Uruguay has issued travel warning for the United States amid mass shootings
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cheeky cunts
Uruguay is a fucking shithole
no u
u r a gay , pfffffft
Lel, those bantz. Except Uruguya's homicide rate is even higher than ours, would have had more bite if it came from a civilized country.
Uraguans are white and would be welcomed even if they speak Spanish but ok. They shouldn't come here but stay home, turn off internet, and have some kids.
sorry guys, we should've taken care of that province, won't happen again
I wouldn't take shit like this seriously even if it came from a country that actually did anything lmao
what are uruguayan people like? Closer to spics or whites?
for some reason I dont categorize uruguayans as typical spics from most other south american countries, but i dont think ive ever seen a uruguayan and dont know why i think they are more white than spic
They're white
You're wrong
State worshipping socialists. That's all you need to know
By spics you mean brown and poor? No they're not spics, they're more like Spaniards.
>implying sweaty jungle niggers can afford a plane ticket to the U.S., much less a pile of dogshit to eat for the week
Shows how much you know about it. Punta del Este is considered the Monaco of South America. It's even nicer than Monaco.
I will not check if this is true, too boring. But last week the US embassy downgraded Uruguay to level2, meaning it recommends US citizens to be careful when traveling here.
So it's possible our communist, Venezuela loving, Cuba worshipping government issued that statement.
Uruguay has been sending billions of dollars of Cocaine to Europe and the US from Venezuela. They might want to shut their fucking mouth before they get some freedom. They don't even have a military.
So brown and poor?
haha pussies
>U R Gay
And nothing of value was lost.
It's shit, boring, expensive, over rated. Miami wannabe town of empty, ugly, money laundry towers.
Oh nooo..
who? is that that french colony in africa?
Honorary blacks
They uh gay, duh.
"urgay haha lol i'm funny"
Great, stay the fuck out
Terribly dangerous here
I've been to montevideo, the only nice thing about Uruguay is the dulce de lece
Also their spanish is hard as fuck to understand, totally different from the Argentinians
The terrorists have won.
>I've been to montevideo, the only nice thing about Uruguay is the dulce de lece
You can find dulce de leche at any latinamerocan country and even Spain.
Yes but the original is Uruguayan
Seethe harder, homo.
But Uruguay has a higher murder rate than the US. You're statistically more likely to get murdered in Uruguay than you are here.
utterly cucked whites
>Uruguay has issued travel warning for the United States
This is virtue signaling on a whole new level!
Good. Beaners of all stripes should stay out.
Based Uruguay
if we can take the gringos gun rights, we'd have raised the bar.
Kek, so the mass shootings are now making migrant cradles stop migrating? Oy gevalt and all of that
good. spread the word
>mfw virtue signalling spics
its statistically more possible for a person living in the united states to be hit by lightening twice than ever experience a mass shooting.
fuck uruguay but their interest rates are nice.
Can they even afford to travel here?