn't worth a drop of syrup.
read the first post
I’m an idiot.
Funny, I'd have guessed American lives weren't worth anything because of how easily you guys can lose them just going to the store
no user I just used the slide threads against themselves for a more productive purpose
as Halloween approaches, please help remind other anons, the more we can mobilize the better
Convicted felon who is technically barred from all firearms possession of any kind, here.
designated pixel data encoded to .jpg in my post related
3d printed guns will sky rocket in black market sales if and when they outlaw guns in whatever country. a 3d printed gun will just be something that your drug dealer will ask you randomly if u want to buy. thats how the shit works.
its impossible to stop ppl from killing eachother because its just something thats been happening since the dawn of time.
It cost too much to regulate the entire west.
the government would clamp down and show its true colors. USA is only thing in the way of the dark communist tyranny. they haven't unleashed their hell in Europe because USA is still armed. if they did unleash their hell in Europe, they know we would NEVER give up the second amendment.
that's the truth.
I can't do that. If some little shit vandalizes my house, I'll beat him or her with my trust aluminum bat then end up in jail again.
First image is true.
Second image is truer.
Third image is false.
In the third case he would have a knife and there'd be no concealed carry guy to stop him, resulting in him being given free reign to stab everyone.
Probably end up with mass stabbings, mass acid attacks and maybe even defenseless as MS13 bring in guns across an open boarder.
Why can't non Americans understand that "no guns" is nonexistent in every country, and is not desirable as it removes an individual's leverage against a group attack or a stronger individual.
>muh Nazis are a terror threat against niggers!
>but that nigger can't have a gun to protect his home from a gang of Nazis
>muh real men don't need guns!
>it is good for physically strong evil Nazis to always win when they want to beat some smaller person to death with their fists. Women who get raped by Nazis deserve it for not lifting enough weights to put on 100 pounds of muscle
gg leaf. will remember to do this around town
this thread is not what you think it is
>shows picture with 0 guns
>argues for regulations
Shut up you faggot glow nigger Jew.
what are you some asshole
just shut the fuck up and mind your own business
NO ONE is trying to shoot you unless you're egging it on ya fucking leaf...
I don't give a shit about your Canadian posts, I was responding to the image.
IOTBW is happening again this Halloween
>>implying criminals follow laws and regulations
>>implying they wouldn't at the very least choose a different weapon
>>implying defending yourself from a knife attack with a knife is any less threatening than fending off a gunman with your own gun
>>Implying legal and competent gun owners are the problem
Go fuck yourself
you mean the gun just magically disappears from the criminal's hands? Wow!
Someone around the Chicago area threw a bag with rocks in it full of IOTBW material onto my driveway a few weeks ago.
Hahahah D:
Because we are not a bunch of Canadian Faggots
This means what, exactly?
exactly what it says: the It's Okay To Be White poster campaign will be happening again this Halloween, just like it did in 2017 and 2018 (it made international headlines and even became a senate motion in Australia), see pic related: the purpose of this thread is to remind you early to print out posters, order stickers, tell your friends and get ready to hit the streets for IOTBW 2019
Tell me how, despite having LESS strict gun laws than today, we had less mass shootings 100 years ago.
because the OP post is complete bullshit designed to bait your attention to something that's actually important:
that hes a white supremacist that wants to kill all minorities
If you've read this far and you're confused: the OP post is bullshit bait designed to redirect your attention to the It's Okay To Be White poster campaign, which is happening again this Halloween
get ready: print posters, order stickers, tell your friends
I take it you missed the sword attack in germany last week?
There’s been 3 shootings this year.
2nd pic has nothing wrong with it.
The truth is I don't fucking care.
More rights will always lead to more responsibility and more danger. If you're such a low agency homosexual bootlicking cvck faggot thats your own problem, spread your ass for the government all you want but get fucked if you think other people should have too.
Well played leaf
>Why won't they accept this repetitive one-dimensional argument?
You never actually won the argument about why we want them in the first place. Anyway go ahead and spin your tires in the mud about this all you like, when you're ready to pay for the mental healthcare of red flag individuals we'll have something to talk about. But that would be spending taxpayer money on white people, so you're not even going to consider it. You hate us so much you basically deserve to be shot at, so whatever.
Holy fuck
Was this just decieded?
It’s ok to be white this Halloween gents
Based leaf
ululating intensifies
Kek look at this guy
You say “mass shooting” like it’s a bad thing.
>came to call you a nigger
>instead got based
You're alright, leaf.
>treat civilians like criminals
>somehow this isn't fascist.
US statistics puts death from automobile accidents at 40,000 in 2018.
Cry big crocodile tears, schlomo.