He did something

>be hitler
>see your country and people in ruins
>actually organize do something about it
>become supreme leader of country and lead your people back to prosperity

>be Jow Forumsack
>do nothing but complain

what are you faggots gonna do?

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Yeah and he got his country btfo by the allies again
Stop encouraging people to do terrible things

k faggot

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Mein Kampf is the book which, spread in Germany in excess of a million copies, had such an influence on the sudden orientation of an entire people that it is necessary, to find the analogy, to go back to the Koran. Hitler’s religion is the closest to Islamism, realistic, earthly, promising the maximum rewards in this life, but with this Walhalla Muslim way with which meritorious Germans can enter and continue to taste the fun. Like Islamism, it preaches the virtue of the sword. The reason for this love for Islam is simple: it is the perfect religion to dominate a people while keeping secrets for the homosexual and pedophile elite. Veneration and submission to a master (Allah avatar of Zeus) is therefore the basis of the NAZI REICH.

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the problem is FDR was a shriner (muslim)

hitler had no way of knowing the US had a satanist at the helm who would side with the jew rat. if not for that we could have world peace now

What are you going to do user?

This religion is also very practical and attractive for a soldier, Arab-Muslims conditioned from birth to enslavement have no respect except for their masters who guide them with the whip in their hand. Despite the cooperation and association of some Arabs with the Nazis, Adolf Hitler considered them as an inferior race but Islam is Nazism are sisters who hold hands over 14 centuries. The system of the Nazis imitates that of the Jesuits and mafias, it is also inspired by the religions with ZEUS in its eagle nest, the master of the zodiac. This is why we find an eagle above a circle in the Nazi occultism, the swastika is none other than the rotation of the bears around the polar axis, in the center of the circle. Like the Emperor

>Hitler declared war on the US
>Somehow the US's fault we were at war

really makes ya think

Le système des nazis copie celui des Jésuites et des mafias, il s'inspire aussi des religions avec ZEUS dans son nid d'aigle, le maître du zodiaque. Voilà pourquoi nous trouvons un aigle au-dessus d'un cercle dans l'occultisme nazi, la croix gammée n'est autre que la rotation des ourses autour de l'axe polaire, au centre du cercle. Comme l'Empereur gay Constantin à son époque, les nazis chassent les homosexuels du peuple pour faire perdurer une race avec des hommes et des femmes, par contre dans son élite dirigeante nous trouvons beaucoup d'homosexuels chez les nazis.

hitler didnt create the nazi party
also hitler needed catalysts to rise to power like the failure of WW1 and the great depression

the muslim degenerate FDR was sending massive aid conveys to britain and russia for years. the US had effectively already declared war, just not as honorable gentlemen would. hitler, being the respectable party in the conflict, declared war before engaging in actual resistance to US supply routes to britain / russia (the context and scale of which constituted an act of war against germany)

>the problem is FDR was a shriner (muslim)
what the fuck are you smoking?
>hitler had no way of knowing the US had a satanist at the helm who would side with the jew rat.
he perfectly knew that the USA was a kike-infested cesspool at that point. He even made a bunch of speeches about how america was the source of all degeneracy and was completely controlled by zog. their is a reason he celebrated going to war with america.

Most of the men did not have the slightest hint of Hiller’s true goals, of his formation, of the lodges of which he was a member, of the ideology which he made his own. They did not know who had promoted him to this position, who was financing him, and they knew nothing about the hidden motives behind the Second World War. Hitler’s ideology has nothing to do with what we refer to as the "general reality" or what is recounted in the school books on the Third Reich. Hitler was a mystic, an occultist to the tip of his feet, and it is necessary to look in this light to understand what happened during the Third Reich.

prove to me FDR was muslim or else im gonna assume you're a gaslighting boomer continuing to shill for neocohens.

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Some troubling facts are documented in an excellent book by the historian Jacques Pauwels (1). His irrefutable documents prove that a large part of the US companies collaborated with Hitler, and not only at the beginning of the war: Du Pont, Union Carbide, Westinghouse, General Electric, Goodrich, Singer, Kodak, ITT, JP Morgan, etc. .. The great strategic novelty of Hitler was the "Blitzkrieg", the lightning war: to quickly bring his troops to the heart of the opponent. For this, two essential conditions: trucks and gasoline. Germany having neither, it was Esso who supplied the gasoline, while the trucks came from the German factories of Ford and General Motors. Jacques Pauwels shows that a large part of US business was pro-Hitler in the 30s and 40s. This only changed when US sales were endangered by German commercial aggression in Latin America and elsewhere. And by the Japanese occupations which confided all the commerce in Asia. The United States played double game. They wanted the war to last a long time. On the one hand, the huge profits that their companies made in Germany were growing. On the other hand, they were getting rich by lending to Britain, which bore all the financial burden of the war. Washington also made it a condition that London abandon its colonies after the war. What was done. The United States managed to take advantage of the Second World War to weaken their rivals and become the only capitalist superpower. This cynical game only stopped when the USSR defeated Hitler. Only then did the United States rush to save their interests in Europe.

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The idea that Jow Forums is doing nothing to up bring a National Socialist or Fascist Revolution is bullshit. We are doing the most we can from our internet screens. We are getting somewere with it. The Virginia Torch Light Rallies was a major event where some Jow Forums members and other Fascists who are not from Jow Forums took to the streets and surrounded many antifa members. We are winning in some ways and getting somewhere.

>masonry groups are muslim
neck yourself boomer

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fuck off good goy judeo-masonic slime

you hang with the kikes

many of the Masonic rituals have deep, ancient connotations on the themes of ancient Egypt, but the egyptian empires are a long story. The worship of ATON and the monotheism invented by the destructive pharaoh is absolutely not the true religion of Egypt, even if the solar cult of ATON already existed before the takeover and the introduction of monotheism by the priests ATON. The religious division into 3 great forces with a secret cult for the elite makes it possible to influence the history as ever, the creation of the Islamic Brotherhood on the basis of the Ismaili Assassins is a fantastic way to control the Middle East. This project is also linked to the MK-ULTRA secret program. The infiltration of ILLUMINATI in the Muslim and Arab world in general has always existed since the creation of Islam by the Vatican and the Jews, especially in the old universities of the Islmatic world like that of Al-Azhar. These young people are in charge of reforming the religion to be in phase with the new world order, they are mainly Egyptian students that one finds in the Islamic fraternity of the BROTHERS MUSLIMS under British domination. In the USA, many lodges are Islamic and in Holywwod the secret cult has pigno on street, OBAMA is the first Islamic president to accede to power thanks to these occult fraternities. There are also historical links with ISRAEL and NAZIS, in these activities religion is only a facade for much larger and globalist projects.


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Hitler realized what Byron did in 1916, that WWI was fake/ gay and being used to cull the herd. Byron drove himself mad trying to warn people, and Hitler was so autistic he became a pawn for the very people that destroyed Europe in the first place...how with all of the autism on this board have people not questioned why an Austrian who tried unsuccessfully to overthrow the German Government only spent 9 MONTHS in prison before being released and rising to power instantly? TLDR it was the (((OSS))) (see Albert Pikes 3 world war prediction, former Civil War General and (((Lawyer))) I mean FFS he even GAVE the Ashkenazi a safe haven and then culled the heard of their undesirables