“I will not allow my sister to date a nigger”

“I will not allow my sister to date a nigger”

And other excuses by fragile incels

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so..... is he based ??

didn't he shoot his sister dead?

RIP qt

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Yes. He had to protect his sister from chimpouts by chimping out himself and killing her.

Some Social Media sources are now saying that BOTH the Actors in El Paso TX and Dayton OH were each on FDA BLACK LABEL type Prescription SSRI Pharmaceuticals. Well! where have we heard this before ?? (You don't EVER hear how many people on these DANGEROUS psychotropic drugs commit Suicide every Year. This data is heavily censored by the Medical-Psychology Industry and Pharma Drug Mfgr's )

Ponder this very well.

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those are jews

zero prove she was dating a black

Cops are heroes. His last moment .

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he's not wrong

They'd shoot you in your head no problem, all they need is permission. The people who give them permission are psychotics. They are not heroes, they are tools, and so are you.

Beating up old men and honor killing sisters, scourge of the incel

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probably a closet incestor

Cool story.
What then is Connor Butts? Just curious

This. Stop worshiping cops, most PD's are corrupt as hell.

based honorbro

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I agree he probably loved her a bit too much if you get my drift.
Notice the mutilated sausage

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I guess?

I am a very Tall, strong, educated (Physics major going to best ranked public uni in the US) Hispanic lurking from /fit. This was a red/black country before it was ever white and it seems it will most likely go back to being so one day. I myself will find a strong white or Hispanic wife, have many beautiful mixed (aesthetically superior and healthier) children and live my life unbothered by the sorry losers whose views are in the minority even amongst your their people. If you are a “muh ein volk, whitey über alles” autist or, god forbid, a “the south will rise again” subhuman, you are the butt of the joke in any place that normal functioning people gather. You have been indulgent for far too log. You are unable to adapt to a changing world because you are now literally stupid and useless. Driven to madness by your failure some of you sperg out and kill scores of people, white and colored, who were each all worth and contributed far more to society than your miserable existence. You are all moral cesspits who will die off slowly. Future generations will laugh at your impotence and pee on your graves lmao.

If this post doesn’t trigger you, you can probably expect the kingdom of heaven. Or at least a better chance at a happier life in earth.


I mean, shooting up a bar is open invitation for “fuck me up”

>I will not allow my sister to have sex with any but me

He had to punish a race traitor

But where they taking the pills? Its one thing to be prescribed and another to actually take them.

It’s very obvious he left crumbs on social media to make it seem like he was a leftist. But no leftist would kill his sister for dating a nigger and going to black bars.

He didn’t want to set a good example for his niglet nieces and nephews for his whole life

Fuck off you DYEL beaner

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sauce on his sister being a coal burner?

She didn't look that cute tho.
She was perfect for nigger breeding material because she didn't look good at all. She was quite plain looking

urban myth made up by plebbit fags!

What did the rest of that look like?

Copypasta confirmed

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I think she had a cute regular girl vibe.

I’ve had lots of girlfriends who look like her and I can tel you: NICE.

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B - b- but, antidepressants work



take your pills, because they are good for you

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No pics?

Are Mormons really that fucked up?

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Is he some kind of retarded giant?

>I think she had a cute regular girl vibe.
I disagree.

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If it is true that his dysgenic souless golem slut of a Sister was a nigger lover then it is great that she was killed beforw the niglet protohuman goblin mongrel abominations could be cursed with this existance. All racemixers and xenophiles should be tortured the fuck to death. Souce that she was really a nigger lover though?

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Did he actually beat up an old man and honour kill his Sister though, is there any evidence? If so then good for him for resisting niggerfication.

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