No one's looking. Do you actually hate black people?

No one's looking. Do you actually hate black people?

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I just think they're mostly bad people and should go away.

Black folks that work hard and teach their kids not to nig are just fine. Very rare tho.

I dont have any problems with black people except they smell bad. Its niggers I hate and they also smell bad.

I don't hate black people, I hate the Dutch

I don't like poor, trashy, low class ghetto people no matter what their skin color is.

meh no
They are annoying and stupid, but I don't hate them.

I don't hate black people, just the culture.

They're a disease. I'd say go back to Africa but they don't even deserve that. Send them to Mercury or something

No I just like saying Nigger

No, I've known a good number of great black people. Engineers, doctors, rednecks and nerds At the same time, I live in an area that is 97% white, and when I travel elsewhere the blacks act very differently than what I'm used to. Typically you can discern the difference immediately based on their dress and speech.

One cannot ignore the piles of data and anecdotal evidence easily obtainable by visiting a black-dominant area for how different whites and blacks are from one another. Blacks that live in white majority areas are far more likely the ones you want to be around. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is. Respective countries should always remain 95%+ of their founders' race.


I do not hate them, as I understand them for what they are. Low IQ animals who happen to share the same number of chromsomes. Therefore any involvement in an increadingly crowded planet van only lead to miscegenation as their only goal the goal of any baseline animal is tp 'trade up' sexually. Therefore they will try to breed/sleep with as many downtrodden risk taking females as they can or rape them if that doesnt work. They are animals more derivative of chimpanzees than humans and should be eradicated or steralized once and for all so that never again will we see a southern europe. The very genome of the descendants pythagoras the founder of mathematics destroyed forever. Sickening they must be sterilized or removed whatevers easiest. But no I do not hate them.

There's many things I dislike about them, especially as a group, but I don't hate them.


Spam thread. But I love black women

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No, I don’t.

Is this a survey?

No, I just want them to go back to their land

I don't hate black people

I hate that they are allowed to exist in white countries, I hate that jews put them in porn, I hate that jews put them in movies and commercials. I wouldn't give a single fuck about niggers if they just stayed in Africa. They have the richest continent in the world, the perfect conditions for human civilization, and they don't stay there.

Also, I don't think they should live with and be government by, other groups.

Basically, separation works out best for everyone, and it's not out of hate.

I really dont. But I recognize that people are different, and there are individuals of every race that are shit and individuals of every race that are based. Sadly the shit/based ratio is not an invariable factor but changes from race to race. That's reality.

That being said Jews want division between us "goys"

I hate Mexicans more

I unironically hate niggers. Never have confrontations with any other race.

> Black
> People

Personally, I hate their females even a bit more than the males

Black people. Caught you with an oxymoron right there butty boyo.
ur gay and uneducated.
see above
Based, but impractical.

They dress and act a certain way because that is their most efficent ploy to shake the white man for valuie just like shaking a tree in africa. Same old welfare nig different setting. Why do you think they had to be beaten to work.

I appreciate some of their contributions to entertainment but they are usually just vile, nasty people who hate you if you're not black or dont submit to their demands. Also they refuse to acknowledge that they commit crime

I hate being around them. I like reading about africa from an anthropological perspective.

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They are not people. Vile/nasty is redundant. TWtf have they contributed to entertainment but degrade it I ask. Are you that much of a normie status quo kind of guy. You know everything is degrading and has been for some time now.

it used to not be this way. there was a time when blacks were actually doing their best to compete in a civilized way with whites. then some things changed and so did they..

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No. There should just be reasonable limits for immigration that put the interests of native people first, that's it.

The only reason i say this is because my favorite comedian, Patrice O Neal, was black.

Not inherently, but some are terribly obnoxious and don't listen to reason, and they're too numerous in general


if i could kill every nigger on the planet with one push of a button, I'd push it twice

Not for simply being black, but anyone that witnesses another member of their race committing a random act of violence (e.g. mugging) and then laughs about it is a damned nigger and needs to hang.

slide thread

I wouldn't say I hate black people because blacks aren't people.


I don't hate them, no. Not necessarily. Not by virtue of being black. I just believe that whites and blacks should be separated, completely, and left to their own devices. We shouldn't me mixing, we shouldn't be trying to absorb one-another.

No, but I certainly don’t want to live in a black majority city or neighborhood.

I hate people in general that have a low class life and instead of trying to improve it or at least accept it just becomes druggies, drug dealers , criminals , just really evil and vile people that leach off others and destroy every thing around them
I left my parents house poor with nothing
I spent 7 years living like a poor fag
But pulled my self out of it and now I pretty much own every thing I could want and really want for nothing any more
People who act like they can't do that disgust me
And niggers usually make that list

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Valid point. I noticed that Blacks of both sexes desperately try to race-mix. Most other minorities don't do that. Despite what people on here claim they aren't very successful with it though.

Hate? No. Pity? Sometimes. I mean, your pic related is one of the funniest people to ever live. Most of the best ever comedians are black, honestly
I really have no problem with them if they're not robbing me or fucking my sister
But I understand they are more likely to rob me than any other racial group and desire white women above all else, because their own women are lackluster at best

I don't hate them. I just wish they weren't here (in my country).

I like black people
I hate niggers

I have come to the conclusion that this is either a pre-programmed genetic thing to remove the negroness, or it is because they have become societally obsessed with whites and want to "mix up" to kill their negroness.
Despite being no fan of them, I don't really want them to die out. I want them to go away and live within their own lives. Except for a couple of white nations with apartheid -- until, at least, we bring them throughout the white world, most of Africa should be left to the negro and the Khoisan. Those in the West need to leave, too.

I generally get along with 50% / 50% I suspect if we looked scientifically the impulse control genese are in the European bloodlines.

Black as night negros and indians have only ever tried to screw me over, scam me or outright mug me.

For all their faults as a group, I hate the people enabling, supporting, celebrating and excusing their bad behavior far more. These problems wouldn't be nearly as bad without cultural Marxists egging them on. Not that I want them here, but I'd rather focus my anger on the person promising them a medal for breaking every social contract known to man.

Hella easy to tell. Blacks and niggers dress and act differently

Looking back at my high school days I think the one black girl in my class might have been interested in me.
Lucky for me I'm such an autist I only realize these things in hindsight, since I was still very bluepilled back then.
I generally don't like black people, but there's always exceptions. Most are retarded and aggressive, some are alright.

I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers. I even have a couple of black friends that also hate niggers.

Only if you act like a nigger. And anyone can do that no matter what race you are.

Exactly what I would say. As a wise man once said, we're all white inside, some niggers don't understand that

>I generally don't like black people, but there's always exceptions. Most are retarded and aggressive, some are alright.

I judge people by thier actions not thier looks or what they say


No I don't, infact I do not even believe that most of their self inflicted problems come from the IQ that is "all determined by genes" (which is a scientific lie, considering an environment plays a larger effect towards both IQ and genes). Of course, I do understand the problem people have with them, and they are obviously mad, but should I go around to tell them to not be racist? Not really... They need to realize the problems within their own community first, then we could start working towards the progress of stability... And of course, autists who want them all dead are hypocritical LARP incels who would immidietally go full vegan and "pro choice bro!" if they ever got a chance of their penis getting sucked by some girl. Now with all that stuff out of the way, where in the hell did I put my water for eyes again?

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I hate niggers
one contact is enough to understand them
the percentage of non-nigger blacks is tremendously low

Black people are fine. It's niggers I hate. Their IS a difference.

Likely. What White guys don't realize is that the females are utterly two-faced. When surrounded by potential interests they lose their ghetto-behavior but it's only slumbering. They inherently know that this shit isn't working. As a former bouncer I have been jumped at (violently) exclusively by Black females. Only type of female I ever had to beat with my fist, not even kidding. One White woman hit me with her purse when we didn't let her in, an Arab girl threw a glass at me (there were more attacks but those are the most servere). Considering how few Blacks are here it's a clear sign of them being trash. Regarding males I stopped counting.

american blacks have been exploited by marxists since at least the last 100 years, they are as much a victim as us whites.
their real unmatched artistic and musical talent has been replaced with shitty rap music and nigger culture for decades now.

even the left forgets that black women are capable of producing legendary classics like these:

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No more than I hate any other animal that lashes out against humanity.

I blame the Jews.
Gas the kikes race war now.
Give black people a better chance to get it together, until then I blame the kikes.

I hate niggers and think they are funny.

Shoulda stay the hell away from Vietnam.

Not at all. There's a lot of great black people. Some I look up to quite a bit. There's definitely problems with a segment of the black community that carries an awful and hateful culture. Every race has its terrible sub-culture though. Mexicans have cholo gangster culture, whites have sjw leftism. Black culture is just widespread and dangerous. Other than that though, I have no problems with blacks.

i hate their behavior and how wonky mixed kids look. that's basically it. same for arabs, it's the behavior.

I'm dating a black chick no not fully I hate niggers any black who acts like a coon or chimp most blacks fall into that category unfortunately but if they were to attempt to be more civilized then I'd say no

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Äh yes, a true magapede detected

Hope you enjoy your sister getting blacked

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Same here to be quite fair, although some people would outright disagree and call you a shill. They clearly aren't heroes for everyone, and especially not for white people when they give reason to the Left to disarm the population since leftists are bunch of gulliable idiots.
Indeed, there is also a story how KKK was founded by the Democratic Party, which at the time, was full of those pesky (((Villians))) who did not care for the well being of USA. Even the president of CSA, was in fact, one of them too.

yes, and not because of black skin but because they are dumb and act subhuman

Black people are more acceptable than hispanic people.

Fuck spics.

Trust me any white girl dates a black guy usually ends up paying the toll so it doesn't really matter

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I hate niggers, but have no problem with black people.

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also africans are noble savages who have really been exploited by someone or another for MILLENNIA NOW.

when it was not marxists, it was islam, or the british.



I'm willing to say I've met more Hispanics that I like that act like people and keep to themselves then I have blacks

Indeed, though all women are two-faced, it's because they are programmed to be agreeable but they are competitive nonetheless. Blacks have that added aggression on levels we don't tend to see among others.

I unironically don't 'hate' any group of people based on genetics, although I certainly dislike certain socio-cultural groups in general (as does everyone).

Course not i judge the individual.

No they have been absolutely fine with me when there has been one (1) of them in a group of whites. The minute I have seen two (2) or more they have gone chimp mode. I don't mind them, I just don't want them to be present in any groups within my society. Kind of like venomous snakes, I suppose.

yes, I really do hate niggers

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>Hard Mode: No LARPing
memeflag : am I a joke to you ?

No. There are bro black people. It's just most of their culture is shit because the bulk of them are in the underclass and so have underclass culture. I hate white chavs for just the same reason and to the same degree that I hate black urban trash gansta culture.

Niggers and poos are the worst I can tolerate other races to some degree but these are the worst.

i dont hate them. im wary of them
it sucks that their culture produces so many dirtbags. ive known several descent black people but there is a reason that stereotypes exist

I think we are different peoples and we should just associate with who we want to in our private lives. Blacks need to accept that they aren't going to be liked by everybody, just like how everyone else already deals with it.

Yes. Anyone who is even remotely accepting to them is an utter nutcase. We are enemies on a genetical level and they act accordingly while Whites don't. One doesn't have to be smart to behave tribally. Egalitarian mindset is a joke.

Back to 9fag u dirty scumbag

No I don't, I hate shitty people, a lot of black people are shitty.

Yes, I hate Britbongs.

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I do, from the bottom of my heart, loathe all non-whites in my country.

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Yes, most evidence posts to them being lower tier species. They often behave like literal jungle apes. A bioweapon against civilised white society.

I don't have particular hate casue of a protein in the skin, however where I am from all black immigrants uneducated with their backwater ideas and criminal behavior which arises thanks to poor background, not because race. Nonetheless I encourage more restrictive borders to avoid issues like this

1 black on his own is typically a good person. The problem is when you have a group of blacks they turn into niggers.
They like love to follow the most obnoxious and worst behaved in the group. They got off on power in numbers and love to ruin shit and fuck it’s people when they outnumber them.
Niggers are terrible.

I’d hit it.

They would do better in communities that represent them. Not having dusty old white people telling them what to do.

Send them back.

Truthfully. No, no I don't.

Egalitarianism, equity, equality, progressivism -- these are all false gods. Blacks and whites are related species, so, like the panda or the bonobo, I don't want to see them die out. We should just leave them alone, and they us.
I'm pretty sure that blacks are genetically predisposed to violence against white-skinned people, whether by genetic violence or physical violence. I am also pretty sure that they lack the inner monologue and run on emotion, reaction, and instinct to situations.
They are perpetually insecure, which is probably because of living in white places and encountering people who are better than you. This is why they hate "racists" despite being racists themselves, and want to be accepted. You can't not want to fuck a black person, but they can you.

Usual fag copout. Culture is downstream of genetics. Blacks in Sierra Leone are as mindless violent and indolent as detroit