You do realize there won't be a civil war or economic collapse, right?

Attached: thecollapse.jpg (1536x817, 396K)

nothing on this planet can exist without periods of radical transformation, nothing. At a certain point, sometime, it all falls apart. Everything. Over and over.

The End of Civilisation: You Can (Not) Fight Back

>nothing on this planet can exist without periods of radical transformation, nothing
This was true when the world wasn't an interconnected global economy. It's not true in the age of the petrodollar. OPEC prices and sells oil in dollars - this forces everyone to sell shit to the U.S. to get the dollars to buy oil to run their own third world economies. A civil war in the U.S. would bring the entire global economy to a standstill.

>Eva reference
>Brit flag
Edgy mate

The world was just an interconnected before WW1.


But what am I supposed to do with all the ammo?

>The world was just an interconnected before WW1.
Christopher Columbus begs to disagree.

>But what am I supposed to do with all the ammo?
Go to the shooting range.

Ignore the retard obviously. He's on par with GOD CANT SINK THIS SHIP. Absolutely brainlet.

You mean the capital building, right?

It was actually a little less but regardless the Industrial Revolution was where this all began.

>t. Roman in 400 ad

Attached: 1542940476682.png (982x1274, 76K)

>You mean the capital building, right?
No. The local shooting range which is usually located in the woods and run by a member of the community. Where people shoot at dummy targets and behave in a civilized manner.
>Nice try CIA.

Attached: 41251212313123123.jpg (245x154, 10K)

>Christopher Columbus begs to disagree.
what does this even mean?
>It was actually a little less but regardless the Industrial Revolution was where this all began.
That's arguable. Before WW1 the world belonged to european empires which were extremely interconnected.

there will be an ecological collapse and food shortage thanks to global warming by 2030


>In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
>Somehow implys this kept the world disconnected in the 19th century.

He's tarded

>what does this even mean?
There was no definite proof of the Americas existing before Columbus' journey faggot. I'm not going to teach you history.
>It was actually a little less but regardless the Industrial Revolution was where this all began.
>That's arguable. Before WW1 the world belonged to european empires which were extremely interconnected.
You stupid faggot, the Industrial Revolution was in the 18th century and WW1 was in the 20th century.
>You're a brainlet.

Stupid cunt. Indians, Aztecs and Mayas had a continent spanning economy in the Americas that was isolated from Europe before the arrival of Columbus. Before Columbus' journey, only Europe and Asia were truly connected in terms of a global economy. Africa was brought into the fold much much later in the 17th and 18th centuries.

>no argument

I said
>the world was more interconnected before WW1
Maybe I should have said "right" before WW1, but Christopher columbus was 500 years before that.
>You stupid faggot, the Industrial Revolution was in the 18th century and WW1 was in the 20th century.
He said "actually a little less" as to say that just before WW1 things were a little less interconnected than now. I wasn't responding to the part about the industrial revolution. l2read.

That post is stupid as fuck.

>That post is stupid as fuck
>literally no way out

Attached: economyinfographicyang.png (2604x3804, 3.3M)

Economic collapse yes.

Global? No.

Yeah but in 1914 more than 400 years after that discovery the world already had a global economy

>A civil war in the U.S. would bring the entire global economy to a standstill.
yup. hyper centeralized monetary policy based in the economic well being of a rapidly fragmenting society residing in the corpse of an empire slowly bleeding itself to death like every empire before it. that def means there will never be a happening.

The world was pretty connected before the decline of Rome. Then it wasn't. Nothing unearthly guarantees that the global market will continue.
Just because Amerindians weren't involved in global trade doesn't mean it wasn't connected.
>oh man, there are uncontacted tribes still out there, guess the world still isn't truly connected

Of course there will be an economic collapse. It happens to every empire and civilization. Name one great empire from 300 years ago that is still around today. None exist.

This accurately describes what I've seen happen in society since The Great Recession.

^ doesnt understand revelations...
Nigga the end in written & it aint pretty.

Attached: web-good-sheperd-catacombe-priscille.jpg (450x436, 148K)

That's what everyone said before the first Civil War and the Great Depression too.

The end of a prosperous America will come very suddenly.

One day things will be patched together with even more tension then we have now. Then one day that patching will just snap and everything devalues over night.

You might think this will never happen because there’s not a slow lead to it where you see destruction coming in slowly.

The collapse happens within a blink once the first domino falls. The way I see it, a lot of systems are very fragile right now and can’t sustain. America’s collapse is inevitable and I suspect will happen within the next 50 years.

as long as the juden die its ok.

We've been collapsing for over a hundred years now. Ppl just don't notice it much due to brainwash manipulation and sparkly screens.

Move out of your shitty abandoned house in Delaware and get a job, Tyler.

No but there will be a massive plague

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How so?

Both times before globalization.

What's your reasoning?

Again, just before WW1 was very globalized, arguably moreso than we are now.

nothing happens until it happens

we're not at the end of history.

>There won't be an economic collapse
hahahahaha, whatever you say leftard.
Even repubs are acknowledging its inevitable.

All major systems are inter reliant now on the us market and stock market. Once one field collapses multiple others do. It’s why we were forced to give those multi trillion dollar bail outs to financial institutions. Because it would of ruined the entire USs economy for those financial institutions to fall. And things have gotten much worse since then. Systems are even more inter reliant now with multiple bubbles popping up all over the places. There’s only so many bandaids you can use. Going into debt itself is a band aid. The US is trillions in debt.

Some people say debt doesn’t matter. So what stops the US from taking on double or triple or quadruple the current debt we have now, tomorrow?

It’s not sustainable. And that’s where we are headed slowly.

As we get more unsustainable more of these bubbles and band aids keep appearing. Eventually the stress the entire system is under becomes too much. The US is a bloated mess right now. It’s set to pop. No more than 50 years from now imo. Could happen a lot sooner though. I just don’t see this going on past another 50 years based on the way I’ve seen things go the last 20. I see evidence of a final stage before a “bang” of destruction.

>Some people say debt doesn’t matter.
I hate it when I hear this. Its the most retarded statement, and they're just regurgitating what they heard from some boomer.

Hubris is the argument. Name one society that hasn't collapsed. Name one that lived forever. The probability is in favor of society having an end than having an eternity.

The hilarious part is that it's already happening.

News is garbage, politics is in deadlock, we have a budding authoritarian leading the "free world", and the economy has been stagnant since 2008 propped up by fake growth that doesn't exist for the middle class across the entire western world. The rich get richer and inequality is skyrocketing and has skyrocketed and sycophants defend our new aristocrats because standing up for yourself is socialismus or islamig gommunism.

We are living in the collapse right fucking now. And you retards don't see it, because ORANGE MAN GOOD and let's all whine about gun control as if that fucking matters.

We will live shorter, poorer lives than our parents. That's not what's supposed to happen. But it is happening right now. It's happening, and you are letting it happen.

for like three days until everybody worked something else out

Trump's a shit president, every president for 60 years or so had been a zog puppet, but he's no morr authoritarian than Obama or Bush jr. If Trump were any kind of authoritarian he'd be deporting en masse or throwing a few hundred mil at israel right now to secure re-election. He's as terrified to make a move that doesn't directly benefit israel as any other president. You undermine your whole post and all of the solid observations made in it with that kinda thing user.

>we have a budding authoritarian
I wish. Trump is just another jewish puppet.

>nothing on this planet can exist without periods of radical transformation, nothing
>This was true when the world wasn't an interconnected global economy.
>It's not true in the age of the petrodollar. OPEC prices and sells oil in dollars - this forces everyone to sell shit to the U.S. to get the dollars to buy oil to run their own third world economies. A civil war in the U.S. would bring the entire global economy to a standstill.
Until the petro dollar loses its value and the whole system crashes. You place too much faith in a fiat currency backed by a government which is imploding in on itself. Whn the US government is no longer seen as credible and the value of its money is not trusted, the system will inevitably crash.

Post whitepills frens

He's an authoritarian, he's just bad at it and somewhat restrained by the still-functional parts of your government. He wants to run the country like he would run a business.

Remember when he asked Putin for tips on how to handle 'fake news'? Trump sucks up to his dictator friends in Russia and Saudia Arabia while shitting on democratic allies, and actively seeks to undermine the checks and balances designed to restrain him.

He's just a moron with all the autocratic impulses of a tyrant with none of the skill or intellect to act on them. But you only have to listen to him obsequiously slurping on whichever shithole country is his bae for the week to know what he really likes.

I hate this shit, cause that's not happening either, if you are afraid to take risks this will happen to you. If you are afraid to ask the girl out, you will not get married. If you are afraid to take job risks for a better position than you will fail regardless. If you are afraid to chase your dreams well then... you are doomed to fail. I hate nihilism, and I hate people that spread it. Shut the fuck up and get comfy faggots cause this world will keep moving and if you dont move with it then you are doomed to sit and watch. Where is the fun in that?

Oh course not the trump supporters are scared

>things are different now
This has been said by every fool in history just before they are proven wrong yet again.

Authoritarianism bad! Democracy good!

>the age of the petrodollar
Try saying that again in 5-10 years

Wrong, and wrong. It's funny how you seem to purposefully ignore the trade war between China and US, which is actually coming pretty close to a crash, since both are responsible for inflating the biggest economic bubble in the world. And it's just a question of time now when it's going to bust.

>no way out
There's always a way out.

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I'd say a major war, with a holocaust 2.0 would help.

>the president is authoritarian and the world is about to collapse
>gun control doesn't matter
I don't follow the logic. Guns are the most important thing you possible have in the collapse.

>we live shorter lives poorer lives than our parents
Do you think this is something new? There have been many periods of economic prosperity. History is not a continual climb of wealth. There have already been generations who were more poor than their parents hundreds and hundreds of times.

People like you piss me off. You think you're smart but you're actually just a retard. You hide behind nihilism to mask your low IQ.

^^^^^^ THIS

This is CANADA EXACTLY in a nutshell. Its happening before my fucking very eyes.

>the world is about to collapse
The world is collapsing around you and your guns aren't helping, retard.

>Do you think this is something new?
Of course not, you fucking moron. I just think it's something we should try to fucking avoid.

You call me a nihilist and then imply that we should just lie down and let the "cycles of history" roll over us. God you're a fucking moron. Zero reading comprehension and the insight of a corpse.

I never said it wouldn't end. Just it would be the slowest end of all time.

That's a lot of shit that has nothing to do with the thread. Take it to Jow Forums.