Is it? Because It seems to be like no one here cares about rights, freedom, prosperity or anything for that matter.
Is America even worth saving anymore?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
People who live in urban cores are 90 percent black.
Based, Also America is damn well worth saving OP, some parts are too doomed but we can salvage much of the country and even reclaim parts of it if it all goes well. Though it could destroy us too but better to die a lion than live a sheep.
10% of the people fought for freedom as colonialists. The same is probably true today. Fight for the 10% of people who are worth it, or simply die a statistic
checked once again
of that 10%, the other 90% were Fellow White People (ie: worth fighting for, even if they would not)
that isn't exactly the case anymore
Maybe not demographically, but that is pretty much beside the point. Ideals trump racial consciousness when put in the position we are in now, no? Or are the gulags an adequate accomodation? Not saying whiteness isn't worth fighting for but we aren't in the 1700s anymore
Not really. After the disastrous revolutions of the the 1840s nosed their way in here, it has been all downhill. It's certainly not worth dying for this slop.
Nice digits bruh
No, it's completely jewed. Burn it down so we can rebuild.
Just let it all burn and watch the show. Stop being a bunch of white knight cringe faggots.
>Is America even worth saving anymore?
I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.
If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.
There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:
>I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
>I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with
Just because people don't care doesn't mean the system itself is at fault. It just takes a messianic leader figure who does only exactly what is right, and not what people "want".
We must find and cultivate George Washingtons is what I'm saying. Attempt before blowing it off.
Thank you. My night is now complete. OP, the US sucks. I'm certain there are better places elsewhere, but it will all come crashing down in our lifetimes, so it may not matter where you are; what matters is what you do.
how fat are you that you fart every 5 minutes? stop eating.
Prove to me that america isn't the single worst thing to happen to this planet. You can't.
Don't bother trying to sugar-coat your history with your "acheivements". Your country was built from the ground up on slavery and genocide. You have absolutely nothing to be proud of.
How are you are helping by being a fucking vagina about it?
It's the individual's responsibility to care about the right things, not "other people."
Gun rights, freedoms, fighting prejudice against whites and mexicans alike, lawfulness, mental health care should not all be mutally exclusive concepts.
Quite frankly much of the media are cowards who use fear mongering to further their agendas of control. Fuck them and God bless America.
Urbanites are way more often NPCs and normies
freedom is worthwhile, democracy not really
npcs will just follow along whatever faction is winning
Damn, maybe there is hope for Sweden. Try running for public office or forming a strong community organization user you'd probably scrape a better campaign or organization than you think.
>slavery and genocide
these tragedies occur at the birth of every nation, it just so happens that the conquest of the Americas occurred relatively recently compared to other nation building episodes in history. we have more details and evidence. more fuel for the propaganda machine.
Do you drink a lot of carbonated beverages?
They don't care the intelligence agencies and foreign powers sabotaged and spied on a presidential campaign either. There was a time when Americans would have literally tarred and feathered every single person involved with this plot.
I am totally convinced that the biggest problem in America is the dumbfuck Christian right. After encountering these people in argument after argument.
They are the ones who would lead a hypothetical "rebellion", or be in charge of whatever splinter state breaks off the US. And do you really want to live in a government with these people in charge of you? No way.
They don't want to fight, they are pacifists. They don't understand simple strategy, or have any sophistication whatsoever (for example, they attack people on their own side for being too radical, literally using up their own resources to save the Left time and money. How fucking stupid do you have to be?)
These people had a massive population majority, well over 80% of the country, and still somehow lost it all. That should tell you how inept they are.
In fact, I could argue the reason many on the left are so radical in the first place is because of their interactions with these people.
for me seeing how cucked the mainstream right is caused me to go much further to the right. deep down all leftists just want someone else to take care of them.