Mass shootings are GOOD

Almost nobody in our society has the ability to express themselves using words, or to understand new ideas.
They rarely think, they just react.

What other incentive to try do they have, other than to avoid death?
Society is rigged with affirmative action etc. to pay people to be stupid and follow the elite agenda (and to destroy white people by depriving them of resources and justice).

Is total rebellion the only solution to save civilization?
Is the now-happening economic crash our chance?

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>retarded shill post
Hi there glownigger.
NZ thanks you for taking their guns because of these great mass shooters

you post this every day get some new material.

I wanna shoot a mass of something into her face ifyaknowadumsain ayy

>look mom i posted it again
not suspicious at all

>if you post something more than once it makes it wrong
these are shills

>blames victims
>sides with government
>'they're just doing their job, of course they HAD to take the guns'
only a leftist thinks this way
stop larping

Mass shootings are good because they raise awareness for the really impotant questions in life, namely banning guns and better surveillance of mentally ill right and left wing extremists.

Shouldnt you be focusing more on doing your homework and brushing your teeth every night than posting big words on the internet?

good for the FBI's budget

only travis bickle incels faggots do mass shootings.

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I wouldn't say mass shootings are good, but if we examine how these extremists are treated BEFORE they go on their killing sprees, it raises the question of what other options they had?

They are mocked and antagonized in every non-violent way imaginable. They can't even begin to have a discussion about their concerns because the mere act of wanting to discuss their concerns is considered justifiable grounds for completely cutting them off from our society. They are constantly told that they have no place in the future of our world, so how on earth are people surprised when they resort to violently opposing the order of our society?

Well everybody seems to understand violence that's for sure! Whether they are smart or stupid, it's something we share in common.

shouldn't you be focusing more on being a slave to the country that used nuclear bombs on massive amounts of your civilian population and pretending it never happened and rationalizing it with self hatred?

>post HITLER
>of course they'll believe i'm one of them

the FBI is funded by the same infinite cash pool as the CIA, its all a show baby

Without discourse, violence becomes inevitable, which is likely the point. That pesky 2nd amendment is getting in the way of a lot of big plans.

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really faggot? feds push for MORE shootings so they can throw all NS minded people in jail for thoughtcrime.

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no one is going to jail for thoughtcrime you schizoprhenic paranoid freak

one example? oh wait you're a 1 post shill

Not that I'm a gook, but far from pretending it never happened they keep shitting out self-victimization propaganda like Grave of the Fireflies and "peace museums" focused on the horrors on the atom bomb. And they're ridiculously proud of their country. They literally have TV shows where they go around the world and give some japanese product to a baka gaijin who is then suitably flabbergasted by the superior japanese worksmanship. They have another show where some gook will go undercover with a weabboo trying to pass himself off as knowledgable about things nippon. In one episode it was a Japanese gold medal Soba chef who went undercover with a fat amerimutt operating a Soba restaurant in California. So the payoff is when undercover nippon guy reveals himself and proceeds to thouroughly school and humiliate the white person on what an embarrassing failure he is. Pretty based desu.

james fields got 400 YEARS for being a fascist while chased by a commie gunman and driving into a murderous crowd.

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