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Very edgy neckbeard.
On a serious note. When these things happen at large corporations how do they handle the aftermath? They clean up after investigations are concluded but do they just reopen the next day like nothing happened? Do they stay closed for the next few days?
I'm sure the workers aren't too eager to go back considering they aren't in the first place working at these places.
clean up on aisle 5 wagie
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger faggot
Maybe they should invade Sweden inatead
That's not very nice user.
Australia doesn't send their best people.
He's right, you know.
They all shart together to pay respect to the victims
that's not shart
Help stop extremists before they go around killing people!
If I can't go to Wallmart where am I supposed to shart?
all the employees get 2-3 weeks paid leave. the store stays closed during this time. A lot of people will quit or transfer, if it's an option. I'd give it 50/50 odds that the GM of the store quits or retires under the pressure.
Law enforcement removes the bodies but does no clean up. There are professional services that clean up crime scene aftermath in every major city, they come in with a ton of bleach and steam cleaners and it's all taken care of within a day and disposed of as medical waste.
when it reopens, they have upped security for like a month. A lot of times if it's a smaller establishment, they shut the place down and demolish it. Won't happen with a wal-mart since these buildings are too expensive and valuable.
they might stick a plaque up on the outside in a clear area for people to leave flowers and shit.
>spamming your own thread
Kek Nice one OP
You're at Wal-Mart stocking up on grits and you see this charging towards you with an AR-15 machine gun, what do you do?
I honestly can't stop laughing at all the dead beaners who thought it was just gonna be another day of foodstamping at Walmart
Is Wal-Mart user okay?
Go for the jugular and see if I can suck out some extra percent. Maybe get up to 52% White
You have a good point.
It was the beginning of the month, which is when all the gibs and welfare are distributed. The store was probably loaded with illegals.
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