White families thread

White families thread

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I said white.

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Oh, ok. Here's one.

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Not white.

The beauty of children eh?

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Not white.

Fags don't count.

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Not family

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I don't understand. Some of them are white.

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Not white

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Love doesn't have a color.

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Not family and race is questionable

It does.

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Not white.

White (and other) family appreciation day!

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They look wonderful.

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Literally everything this catlady says is a pop culture trope. Amazing system of control we have. Convincing the stupid that they're speaking truth to power.

It will never not amaze me.

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>a lampshade american

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We need updates on the hideousness of that kid.

Not going anywhere.

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>one family has done more to save the white race than all of Jow Forums combined

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If you don't have at least 2 children by now, you are a fucking loser.

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I know that family, my sister works with the second to left top row guy. The guy in the center is from Venezuela. My point is that "white families" 100% are in decline, the country is becoming more mixed. It cannot be stopped


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And then everybody clapped
The guy in the center is white

This thread does

My sister doesnt want a third child.
Her friend wanted 4 but decided to stop at two as well after seeing the hassle of raising 3 kids from another friend.
She says large families have become a status symbol.
I know there are half as many native births in my country as there were at the peak, so its bs.

Honestly this shit is just retarded. When niggers have 15 kids we call them animals.

You're supposed to have a few kids and invest heavily into each one. Huge families are expensive and dysfunctional.

Laws should be:

White family: 5 kids max
Asian family: 4 kids max
Hispanic family: 3 kids max
Black family: 2 kids max
Other races: 1 kid max
Jewish families: 0 kids max

Jew detected

They are self-destructive

>White family: 25 kids max
>all other races: 0 kids max


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The new study found that the average number of children ever born to Mormons now between the ages of 40 and 59 is 3.4.

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Rookies. All of you.

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they're still making white babies, what have you done for your race user? these fags are literally doing more to create another generation of white people than you will ever do

Holy shit,,,,, I've seen the xxx picture of them getting cuckold

Depends on age my friend, I have four going for six or seven. God Bless the white race!