Why is Trump so smart, bros?

Why is Trump so smart, bros?

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4d bullshit

fuck trump

obama passed reagan healthcare and trump is passing democratic gun control

youre a slave goyim

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Fucking hate this cuck boomer. He deserves to die

No. No more 4d chess, no more defending him. If he caves and goes for more gun control he's done and dead to us.

Get rekt nazis

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he's still right, demo's can't help themselves, they'll eat their own shit if Trump says it's bad

Is this a real tweet?

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-6 modifier to morale

Because he had sex

he's not wrong, though.

Its the jewish 4d chess

Is this a parody account?

Yeah! By taking the exact position the Democrats wanted to take, we really beat them! Lets also open the borders and enshrine abortion in the Constitution. Dems will FREAK!

democrat incels btfo!

>Actually believing that he would implement gun control after taking office again.

Kek. Stay salty, leaf.

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But he'll NEVER follow up!

He should of been dead to use after his first year.

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Normalizing unconstitutional garbage as a valid position is how clownworld started.

Yeah, haha! Giving them what they want and supporting red flag laws and sliding even further down the slippery slope is so 48D based chessmaster of Trump! He's so super duper smart! Haha - libtards blown the fuck out when the republican party enacts the laws they sought to enact! Haha! MAGA!

Yes. Real brilliant, that slippery slope.

Looking forward to precrime sentencing, literal thought police, and folks heralding the Nu-Patriot Act because it hurts whitey. Who cares if it also takes away your rights. Shooting yourself in the foot is the new pop trend to spite your enemies.

Dumb fucking people, except for the liars. They're just malicious.


Reagan wanted the Government to have nothing to do with healthcare. And don't worry, tRump will NEVER follow through with anything that doesn't benefit himself, personally.

Is this the part of the plan where he distances himself from the people who got him elected, because they’re going to use our maymays in court?

I hate this timeline.

Also, fuck how long it takes for the CAPTCHA images to load.

>muh 6 gorillion-d chess
Okay, so when is he going to stop playing games and turn the fucking table over?

Red flag laws will go down in history as an unmitigated disaster where police murdered countless law abiding citizens.

Donald Trump is advocating killing Jow Forums users but it's based for us because now the dems can't do it!!

Or you know they'll pass the shit and Trump will have given too much away again while gaining jack shit.

5D backgammon nice play

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after his second term ends
9d poohsticks


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Use their own laws against them!

Hurray trump is taking the guns, libshits btfo

Red flag laws are confiscation

Wtf? Sauce on him advocating killing 4channers?

lmao rekt the libs by BECOMING a lib


I'll try Trump's tactic next time I'm in a boxing match. I'll repeatedly beat myself in the face and knock myself out, so that my opponent doesn't get the chance!

>Art of the Deal
>The Art of War
"By Way of Deception You Shall Wage War"?


The 4D chess here is that he knows they won't accept it if he ties The Wall into it. It's bait to give them something to reject.

Bill Mitchell is not very bright and anyone listening to him is prolly in low 90 iq status

>gun confiscation without due process is the moderate position
Imagine a world without boomers

You faggots post this shit every time the Jew media wants to hype a shooting.
Every time Trump comes out, says some bullshit about protecting children and how sad it all is and something should be done, and then nothing happens.

Enjoy your bumpstocks.

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This is actually a pretty good way of looking at it. The Dems are half insane progressives and half middle-class-friendly moderates. This is pushing them into a corner by forcing them to embrace their far more divisive progressive side.
If they run a prog we go with reparations and open borders memes and Trump wins in a landslide.

This boomer grifter is a complete fucking tool and can go fuck himself. Always chases what he thinks will get him money.

>by doing exactly what they wanted now they don't have to do it themselves

Drumpf btfo

>Trump is a slave to Jew cock and his followers are Nazis.
>Trump is literally Hitler and does everything the Jews tell him to do.

Taking guns away from people who “pose a threat.” Trump really is playing 12D underwater monopoly.

Sure as long as trump wins the republic is safe...

Owning the libs by handing over your 2nd amendment rights. The absolute state of Jow Forums.

17D Candyland

He's right, though. Trump will never do it, and the Democrat Party is forced into another indefensible position.

>Why is Trump so smart, bros?
He probably eats a lot of cauliflower and gets plenty of phenylalanine in his diet, keeps his mind active with puzzles/crosswords etc.

Trump hasn't DONE anything discord trannies.

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