What is your honest view of islam? And also what do you think about shia islam and shia muslims...

What is your honest view of islam? And also what do you think about shia islam and shia muslims? Iran is shia for example, and hezbollah also.

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I don't care
I don't even know the difference between Shia and the other sec of islam
I have a question though, is halal meat tofu or something?
What is it?

They're alright for the most part, what I dont like about them is that they come to the west and implement their damn sharia law and put mosque where churches used to be. Stay in your own country sand nigger and you're okay with me

Honestly islam is pretty great, their have family values and a good financial system. They are also fiercely protective of their landholdings, to the point that they can walk into another country and burn the church and then that country will literally convert for them (lol France, New Zealand) and the local women willstop breeding local men in order to allow a new future. Additionally, they don't equate science and religion as opposites, but try to keep both working in tandem.

I am actually super fucking jealous, and if muslims weren't so dark-colored, their language wasn't so gutteral, their texts weren't so dogmatic, and they weren't genetically inbred, I would definitely respect them as equals.

no, it's like kosher meat, slaughtered in a special way to fit religious standards

spbp. Muslims are cool in their own lands.

Halal meat is literally just beef that's been ritually slaughtered. They slit the cows throat in a special way to drain out all the blood or something.

Islam and all its adherants must be exterminated.

halal means when you cut it there is no blood. it's better quality but the animal feels pain for up to 2 minutes.

I don't really know
On one hand it's a fucking based religion against degeneracy and has lots of good value
On the other hand fuck off, Constantinople is christian and Islam has no place in Europe and gosh you'r theologist are retarded to only used the coran and ignored science
But i like you in your countries, muslim in muslim majority countries are nice and welcoming
Overall kind of postive

Shia Islam is the good Islam

What have YOU Sunnis done to oppose the Zionists? Nothing that is what. Hamas is sunni and that is about it, but of course Hamas would oppose Israel because they are fucking Palestinians, Hezbollah causes the Israelis to quake in their diapers and they aren't even Palestinian. Sunnis join forces with Israel.

The Jew fears it. Look at all the times Muhammad expelled the Jews and banned practices common to Jews (like usury).

They also don't like the high birthrates associated with Islam. Which is why they must use the goyim to wage war and get their enemies to move away from Israel and to Europe.

Ironically enough, since the birthrates are so low in Europe it could lead to the Islamification. Which could backfire on them in a few generations. Only time will tell.

Christianity used to be quite based (banning usary, opposing fag marriage and naming the Jew). But the Jew has weakened it considerably. So Islam might have a role to play in getting rid of this menace.

Shia are kuffar

a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the German temperament.

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Based religion, decentralized, and very difficult to subvert.
Sadly, most of them now are under Jew control, same as Cristians.
As for Shia and whatnot, it's all a front to mask the fact that either Iran or Saudi Arabia will be in control (read between the lines, it's all jewish subversion to take down Islam and Cristianity at the same time by creating conflicts everywhere, cristians vs arabs, Saudi vs Iran, etcs), and a bunch of bs that it's harming the Arab people.
One of the things that i don't like it's poligamy tho.
Unless regulated, that will fuck everything up.
And i don't like the fact that they migth ban the artificial womb.


nuke mecca

Almost identical to judaism

trashy and low IQ

OK, fully honest? Fine. I agree with the Churchillian view of your vile religion, but I likewise acknowledge that it's not my business as long as you keep it the fuck out of my society. Unfortunately, both your culture and mine seem pathologically opposed to maintaining that separation, so I'm left to contend with your disgusting values being forced upon my prosperous society and I hate it. I'm not stupid enough to ignore Islam's endgame, especially since you openly state it for anyone willing to listen, but if it was just you idiots chopping each other up in your shitholes, your delusions of grandeur wouldn't bother me. You have no business in the West and although I acknowledge that my own culture is likely too moribund now to stop yours from spreading here, I have hope that the Chinese will win in the end and exterminate your society after ours has finally cratered.

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It's the most dishonest contrarian religion since hinduism. Pure dehumanization apologetics.
Any muslim who has actually read the Quran and knows what kind of bullshit Muhamed has done and is okay with it is either a retard or a conman.

>their have family values
>like selling your young daughter to the highest bitter and fucking your cousin
>good financial system
>like how every muslim shithole that's run on oligarchy oil that the US has them by the balls since optimizing its own oil business

>fiercely protective of their landholdings
>like all those times combat able men run from their homes and leaves their stronk family bondage behind to pillage and rape on the white man's welfare

>then that country will literally convert for them
>local women willstop breeding local men in order to allow a new future
I guess now we know where you're coming from, ahmed.
Muslims are second rate shitskins who attract other second rate shitskins, be it white trash or black.

In lithuania, some people eat sand for fun.

You will only get negative views on the muslim world, and of course all the immigrants will bring more negatives because they are the criminals and exiles.

My country borders the biggest muslim nation in the world - indonesia. And they are generally nonviolent because they aren't marrying their cousins and opening their asses for jewish influence

No halal meat is torture and it's becoming the norm in our society.

>Thinks religion means culture or what the MSM says it is.

Consider taking the actual effort to learn what Islam actually is and not what you are (((told))) it is.

Saying "I learned all I need to know about ISlam through the news and Glenn Beck" might not suffice on judgment day as due diligence.

You want an honest answer about your religion?
Well, I see Islam the same as I see Christianity and Judaism. It's another Abrahamic desert cult religion that doesn't belong in Europe.

And it is so backwards and and doesn't look like modern-day religions. What I don't get about Islam is that is the only Abrahamic faith that still has not been reformed, in any way possible, unlike Judaism and Christianity in this day and age...

Basically just fuck off back to your countries and stay there. Stop listening to the kikes via flooding to our countries, enforcing your laws here and turning where we live into a shithole like the one you came from. Simple as.

Absolutely this.

Islam is a cancer on the human soul and deserves to be wiped out. It has produced nothing of value in history, and it's focus since day one is on creating an army of ignorant fanatics and madmen to destroy everything they see. One day, the false prophet Mahomet will be spoken of in the same terms as Hitler.

This is the objective truth, accept it.

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Religious fundamentalism is stupid. There, here, everywhere.

OP, legit question ; why are you asking us? I'd love a legit response.

just trying to see how people respond to shia islam specifically, or just to islam, i respect all views except anti-religious views, neo-pagan views and such. those i don't respect. but the christian people who dislike islam, i respect their view.

All Abrahamic faiths are Semitic distortions of Zoroastrianism. The Gathas is better than the Bible, Koran, and OT.

Shia Islam is ridiculous; it's using a 1300 year old political dispute to justify defying accepted dogma, either for reasons of personal liberation or simply as a big 'fuck you' to the status quo

Arabic and muslim culture is pretty based and has good aesthetics, I just wish it would stay in the middle east and do what it does best; trade spice and enslave jews

Seems like muslim culture has been degraded and picked apart just like western culture, it's jsut a shallow husk compared to how it was 500 years ago

but you don't know the imams. those are said to have authority after muhammad and it's very serious, you can't dismiss that just as a "fuck you"

That every muslim outside of the middle east should be forcibly moved there, and anyone here doing business with them without 75% of the population voting to allow it gets sent there too.
Qurans should be treated like copies of Mein Kampf and banned here.
No food shall be exported there and no water.
Muslims are not allowed to use the ocean.
Muslims are not allowed to jave aircraft or nuclear tech.
Any violation should be automatic glassing of one city, starting with mecca during the hajj.

The west should nuke mecca and change the dynamic of Sunni sheep flowing whabbis and then nuke iran too and get rid of the shities and then the Jews just the he sure.