Trump is invading Poland to Secretary Pompeo_Poland Restitution_Final Signed.pdf

>U.S. senators urged President Donald Trump’s administration to pressure Poland, a NATO ally, to resolve demands to compensate Holocaust victims for property confiscated by the Germans during World War II.
>More than 80 senators from both parties signed a letter calling on Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to “act boldly and with urgency to help Poland resolve this issue comprehensively.” The move comes four weeks before Trump is due to visit Poland to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, which began with shots fired by a German ship near the Baltic port of Gdansk.

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Weren't all Polish holocaust reparations dealt with decades ago? Why are the Jews still pushing for more? On what grounds?

Do Poles ever regret not actually killing the jews?

Jews are so fucking disgusting. I can't imagine this will go over well with the average Polack...

They are using this to pressure Poland to do something.

Any agreement or deal that was forced upon a party using pressure tactics is invalid according to international law.

Poland should report it to Brussels and EU institutions that a foreign power interferes with their matters.

America is a country on another continent, what Poland does is none of their business.

Trump and Pompeo are American politicians, not Polish politicians.

From now onwards, any country in Europe that is pressured by foreign non-EU countries should report it to Brussels or other EU countries and a witness account should be given.

All discussions with foreign powers should be recorded on multiple voice recording devices in case of illegal pressure tactics are used.

Any agreement that was made under these circumstances should be nullified.

Fuck Trump. Fuck Israel. Fuck Jews. They never fucking quit.

This is a threat to European national security that Poland is threatened in this way.

Poland should cancel the meeting with Trump.

>U.S. senators
U.S. senators with dual US/Israeli citizenship that is.

They take a country that was practically abandoned, and fucking raped and demand it pays reparations. Fuck these people.

Yup, they were and the US officially acknowledged the fact back in the day. Oh well, clown world... Buckle up Poland - there's a shakedown in the making and it's coming your way.

Israel and the Jews deserve zero compensation from now onwards.

They got a lot of compensation already.

Most of the victims are dead already. They were overcompensated multiple times in the past decades.

Why would Poland have to pay money to the US for this anyway?

This phony set up is ridiculous.

The European countries and the EU should retaliate by seeking compensation for what America has done in the past 100 years.

America should get out of European politics completely. Stop bothering European governments.

Ahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy it faggots, that's the price you have to pay. Small part of the price really. Prepare your anus to be enriched by your jewish masters, it's your own choice after all.

Poland has snuggled up very cozily to the US so it will have to deal with their demands now. They've also given a firm fuck you to the EU so it would be an embarrassement to have to backtrack on that and have to follow them in getting America to stay out of our business.


America owes a lot of compensation to a lot of countries in Europe.

This ridiculous holo compensation scheme is a childish pressure tactic that is illegal.

The cult of ww2 needs to be destroyed. A good way to start doing this is to draw peoples attention to allied atrocities and vile acts.

>dat flag though
People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Amerigolem.

Misery loves company.




Right back at you, favorite home of the Rothschilds

I think it's not the Jews or Israel that are pushing it this time.

It's America but they use this as an excuse to threaten a foreign country.

They are using the holocaust for American political purposes and I think it is appalling and disgusting.

It's needless to say that this will not serve Israel or Jews anyway, it serves America only.

Jewish organisations should condemn Trump and Pompeo for using the holocaust for their temporary political self-interest.

>No media report this because they're all Jew owned
How fucking long is kikery going to go on for in America. It's not free speech if you can't name the Jew.

Pic related gentlemen.

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Hey... I didn't vote for this. Tell them to get fucked, Poland.

>It's needless to say that this will not serve Israel or Jews anyway, it serves America only.
How does it even serve America? We're just pissing them off. What do we get from this?

Peak delusion. America is an Israeli vassal.. If it says America in anything you can just replace it with Israel

Further proof that we need to kill every single anglo alive. These beasts will keep scamming and conning the world as long as they exist.

>How does it even serve America?

Do you really think that American Senators are there to "serve America"? Do you really think that American voters are smart enough to select candidates based on THAT criteria?

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Ironic to hear that from someone living in the country ruled by jews and oligarchs.

At least them and Germany have had a leader who threw out the jews, when are we going to get our first?

Poland ain’t going to give shit back. We told the US what the Germans were doing YEARS before the US found out themselves, yet the US didn’t care. Now they care?
>chosen for extermination
So were the fucking Poles you dipshit senators. We weren’t white in Hitler’s eyes as much as Jews weren’t.

Poland should cancel the meeting.

Anyone who blackmails and threatens a government or country is their true enemy.

I find the behaviour of the US admin unacceptable. They hide behind this claim and fake Jewish organisation to put pressure on Poland. It's obvious.

The EU should make a list of the actions of America or any American legal entity (cia, pentagon etc) that caused trouble to Europe in the past hundred years and seek compensation.

Spying on EU citizens is a crime according to EU law, for example.


>the eternal norwegian's thirst for anglo blood has never subsided after harald hard-ruler got fugged by harold godwinson

It's all americas fault
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((trust me goy))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

When they clone Bobby Fischer

Tell them to shove their faggot military base up their ass

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How many reparations has Putin paid out to kikes?

Poor Poland had it much worse during ww2 than any lying Jew.
They almost lost their entire country and their people had to flee to avoid war. If it wasn't for the dirty jews infiltrating their country and using it as their base of operations it wouldn't have been as bad.
Slimy pricks, Israel should be paying Poland reparations.

In reality, America owes a lot of compensation and reparations to European countries.

If the current Polish government is made responsible for what happened in Poland 100 years ago, the current Trump admit will have to pay compensation for everything the Obama, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Carter, Ford etc administrations did that caused problems for Europe.

this, their job is to represent americans not get shekels for kikes.

Once you pay off the Jews you can have Fort Trump how does that sound?

>country's rapidly growing antisemitic because of the Israel scandal
>newspapers with "WHAT YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT ISRAEL" on the cover
>everyday there's a guy in front of the mall in the middle of the city who screams through a megaphone about Jewish crimes against our nation and their retarded demands
>meanwhile shitload of anti-polish shilling on Jow Forums, mostly from memeflags

Also it's funny as fuck, history repeats itself. The last time it was Brits who caused the invasion by putting Beck in our government. anti-semitism in between war Poland was rampant, Dmowski, our national hero who helped with the creation of the second republic, wrote about the Jewish plan to create a puppet master state in Palestine and how if it wasn't for Jews, the partition of 1795 between Austria, Prussia and Russia never would have happened
There's lots of antijewish propaganda from back then.

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Yeah, most Americans wouldnt agree to this. Its not our business. We are doing Israels dirty work.

There is no need to pay reparations when you can openly steal billions from the budget. Ruskies are well aware of the fact but too cucked to actually do anything about it, apart from few pathetic protests.

Poland is a European country, it is in their interest to be closer to the EU.

Having internal arguments inside the EU is normal.

It doesn't mean that a foreign non EU country is more important than other EU members.

EU members should always cooperate with each other more than with non EU countries.

Think we could wrangle Soph as first woman president and get close enough?

>if the current Polish government is made responsible (...)
No, the tragedy is that it's the second time somebody intervenes because we start mistreating Jewry. The last time it was Brits putting Beck in our gov and fucking up relations with Hitler. One of the founding fathers of the second republic was redpilled on the Jews around the end of the first world war. Antisemitic sentiments were growing so fucking fast that if not for Beck, we would've probably done our own little holocaust.

buuuuuuttttt wait.... our glorious president said that we`re not going to pay anything... right my shlomo PISsocks?

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correct, and this time they came up with restitution of heirless property, which by the definition nobody had a claim to - but now some jews want it just because they're jewish.

>>country's rapidly growing antisemitic because of the Israel scandal
>>newspapers with "WHAT YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT ISRAEL" on the cover
>>everyday there's a guy in front of the mall in the middle of the city who screams through a megaphone about Jewish crimes against our nation and their retarded demands
>>meanwhile shitload of anti-polish shilling on Jow Forums, mostly from memeflags
This is true or you are just memeing?
Poland will be the forth reich?

Americans want to use it as leverage to get favourable decisions from Poland.

The only problem with this is that it's illegal.

In this case, the holocaust is an excuse or pretext. This story is not really about holocaust compensation. It's about America pressuring Poland with illegal, criminal tactics.

International lawyers should intervene.

I would cancel the meeting.

America should get out of European politics immediately.

>Americans want to use it as leverage to get favourable decisions from Poland.
It's a dumb idea because our influence in Europe was limited anyway. We should have been happy with them as our friends. But now they're not going to be our friends.So we lose their influence, and quite possibly other european states start noticing and avoid working with us.

((((international lawyers)))) ahahahahaha

I don't understand why America is allowed to have military bases in Poland anyway.

This is military occupation, these American troops should be sent back to America immediately.

What if Romania insisted on having military bases in America?

This is not about jews/holocaust etc. They are used as an excuse. It's is America blackmailing a country.

We tend to bomb or blockade the countries that don't march to our tune.

In reality, this is not in the interest of Israel or je ws, they wouldn't risk a good relationship with the EU or V4 countries by pushing for this scheme.

Jewish organisations should intervene and condemn these pressure tactics of the US that uses the holocaust for their political self-interest.

Do we want the destruction of Germany? – No. It would be a destruction of an European civilization, which is a common European good. (…) I worked my entire life against Germany, because I wanted Poland to live, but German politics put the destruction of her as its goal. Mistaken would be the one who'd say that I have a blind hatred for Germany, or that I can't justly appreciate it's value. I'd be happy if our relations with Germany were healthy relations between neighbors, built on respect that would allow us to cooperate when it's needed.

If Poland didn't have Jews, there wouldn't be any partitions.

If we were similar to contemporary Italy, if we had such an organization as fascism, and if we had Mussolini, undoubtedly the greatest man in contemporary Europe, we wouldn't need anything else. (1925)

Hitlerists understand that if they want to build Germany on a national base, they need to destroy the positions of Jews and their influence on the German society.

Worth to mention that he wrote a book literally called "The Jewish Question". He's still taught about in schools as a hero and an idol, and is widely considered to be one of the greatest men in history of Poland

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I'm not meming, there's a guy in front of Galeria Krakowska.
We're currently the second most antisemitic country in Europe, after Greece. Statistically 45% of the population have a negative attitude towards Jews.
Our disdain for them is quite deep, to the point that when kids bring snacks to school, and somebody wants some, they say "c'mon man, give me one, don't be a jew". It's a completely normal thing, not even considered antisemitic, it's just a figure of speech kids use.


Poland has suffered immensly even before both world wars, and was partitioned way back in the 18th century. It was dismembered. And then it got worse. Anyone who fucks with Poland invokes a massive karmic backlash, these people have suffered profoundly at the hands of basically everyone. This putrid blackmail is offensive as shit.

Could I get sources on Dmowski’s writings by chance, about the partitions?

>poland should give reparations to the jews because jewish germans took polish jews stuff during ww2
honk honk

As he said, Poland sucks US dick and acts as their agend against EU. Essentially representing US interests in EU and interfering in EU thing on US behalf.

Of course. "Przewrót" (1934), page 270.
Can provide sources on the rest too, and on the Jewish, (with Masonic, liberal, socialist, communist aid) conspiracy about creating a state in Palestine as well.


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Tylko się pytam bo chciał bym sam przeczytać. Jestem Amerykaninem i dużo słyszałem na temacie Dmowskiego i jeszcze po trenować czytanie po polsku.
I’ll look through whatever sources you get and put them on the reading list.

(((international law))) is made to serve the jew.

they can invent a whole new dimension of (((law))) if they want, just look at Nurnberg.

>sovereign Poland exists

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Also Nameless war by captain Ramsay

>Poland suffered
Poland never was a peaceful and good neighbourgh. They suffered because they were cunts and needed to conquered to stop their banditry.

Because reparations from Germany ended a few years ago, kikes need to parasite off other nations to survive.

Could you provide a link or something? Seems hard to find.

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>it's just a figure of speech kids use.
and not only kids use this figure of speech, its used by adults also

>Poland never was a peaceful and good neighbourgh.
Kill you self, memeflag

>They suffered because they were cunts and needed to conquered to stop their banditry.
Give me an example of our banditry. It’s ironic how you’re calling us non peaceful while supporting invasion. It was you who invaded us in 1919-21, then 39. Go fuck yourself kike

They aren't werewolves. Plus silver bullets might heal them.

This entire fiasco ensured me to never ever help a Jew should an actual Holocaust happen

A couple more excerpts
"Our soul is completely alien to that of the Jews, and completely incomprehensible for them" (page 293)
"Marxism in its entirety could've been born only in an entirely Jewish womb, as a Jewish fetus, being the complete contradiction to what the European past created in our lives" (page 381)
I don't remember the exact page, but he also talks about how Jewry was bribing people in positions of power in the interests of Prussians in XVIII century, collaborating with Prussians in general, scaring Europeans slandering nationalism and fearmongering about feudalism to keep up the Jewish domination, propagating sexual degeneracy, etc.

The whole book is a MASSIVE redpill.

Amerykaninem pochodzenia polskiego? Tak długo jak jesteś biały i rozwijasz swój język polski (który jest już na zaskakującym poziomie) nie mam problemu z tym że tu mieszkasz.
Najbardziej polecam Przewrót i Myśli nowoczesnego Polaka

That's gonna be difficult lad. You can get a copy in Empik for 30zł.

>why us booooohooo??!!!
Polands history is history of losers, but not of victims. Must hurt to live in perpetual loser nation.

>I think it's not the Jews or Israel that are pushing it this time.
Are you trolling or legitimately fucking stupid?

Why would America care about this if they weren’t kiked? They are

I would put "anti-semitic" in quote marks though:

for it is a truly empty term

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Lmao memeflag kike, youre a fucking commie, there's no bigger losers than commies

>Polands history is history of losers
Yet we still live and the USSR is gone. Who’s the loser again, Moshe?

>but not of victims.
Sure kike. Being invaded by Russian Empire, Austria, Prussia then regaining independence and immediately getting invaded by Soviet/Russian imperialists (who got btfo) in 1919, a mere year after independence, and then 1939 by them again and Germany definitely doesn’t make us a victim.

Show your flag kike

This is illegal, since it pertains to heirless property. We also signed a treaty with America that puts anything regarding void:

Jews do not have the right to ownership without inheritance. Poland does not follow Jewish tribal law - we follow POLISH law (based on Roman law). European law does not recognize tribal ownership and/or inheritance.

Lots of Jews with Polish citizenship died in Poland (as did ethnic Poles), oftentimes whole families leaving no heirs and in this situation becomes state property, that's a standard legal practice going back to Roman Law. Jews believe this is the property of their tribe and they're resorting to extortion.

Heirless property of Polish Jews who died in the Holocaust is a property of Polish state, because these Jews were Polish citizens. Most of this "property" doesn't exist anyway, because everything was destroyed in war or demolished decades ago. Jews don't even hide that they want LAND, and everything which was built on this land after war.

Jews can always demand property and money from countries that were allies of Third Reich such as Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Sweden, Norway, Vichy France, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia etc. Not Poland.

These are some shameless Jews, who steep so low as to use the graves of their ancestors for financial gains. Absolutely despicable.

Also, during WW2 there were a lot of Jews who took loans in Polish banks, bought gold with that money and then fled with that gold to Israel. Now instead of paying back the money they stole they want to rob Poland out of more money? Give me a fucking break.

Like everywhere in the world, heirless property becomes state property. Some international (and American) Jewish organizations would like to claim heirless Jewish possessions in Poland [...]. That flies in the face of legal practice anywhere in the world"

Jestem tutaj teraz na wakacjach, ale mam plany się wybudować jake zarobię dobre pieniądze gdzieś nawśi. Kocham stany ale żydnia ją po prostu zniszczyła, i to wszytko nie długo jebnie.

I’ll make sure to look into it, it’s definitely piqued my interest.

>the only country to claim Moscow
>stopped the red flood Europe should be eternally thankful for
>stopped Ottomans at Vienna forcing them to retreat and giving up all those land gains they got during their european conquest
just shut the fuck up already, memest of memeflags.

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Who do you think controls America?

Ok got it already ("Przewrot" wydane 1938, tom VII dziel).

Some more titles? I will look into it.

you can have a copy too, just look at

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This only benefits Jews. Americans could give a shit less about “Holocaust victims” that are dead. This is thievery and jews are at the center of it, you’re deluded to think otherwise

Trump had better tell these dirty kikes to shut their fucking mouths. If he interferes in this I refuse. REFUSE. To vote for him. I will write in Tulsi Gabbard. What in the absolute fuck is going on

Its punishment for them refusing the Jew agenda of demographic replacement.

Do they have copies in English? Want to send some to my friends in America

to samo z polska wiec mocno sie zastanow heh

You voted this kike puppet in yourselves and he appoints kikes and kike lovers left and right

Hitleryzm jako ruch narodowy
Myśli nowoczesnego Polaka
Polska polityka i odbudowanie państwa
Kościół, naród i państwo

See? The victim complex of a bandit that was arrested by cops. Lets ignore that at any point of history Poland attempted own conquests, participated in alliances that lost (resulting in its plight), and always had ambition that lead it to its ruin.

Polands territory was always an europes bandits land that lived by raids and slave trade with turks (which ironically led to them being fucked by turks too.). Unlike proper nations, it was refugeeum for the bandits self calling themselves nobles and living by thievery. At short moments when it was not controlled by someone (mostly because no one needed such scummy land) and it was having free choice, it always pickd choice that led them to war and ruin.

Russian Empire annexed Poland for good pacifying it, and you should be thankful at all as its thanks to them the statehood of Poland and nation preserved. Poland always tried to backstab and rebel, and participated in wars against it once given chance - short victories ending big "zradas" as ukrainians call it when their actions came back to them.

Before WW2 Poland particiapted in Chezhoslovakia annexation together with Germans, they just did not think they`d be next.

Now Poland is black sheep of EU, acting as US agent and seemingly wishing for World War 3, in which they will be inevitably fucked over again.

Aha, i Separatyzm żydów i jego źródła

>stopped Ottomans at Vienna
yeah, its not like Poland was main proxy for slave trade with Ottomans and raided slav lands and balkans to sell to turks. Its double ironic, they now claim to "stopped ottomans" in battle they barely participated among other forces, after being their main bitches for ages.

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At least land is cheap here and I have family here. The genetic future of America is also over.

I want to move to poland. I won't even fuck any of your women.

Well, they were polish death camps. None was found on germanys soil. If indeed something ever happened