NRA Supports Red Flag Laws

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Yes, people here are insane. If the mass shootings continue gun consideration becomes a very real possibility. Something has to be done now or we risk losing the Second Amendment all together.

Reminder that the NRA called for the ATF to review bump stocks and got them successfully regulated.

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Feels bad that the NRA cannot compete with the pharmaceutical industry and thus guns get the blame instead of fatherless kids on SSRIs shooting up their schools

NRA almost always cucks. Go with GOA who isn't too jew controlled yet.

The NRA is worthless and has been for awhile. Support the GOA.

they realize that if they dont give some compromises eventually public opinion will go 100% against guns and the entire second amendment will get shelved. this isnt the NRAs fault. you retards only have yourselves to blame for this. i dont see what's so hard about just not killing people but then again im not mentally retarded

yeah no. the government track record of abusing everything and anything means red flag laws will be a defacto gun ban for any dissidents.

only a gay fucking leaf would support taking away another's rights even a mong leftist deserves their guns in Murica you leaf faggot rake yourself

People don't understand that independents are made up of people who are basically just sheep who, well, don't want to get shot in a walmart.

no fuck off we don't want your dumb ass idea. kys you are not American and no one gives a fuck what you think gun grabbing piece of shit

Never needed them to begin with. no idea why people give them money

>words on paper are worth more than the actual rights they enshrine

How's that boot taste?

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>If the mass shootings continue
Except they aren't real, kek.

I still don't know what this has to do with exercising in high heat and humidity..

It just sounds like whats already on the books. Those adjudicated unfit to possess ill not possess. The due process comes before the seizure.

If they really cared they would fix chicago crime. This was clearly a psyop.

>NRA Supports Red Flag Laws
Unsurprising: NRA is *THE* best example of controlled opposition I have ever seen.

>we have to napalm the village to save it

This. The governments corruption is the perfect justification for never allowing further gun control.

Serious question - what should Trump do in response to the shootings?
>do nothing - gives dems an Attack talking point to use over and over and harm him in 2020
>do something - red flag laws and further gun restrictions will turn off his base and potentially cost him 2020.
What do?

Bump. Support GOA instead of the NRA cucks

>shall not be infringed
You've already lost the Second Amendment faggot.

Will you NRA faggots finally see what they are?

>the government track record of abusing everything and anything means red flag laws will be a defacto gun ban for any dissidents.
>This. The governments corruption is the perfect justification for never allowing further gun control.
This is also the reason that they're feverishly importing ever more Mexicans/South-Americans: these people acknowledge & accept corruption, the traditional American does not. -- They want to eradicate America's native culture so that they can be open about their corruption, and so that the people don't literally KILL them should the depth and breadth of their corruption come out.

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gas yourselves

>eventually public opinion will go against guns
>gun regulations have been going down and mass shooting have been going down
>crime has been going down
What did (((he))) mean by this?

The NRA has been a fudd organization for sometime now.

>admitted for treatment

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no shit. the NRA does NOT care about your freedom to own a gun, its a lobby just like any other lobby. They sold the people out with the auto weapons ban in the 80s. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR FREEDOM.
Anyone who supports the NRA is a literal retard or a shill.

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Cohen world!

Oops I meant clown.

He could give a generic speech and not single out the white males.
Why not mention what's going on in Chicago, for example?
Why go after white nationalists when 2 out of 3 shooters were A tifa?
He could say that the domestic terrorism is increasing and that his intelligence agencies told him just that. No. He decided that it's the perfect moment to go after the guns and in close cooperation with the social media, that censor his base.
Sure, great fucking idea and people like me don't feel betrayed even a little bit.

Shit is so staged, fake mass shootings, and almost every republican is in favor of these stupid red flag laws.

wait which one did I say

What even is the 9th amendment?

based drug dealing nazi Ollie North

>Shit is so staged, fake mass shootings, and almost every republican is in favor of these stupid red flag laws.
Because the Republicans are corrupt, too; both sides are not of the People of the United States but are Foreign Agents, either by blood or by being bought.

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This is about the 9th amendment. 2A has been gone

>they aren't real
exhume all bodies

Fuck your compromising.

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Oh...Of course it's always white peoples fault...

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>jury of your peers
redflag laws already exist, this is a move to drive up gun sales

It doesn't matter. On the right there's nobody else to vote for other than him, and the left has gone so fucking crazy that they can't be allowed to win anyway.

If you're someone who hates these statements from him, your only choice is to either vote for him anyway or go full accelerationist.

>The group known for routinely throwing gun-owners under the bus with milquetoast 'compromises' is potentially going to throw gun-owners under the bus with another 'compromise'
Color me shocked.

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I would totally be for these laws but they can’t enforce the already exiting laws that prevent gun violence for shit. A ton of the shootings could of been prevented if the glowies and state governments actually enforced these laws instead of larping on this Mongolian basketweaving forum.

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Jewish takeover of NRA is complete I can presume.

NRA is a wholly corrupt, shit organization. It needs to go away and be replaced. Wayne has been stealing money the whole time with help from a law firm and family, and Oliver North had to resign when he tried to expose them.

For about 2 decades, or more.

a bunch of traitors.

there should be a world group that defends gun ownership worldwide. I would give my money to it

>yfw people still donate to the nfa
>yfw they browse Jow Forums