Why do they produce so much porn?
Why do they produce so much porn?
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USSR demoralizaiton is permanent
Its a jobs program.
This is the part of their culture. As Germans, they are okay with nudity.
how else would you get 2.6% unemployment rate.
Different species are good for different things. Niggers were good as farming equipment before the white man invented the technology that made them obsolete so they wouldn't have to deal with niggers anymore. Likewise, Slavshit subhumans are only good for their women until the white man invents the technology that makes them obsolete so we don't have to continue to let Mongoloids like Ivan live so we can get Sasha eventually.
Why are the women so fucking hot?
>live in a communist country with banned porn and prostitution
>communism falls
>new liberal democracy government allows porn and mrostituton
>somehow communism is at fault
Peak mutt
Because we made porn during communism right?
Yeah and mutts are only good as debt slaves for their jewish overlords.