
incest isle-monkey shithole

Attached: shithole.jpg (1200x800, 178K)


But you aren't any better.

No western country is worse or better off.
We are all cucked and causing infighting like this retarded thread is why we won't get anywhere.

thanks for starting two world wars and killing millions of white people

Take a stand you faggots.
For heritage, nation, culture and race.

Attached: The West, revived.gif (480x270, 1.08M)

Yeh you can burn that one. This is the only flag I recognise.

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Attached: inbreeding-gradient-europe-d.png (1251x945, 395K)

Churchill was a freemason and killed his own people

Attached: jewchill.jpg (215x287, 13K)

freemasonic paedophile paki nigger kiked-up shithole, a nest of vipers, thieves, murderers, usurers
- the 8th circle of hell, mordor itself

thats how i see it anyway