this is my perfect europe pls no bully

Attached: IMG_20190731_164040_450.jpg (1280x936, 260K)

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Is this your hoi3 playthrough?

Nope EU4 and CK2

norway has to overtake sweden. they are lessed cucked then I can live there.

Iceland control khalmar union

Lol Christians ruling the world. That ship has sailed. It’s all about the Jews now buddy

Yes europe controll the world all state are full christians and there isnt degeneration

As if Italy will ever conquer that much territory with their shitty millitary


Nope in this world no muslims invasion happened so italy is strong
Do yoy enjoy the map?

Thanks user

Kool map

Attached: 9967FBBF-1F7E-405F-9772-8E15394AD189.jpg (1024x563, 114K)

this Europe gives me an erection,

but if Albania belongs to Italy, and Algeria to France, then Ireland back to Britain

A lot better than most maps I see

beep beep perfect europe coming through

Attached: perfect europe.png (2988x2187, 476K)

The eternal Anglo cannot resist

Thanks user
In this world khalmar union control Canada i hope u enjoy it

Na cmon u have your island

Better than China

That's legit pretty good, except for a shitty green Ireland >:(

This is your reminder that Schleswig-Holstein is indivisible.

Attached: 1548114935039 (1).jpg (757x1080, 315K)

Sorry anom but i hate when my car explode

Empires are bound to clash. Still a good map though.

Perfect Europe would be just Roman empire

Attached: 146C5ECB-0750-4C87-BD7E-325A3AF3B622.jpg (216x225, 10K)

Where's the dome?

T. cucked Gaul

Hey, return Finland to Russia.

Yes but in perfect europe this is invalid for default to easy
What is a dome?

Simple solution for that

Attached: 5231666049de6d31f7ebc9246cbb17ab64a65a92499530029fa68659af8b9e55.jpg (1500x1000, 285K)

Nope finno-ugric deserce a state
I give to you crimea enjoy it

We don't want any more Moors in Spain, thank you.

Walls don't keep out planes.

Attached: download (14).jpg (254x190, 11K)

Yes but who built my roads and rails after this

Nothing in this world no musliks invasion happened
I hate closed space i live liberty

You do you then. Perfect US has a dome.

That looks really good.

Thanks user
I spend 2000 hours on paradox games to do this

Based map
Good job

This is literally just Europe with less countries

Thanks user
Is europe woth less and powerfull country woth no muslims shitskin or jews

Then maybe you didn't give them enough.

Attached: 1024px-Fenno-Ugrian_people.png (1024x813, 325K)

what is your obession for you Italians with
> europe's asshole: albania

Na enogth only finnish are ok
And if i do this russian borders will be ugly

Honestly atrocious.
Italy is way too big, Austrian Empire is a dead meme, so is the Byzantine Empire. I won't even start talking about the Zorastrians and Poland.

Albanis is talian for mussolini

Fuck off mohamed in this europe there isnt shitskin


Name one argument for any of your meme states

This needs to stop.

Attached: 1565117471352.png (1196x875, 893K)

why is beautiful
image an austrian that dont want austrian empire eccept italy
didnt exist so u are a muslims immigrat shitskin

That's Italian shitty military for you

Attached: 6e103a8519f3fb4da614250e014cd0db.jpg (1920x1440, 350K)

based russia
italy best alley

Fuck you Alsace Lorraine is French clay


Attached: [house_intensifies].jpg (423x339, 103K)

Bretty good.

Attached: feelsgood.jpg (329x357, 20K)

nope german
i dont understand do you like my map?
thanks user

I have a soft spot for the Czechs

Austria-Hungary was bound to fail with the rise of nation states. Today's Austria is not a nation and does not have any right to exist as a sovereign state.

Bullshit map since there is no reich

Attached: 1500315336143.gif (280x302, 3.75M)

nope archiduke ferdinand want solve this with creating the united states of greater austria but he was killed

german empire is the second reich
hitler didnt need to exist in this europe without shitskin muslims commie and jews

I know, I wrote my thesis about him. He had some great ideas that would have solved Austria-Hungary's problems. But he died and the state dissolved, which also solved the problem. No need to bring it back just for the memes.

this is a dream a perfect europe and in this europe will be him alive and he will bring austria to his golden destiny

By giving South Tyrol and Trentino to Italy? Questionable. He also didn't want to annex Serbia.
This is not perfect Europe, this is a cute fantasy that wouldn't last a month in the real world.

combining poland with anywhere?

to make a strong alliance with italy remove the rebellious italians and strong others state with italian help

with this new form erbian people will want annex to austria such romanians
indipendence + austrian service perfect life

commonwhelt an history beauty state

Two world wars, four empires breaking apart, and communists getting in power in Russia thus leading to rise of communism all over the world is not exactly "solving the problem".

Maybe Trentino, but definitely not South Tyrol. South Tyrol is Austrian heartland, why would he give it away voluntarily. It's as if Italy would give Toscana to the Netherlands for shits and giggles.

Austria-Hungary collapse was only accalerated by WW1. Without a war it would have broken apart in the early 20s if we're being generous. You don't have an idea how fucked up this state was. WW2 was Versailles' fault.

archibishop of sudtirol was italian
for all holy roman empire was italian but after napoleon austria made sudtirol de jure territory
so fro you dalmatia is croatians because croatians kill all italians here

Ferdinand still wouldn't give it away because it was de jure Italian 500 years ago.
Dalmatia is Croatian because there was never an Italian majority. It was never Italian territory.

>Perfect Yurop
pic related

Attached: Perfect_Yurop.jpg (1399x1024, 40K)

Landlocked countries shouldn't exist. With maybe the exception of the Vatican.

>United States of Greater Austria
>Doesn’t incorporate the proper borders

roman empire and venice italian until 1840 when austria take it from napoleon

Clearly not

i made it beautiful anona
do you like commonwhelt
nope or where i put my illegal money

mad cuck
cmon do you like it a remove the shittest part of poland and give to you all ester europe thanks me

>roman empire
Please stop
Venice is also a meme and should burn in hell for what they have done to European civilisation.

venice save europe from ottomans thousents of time
so shut up


Attached: fixed.png (2988x2187, 534K)

remove portugal chimps from the map and I call based

>venice save europe from ottomans thousents of time
>what is the fourth crusade

without venice there wouldn't have been ottomans to worry about



nah portugal is too op for lost a war

Ok buddy

Attached: Ideal Europe.png (4576x2184, 665K)