Dayton shooting: What actually happened

So as it turns out the suspects sister was among the killed people

So this is actually what happened:

>be Connor Betts
>be incel thot patrol
>realize your sister is actually a thot and fucks her Chad boyfriend
>flip out
>go on a killing spree
>thot patrol your sister, killing her and her boyfriend while they are hanging out
>die a noble death

Attached: Megan-Betts-Connor-Betts-Dayton-shooting.jpg (960x794, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Somebody looks mighty jewish

Why are there so many left wing incels?

just looks seppo to me

im an australian living in america, and by god the 56% memes are literally true. there are very few attractive american white people

She was fucking black men and he wasn’t

Both of them look like bulldog dyke lesbians. Wtf

He looks like some kind of mythical creature

Look anons a memeflag is trying to gaslight you again this nigga Betts has been dead since 2014 and his mom is listed as the owner of a cybersecurity company called Minethurn which contracts with the government. Bix nood.

some people did some things

You're probably just living in a shit place. Move somewhere better. Attractive people get paid more.