Muh video games

now if you'll excuse me, gonna go play MW3

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>pee pee poo poo

Attached: GamersRiseUp.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

I want to play as a transgender woman soldier hero in COD WW2

People have been bitching about violent games since before mortal combat
Now we have a whole generation of adults who grew up on these but the violence is still all kids

There has never been a solid proven correlation though. The fact that people are still trying to spout that talking point is dumb as fuck

if I dont have to hear 10 year olds anymore on gta I'd call it a win

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Is call of duty 4 classed as ancient now ?

is there a version with the upcoming joker movie. for now im just waiting for the new MW

Been gaming since pong and Atari. Moved on to my spectrum zx and still gaming now (not on the zx still). I have a wife, 2 sons, nice house, nice car, good (dull but well paid) job, I pay my taxes and have never committed a crime. Gaming has clearly ruined my life!

so sick of boomers and their bullshit

you don't understand user. they're not saying video games radicalize children; they're saying video games radicalize ADULTS

they're bringing the "don't play games goyim" argument to people of legal consenting age to play them. 18+ only video game servers aren't coming

yeah its video games and guns
not the glow in the darks egging the mentally ill
not straight white men being cast out for simply that, being a straight white man


Trump is currently doing his best Hillary impersonation.

Attached: trump.jpg (2000x1330, 598K)

There is actually information to suggest the opposite. Won't stop old boomers ignoring the real issues.

Men being oppressed and targeted in modern society.
Racial mass replacement.
Jewish subversion
Mutilating boys

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Fool, trump has been sliding left his entire presidency.

At first it was only noticed by those who pay attention. Trump would still TWEET and talk tough about things, BUT DO NOTHING.

So that was the first part, then after 2 years of us getting used to him doing nothing he felt comfortable enough to say "most immigrants ever" "we love DACA" etc.

The Democrats have advanced their agenda more than conservatives have, even when GOP controlled both chambers of congress and the executive branch

>mutilating boys
That's a fake reason

>mutilating boys isnt harmful

Hello kike. Please kill yourself.

Ever ask yourself why muslims and jews are psychotic? Abrahamics like you deserve to die an awful death.

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So basically we are in complete agreement.

Jurassic Gamer
- Mortal Combat
- Resident Evil 1, 2, 3
- GTA 1
- Max Payne
- Quake

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Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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Where do Pokemon pinball and Pokemon Crystal land?

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primalfag checking in. space invaders made me a radical xenophobe.

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