Are you against trannies because you feel bad for them or because you hate them?

Are you against trannies because you feel bad for them or because you hate them?

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they are victims of capitalism driven to this extreme coping mechanism

>Are you against trannies because you feel bad for them or because you hate them?
Is Trump trying to push this hard now, ROFL. I do not doubt it. Looking forward to him dancing with Bruce at the next CPAC.

We just want to have sex

I despise them.

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>Coping mechanism

They're animals and running over them(with a vehicle) should attract same punishment as running over non endangered animal
Also show your flag, tranny.

>durr it's capitalism
no you fucking retard. It's because of the demonisation of masculinity and not allowing boys and men the ability to have masculine outlets.

they are actually victims of liberalism: deconstruction of category, community, identity, etc.

I'm against trannies because I'm not going to let adults play pretend and try to make laws that force me to play fucking pretend with them.

The attack helicopter meme is a hyperbole but the exact reason they're a fucking joke. "UHHH I THINK IM A WOMAN SO REALITY HAD TO ACCOMMODATE" no bitch this is FANTASY LAND YOURE LIVING IN.

"Bruce Jenner is a woman" is a lie.
Lying is bad mkay.

>friend turns into a tranny
>feel like they ended up a loon because I didn't do enough to help them

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I hate them.
They are genetic abominations that defy the will of God.

Why not both?

Because they're obviously fucked in the head

I feel bad for them but they are an insult to everything I consider holy
If they haven't gone through the operation, they maybe can be saved but post operation gets the bullet

the proles need the workers spirit to achieve self actualization in order to realize their true purpose in life
capitalism denies the prole his end goal in life & deceives him into being a slave to social constructs
only when communism is actually fulfilled will men have masculinity

I feel sorry for them. They are suffering from mental illness and instead of doing something to help them out, we're supposed to go along with their mental illness. You don't cure an anorexic (body dysphoria) by calling them fat and putting them on a diet, so why the hell would anyone think you could cure gender dysphoria by calling a he a she and cutting off their dick? It's not how it works and it's why they attempt suicide at something like 40% no matter where they are in the bullshit transitioning.

I feel bad for them.
I hate the people trying to normalize mental illness.

what if they have pancake tits from taking estrogen, what then hans?

They're products and perpetrators of child abuse

because they prey on children

I could give a fuck if you decide to mutilate yourself. One less breeder is fine by me. My problem with them is their quest to shove their doctrine down my throat and expose any of my children to their degenerate filth. I cannot stand the victim mentallity that they have. Although to be fair, from what I understand, most trans people just want to be left the fuck alone and its the liberal fucktards spreading this shit.

Feel bad for them because they're being used for political gain rather than actually being helped psychologically.

They are disgusting abominations. What’s worse is they demand that I participate in their delusions.

I feel bad for them. They are being manipulated and deceived.

The views that promote that shit are straight outta Frankfurt School or marxism a.k.a cultural marxism.

a homosexual has appeared

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You monkeys are from Brazil, its not a huge loss.

liberalism and capitalism are in fact the same thing
>muh liberty
>muh equal laws
>muh intrinsic rights

It’s mental illness. Stop promoting it.

no such thing as cultural marxism

Even out here in California you rarely ever really run into any sort of tranny. The problem with them has always been the warped movement that some how if you don't want to date, have your kids around or accept their life style as 100% normal you're the one with the issue.
Like I don't think they should be stomped out in the street but at the same time lets not act like a dude in a dress who thinks they are female now means they are and I'm the problem for not wanting to fuck them.
>it's a female penis
>what the problem?
>there are more than two genders
Errrrrrrr no... just no

I feel bad for them, because they are pushed to self harm by (((doctors))) (((psychologists))) and (((psychiatrists)))

It makes me feel sad

I feel bad for me because they make me hate them.

Sure thing, buddy boyo

I feel bad too, because that's hate that could better be used for hating the Jews.

They are disgusting. I do not feel bad for them. I think they need a lot of psychiatric help, but have little sympathy.

It's about castration. That's the purpose. You're being set up to be castrated in society as a rule. Because once you set up a big enough block that doesn't care about reproduction, or is castrated, or whatever, they will support it being done to you. That is the point of this and thepoint of "tolerance".

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I feel bad for the real women who are going to have to comete against XY MEN in Athletic Competitions

I feel bad for the little girls who are going to have to share their bathrooms with grown men with psychological issues from some sort of dysphoria/dystopia

I feel bad for little boys who will fed hormones by ill-advised parents before they even hit puberty just because one day they picked up a Barbie doll instead of a G.I. Joe

Not to mention the hundreds of boys forced into sex work and made to undergo this procedure just to appease some sick fuck's fantasy all while society doesn't seem to see any problem and celebrates who beautiful and courageous the manslaughtering Bruce Jenner is...

This isn't about Trannies, it's about everyone else

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I feel bad for them because they're mentally ill.

I hate them because they want to be around kids and force everyone to call them women, when they're clearly dudes.

I take a bit of a different approach. I believe what we call transsexuality is a timeless human phenomenon, and it can be a legitimate affliction. We've seen it in all cultures under different names/terms. What I hate is when it is politicized or used in a culture war, or when doctors encourage people to change their bodies at a young age when the mind and body are still developing, but especially the mind is still in a very vulnerable state and easily malleable. What I hate is when people, parents, teachers and others who ought to know better are quick to race their kids to the gender clinic, or in some way encourage/affirm their gender dysphoria, while often ignoring various other underlying issues that might be causing or contributing to the gender dysphoria the child (or adult) is experiencing. There could be trauma involved, molestation, severe bullying, emotionally distant parenting, some event in early life that caused them to think there's something wrong with them/their bodies, or perhaps some physiological reason (in which case it's much saner to attempt to solve that and encourage the person to accept their body as it is while perhaps taking medication, like testosterone for boys/men who have low T counts, or encourage them to change diet, have social contacts and pick up a sport). What I hate is using people with a serious tragic affliciton for one's own selfish purposes and virtue signalling.

I am against a tranny agenda, just like I'm against propagandizing homosexuality, or the spread of pornography (which poisons mind, body and soul). I am pro trans rights in the context of objective research and proper medical diagnoses (unhindered by culture and human bias). Similarly, I believe any person has a right to be who they are and express themselves and be allowed to explore who they are, but only within the bounds of human decency (for example, sexuality should be a thing for in the bedroom, at home, not flaunted on the streets).

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Should you feel bad for mentally ill people? Empathetic even? Yes, absolutely. It's not their fault that they've been born with a malfunctioning brain. Many of them are victims of abuse. Trannies have the highest suicide rate, they are worse off than schizos. Giving hormones and chopping off genitals is pure evil? They need help. And appealing to their delusions is not helping them.

Only sane person here.

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>Are you against schizos who shoot up garlic festivals because you feel bad for them or because you hate them?

I don't hate them. I feel disgusted by them.

its both .
they have fallen to the tranny meme and thus have become a carrier for said meme .
feminism,open borders,blm all memes all passed along.

I feel bad for all the little boys getting the snip.

Same thing happened to me big guy. One of the shittiest experiences of my life. Had to cut off contact with them. Taken the isolationpill for a bit now.

I have a burning hatred for trannies and their culture that preys upon lonely porn addicted boys. I take every opportunity to shame them online now. I see it as a petty way to get revenge for what they stole from me, twitter is the best place but I have to keep making new accounts.

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I like this take

A compassionate and rational Jow Forumsack? Color me surprised.

Mental illness is not a sin. Trying to normalize it is.

Trannies physically sicken me. Like any animal with severe mental and physical issues, they must be put down.
Bash your local trannies head in with a big rock today, AnPrim gang

Both, to be honest. They're a disgusting symptom of a larger problem.

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people stop being libertarian where radical pretendergender retards start trying to force them to play along through legislation.
theb they start paying attention to what's been going on in pride parades and school indoctrination.
This could seem hypothetical until you start seeing drag kids on tv which IS public child molestation and psychosexual grooming and you realize it has become a very real and present threat to our innocent and vulnerable people.
Nobody I repeat nobody is cool with this. You see the blood libel level of child endangerment in photo-ops and that's it.
More than just not being into it, most people who see this feel compelled as a member of the species to go to great lengths to protect children, the way theyd run out into traffic to save a stroller or put down a dog who was biting a toddler.
Your comeuppance cant come soon enough. All the photos of these people who endanger their kids at these drag shows are being saved and archived and will be used against them in a RICO case.

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Phobia doesn't mean only fear, it may also refer to aversion to something, so it fits.

Some people think Bruce Jenner was originally a ftm transitioned from birth, now transitioned back to female. It explains why he already has rather delicate features, no brow ridges and a soft rounded forehead

I am mad because they don't actually exist, they are just ordinary people with other problems who have been taken advantage of by this godless society. It's fine when they were just few and far between individuals but when it's a movement, it has crossed the line. The way the Jews are so openly exploiting generations of children, teens and young adults into thinking this is a good choice for them is absolutely disgusting. And because the narrative has already been implanted that trannies all kill themselves, nobody will think twice when there's mass suicides in a generation from all those who got used to push the current agenda.

Their culture is demented and they’re infringing on others’ rights by forcing them to humor their delusions under threat of state-sanctioned violence.

Both. They're degenerates and they're hurting themselves in their degeneracy

They are the most disgusting creatures on this planet. I just want to puke every single time when they come to contact with my sensory system.

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Research has shown trans women (biologically male) have a brain structure more similar to that of a biological woman.
Is it a disorder? Yes, in the sense that it derives from an unnusual brain structure, but that doesn't mean that exposing a kid to that stuff will make them want to become a tranny.

user I know how you feel when you watch someone you care about throwing away their life. But you can't put that on your self, think about it you couldn't hand hold them through life. You must learn to let go of the burden you place on yourself.

try not giving a fuck, it feels amazing

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They're very sick and need help.

I don't care what they do, i have no problem with trannies unless they force me to call them she when I don't want to. I'll still say she probably but I don't want to be forced to say it.

Because they spread their degeneracy and damage other people.
They are a social disease.

Because they're not conducive to what is my idea of a healthy community. They can go be trannies somewhere else and respect my family and myself enough to not force it into our lives.

I don’t care if you’re a fag but stop forcing it on everyone.

Their mental illness is not enclosed around them, if you open yourself up to one you will quickly encounter the crazy quick. And if you are a fool to rely on one, say roommate, then your life will be a hell scape of walking on egg shells and being abused.

I wouldn't even think about them if they were not relentlessly pushed and celebrated by the Msm and vehemently shoved down little kiddie's throats in public libraries.

I love trans-athletes they are the greatest entertainment.

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Yes and yes.


The filthy commie is right on this one

Feel bad for the ones that are still decent people.
Hate the ones that want to destroy the Western world, act like they're no different from biological females, act like everyone has to be attracted to them, try to brainwash kids, unironically worship Satan, etc., which is a lot of them.

good goys

liberalism and capitalism are antithetical

communism is the end game of liberalism, the utopian fetish of blank slate equality. capitalism is a differentiation process via property rights

> Are you against trannies
1) Every person should do in his/her private life what ever he/she wants. The state should not police the bedroom of people.

2) The relentless promotion of LGBT and especially Trans propaganda is part of the UN depopulation agenda and only practiced in white countries. This should tell you everything.

>Are you against trannies because you feel bad for them or because you hate them?
I am against the current course of treatment by humoring their fantasies and mutilation. They are obviously mentally ill. They need CBT to come to acceptance of their biological sex and probably a new diet to avoid all the xenoestrogens.

We don't humor people who want their arm or leg cut off because it "feels wrong." Why are we doing that to people's genitals and secondary sexual characteristics?

>this theory
He transitioned to avoid a vehicular manslaughter charge.

Why not both?

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I dont really give a fuck about them and they dont seem to like that

trannies must be the stupidest people on earth

nonretarded* guys obviously will not touch them with a 1 mile pole, and nonretarded girls will not accept to be fucked by a girl who has a penis. it's a lose-lose for trannies they should simply go kill themselves.

*noretarded: any person who doesn't belong to the LGBTQ+ community

you know, maybe you could respect people who put effort in and politely ask you to call them a she or he instead of what their assigned gender at birth is. People like are just assholes on purpose and never had their parent discipline them.

I mean, I think 50% of trannies are fucking ugly as shit libtards that put 0 effort in, and another 40% are neurotic mentally ill retards. But idk, theres still a decent amount who just want to be normal, but just take hormones and try to look like the opposite gender because they have gender dyshoria.

but of course this is an echo chamber of delusional retards.

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Fucking heresy, the daemons of slaanesh are real. When is the purging going to start?

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not gonna lie, I think trannies need to have some resource that can tell them if they'll be able to pass as the opposite gender, and be denied treatment if they dont. I think that'd help.

I feel bad
It's obviously a mental disorder

I used to feel bad, but since they've been pushing this shit on children under 12? I fucking hate them

>Similarly, I believe any person has a right to be who they are and express themselves and be allowed to explore who they are, but only within the bounds of human decency (for example, sexuality should be a thing for in the bedroom, at home, not flaunted on the streets).
It will never "stay in the bedroom" with these degenerates. That's the first step to giving that mouse a fucking cookie.

you can't change your sex

>masculine outlets
Like what?

I hate them, but pity them

I feel indifferent to them. As long as the don't hurt others or involve others to their problems I don't care what they do to themselves. I even think incels should become trannys so they won't be incels anymore.

i want someone who can write to write a story about a trans sister of battle

research has shown that cutting off your fucking dick is generally a bad idea. Fuck you. You get the rope too.