ITT: We write the new constitution that will inevitably replace the current constitution once America has descended into anarchy/civil war and falls apart.

We need legal frameworks for following issues: Immigration, Guns, Abortion, Drugs, Economics, Healthcare, LBTQ, Education, and so on.

We also need a flag and to start claiming territories in which this plan could likely function such as little towns and counties (Not liberal shitholes like LA or NY)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>We write the new constitution that will inevitably replace the current constitution
article 1:
Jesus Christ is King.
This is set in stone and cannot ever be changed.

Article 2:
You don't get to vote.

BBC for all.


Article 3: No central banking and no gun control shall ever, under any circumstances, be placed on the citizens of the USA. To appeal this law, a 95% consensus must be reached by all branches of government. Any activity that undermines this article (the Third Article) is considered high sedition and punished by lethal injection, firing squad, or hanging.

No more 2a

>No more 2a
eat broken glass nigger

>No more 2a
I disagree, BANG


Only YAHWEH's Chosen will be citizens with inalienable rights. The GOYIM exist only to SERVE the CHOSEN

Everyone must carry a gun at all times.

No jews

Article 4: Private property is the basis of a free and prosperous society. Private property will be absolute in the USA and to strip a private citizen of this right requires a supreme court hearing lasting no less then 2 hours, funded by the party seeking to strip the private property right.

Only people who own homes and pay taxes may vote, 1 vote per house
2A stays
Remove nogs and jews

Just a start...
1) Free speach shall not be infringed
2)Right to arms (any and all) shall not be infringed
3)Only citizens who own property may vote. Proof of citizenship and property ownership shall be furnished prior to a ballot being issued to the voter.
4)All citizens protected from unwarranted searches and seizures of their person, property, and data.
5)No governing body may tax a citizen's income or inheritance.

Artificial 5: Marxism is punishable by death. No exceptions.

Title 88: Women are property

Article 6: Free speech is absolute in any public or private-public space. Depriving US citizens of this right is high sedition and punishable by death.

Already time to amend. 1st amendment NO JEWS

>Everyone is entitled to weapons up to and including any standard military weapon capable of killing more than a single person but not more than 5 at one time. Included examples are fighter jets, anti-tank rifles, anti-tank grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, tanks, amphibious vehicles, MRAPs, and ground fire support aircraft.

>The US government will only sell, not scrap or otherwise destroy, its surplus weaponry and the associated parts and tooling to the citizens of the United States at max 70% of its original cost.

>Not included are biological weapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or any future weapons which can target more than a single person indiscriminately, or whose spread and effects cannot be controlled after the first firing.

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Article 14: All Jewry is banned forever from residing in the US, owning any sort of property or being a beneficiary of US company.

Amendment 1 no Jews reeeeeee

Fuck you nigger. We go back to how the constitution was originally written.

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Article 7: To obtain the right to vote one must serve in a branch of the military for no less then 5 years. During this service, one has to be deployed to the front lines at least 5 times. Voter fraud is seditious and punished by death.

bring dueling back

Like yugioh?

You are going to be one of the first ones dead in the coming civil war.

Fucken A. This, right here, is an amendment learned the hard way.

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jews and non-whites cannot have any presence in the government or corporations

there is too much science and too much detail these days to make reliable rules. The founding fathers worked with the problems that they say, using they tools they they had at the time, which were fairly limited compared to now.

You could make a constitution, but it would be meaningless since we have AI, we have futuristic weapons of all sorts. Can you put in the constitution: do not use microwave pain weapons on your citizens? You should not use WIFI too much and limit it because it could be cancer causing?

And the new economic systems and complexities are even more retarded. To make a constitution with the current tools that we have, and the current problems that we see, it would take several months worth of time, and he collective is busy with other things.

But I would basically put a constitution that would favor the best of us, and punish the worst of us, the leftist must be destroyed, and the right wingers must be uplifted at every opportunity. All the degenerates and all the genetically weak should have no ability to destroy.

I would basically say "if you have one or two harmful mutations that deviate from the norm, and your proper functioning, you are no longer entitled to participating in any form of government, or influence upon your fellow man". Think of all the homo's that no longer can sue. Think of all the lgbtq people who can no longer bother. All the weird mutants would have much less influence in society. Beyond that...I wouldnt know exactly.

Article 8: Importing alien voters/supporters is the tactic of a tyrant, as stated by Aristotle. Anyone seeking to change or replace the natural demographics of the local US population in any way is to be considered a purveyor of genocide. Purveyor of genocides are punished by death.

just make it a copy of the american constitution with the additional provision that the country is explicitly white.

And maybe some details about the nature of the supreme court.

Proposing articles:

>All usury, in all forms is slavery to interest; and banned indefinitely in all forms against any citizen or permanent resident.
>Money henceforth will be considered as a unit of account, a medium of exchange, and a store of value, and nothing more than a voucher for work completed.
>The overall burden of tax any one individual can suffer shall be no more than 15% of his total income. All taxes on standing assets are void henceforth. Tax shall be applied to production only.
>All men are required to serve a minimum of two years in the armed forces, and upon graduation they are expected to keep and maintain their arms. Failure to do so is punishable by articles of the punitive code.
>Lobbyism in all its forms is henceforth subject to the punitive code and will be outlawed indefinitely
>Abortion is henceforth outlawed and subject to punitive measures of the highest order.
>All drugs are henceforth and retroactively outlawed. Drug users shall be subject to punitive legilsation. Drug dealers shall be denied citizenship rights, human rights, and subject to the highest order of punitive legislation.
>All citizens are ensured healthcare at the cost of government. Henceforth all medical practioners will be employees of the government. (Medical school will be funded and entry will be merit based entirely).
>Homosexuality is degeneracy in all its forms. Retroactively subject to the highest forms of punitive legislation, henceforth.

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Based. Theocracy when?

Corpus Juris Civilis. Fuck common law where judges get to invent law by asspulling.

pretty legit... This should simply be called what they meant the first time.

Dual citizens may not have a role in government.... Like how the US currently has a ton of dual citizens loyal to Israel

No Jews, no Blacks, no Irish.

What a useful fucking idiot you are.

No niggers
No queers
No transgender
No Jews
No social media
Death penality for everything over jay-walking within 1-2 working days
Did I mention no niggers?

This too

The property ownership as a requirement for voting is too susceptible for Jewing -- to easy for (((any insular group who comes along))) to game the system and buy up all the property in an area, making it effectively impossible for citizens to get a vote.

Good thought, but I don't think we can use it.

How about, instead: right to vote depends upon you having given 2 years of your life and to the service of the country, like in Starship Troopers?

Any and all items relating to the practice of Jewry be they cerimoneal, educational or decorative are to be destroyed.


No way I'll ever back this, as disgusting as Marxism is. No punishment for thoughtcrime of any kind.

We could define certain things about Marxism though, such as forced wealth redistribution, and punish that by death

Gays, minorities, and other subhumans are legally allowed to be killed on the street. (clean it up wagie)

>first amendment:
Every law abiding citizen may own any and all military equipment including ICBMs
>second amendment:
Every civil court case may be resolved by duel

Ok. No.
That would only ensure that people who vote will agree with everything that the government says.
The property owners are much better idea.

>right to vote depends upon you having given 2 years of your life and to the service of the country, like in Starship Troopers?
This but make sure it's hard to jew by requiring front line service

Because it didn't work the first time, but was really damn close. This time, we roll out Freedom v.2

I'll stick with the true and only Founding Fathers, thanks.

Jesus was a faggot and so are you

Curt Doolittle already have one that is 80%


The military reliably votes against what the government wants in the USA by a massive margin every election.

I'm rock hard, leaf. On the day of the rake, you will be placed on the top of the pile

It's already written, and your input is fucking laughable.

Fuck off christfag

You're right. It's now 1A. Good correction.

"this high velocity mankiller bullet can over penetrate a person and kill the individual behind them"
"this incindiary round could cause a gas line to ignite and is a weapon of mass destruction"
you fags are never going to beat the jews. jesus christ. these fucks can use a comma to argue the fucking second amendment.

Article 10: Puerto rico is given back to the ocean and has no association with New America

yes. Dueling Monsters will replace private lawsuits.

>We write the new constitution that will inevitably replace the current constitution
It only needs one article:

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Jews will want in on it and change ahit to cater to them. No thanks

Stick with George, Tommy, and Ben. They haven't steered you wrong yet.

Repeal the masonic constitution, rename the "United States" back to New Netherland, expel the jews, kill the niggers, deport the spics, instate Calvinism as the state religion.

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I was on board until I realized you said "legal frameworks" and not "legal fireworks".

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So you will have a disproportionate amount of needless infantry conscripts? You know the military is a complex organization that requires a lot of POG's in the background to maintain cohesion and equipment right?

Not being able to spell, "speech," is punishable by 3-hour continuous orgasm

how so? Eugenics based rules seem pretty cool. Mutants are pretty horrible no matter what they do. Maybe special exceptions can be made if they prove that they do not have an agenda of evil. Because most genetically ill people have. And are terrible people. The homo's rape children. The LGBTQ people also want to rape children and basically force other people to deal with their bullshit. Only the healthy that can make healthy children should be allowed to have a voice in gov, in court and in other sorts of matters, even in private, like business. A defunct brain, no matter what it does, creates a defunct things. Just how a rabid dog also only does harm, or how a broken machine creates broken products.

None of these people should be allowed to have influence upon the healthy. In any way, shape or form. They are only allowed to exist if we werent able to abort them, by probing them in the womb for defects.

Not really. The military may vote Republican but not against the government.

You get the rope too


That's why I said "Federal Service" originally, Noam. Enough with the pilpul already.

Federal service can mean killing the nation's enemies just as much as digging the nation's ditches


Punitive Articles;
>Article 1: lowest order. Petty crime, accidental crime, [IE: Forgivable sins against individuals or state]. Community Service, or legislation of equal merit. Time required subject to the rule of the Judge
>Article 2: Second Order crimes [Crimes against the State or her People, Vindictive crimes, violent crime and crimes of malice or passion]. Minimum of two years mandatory of State labour force or State army. Citizenship permanently revoked, permanent residency card invoked, no inner party membership, Productive manager of citizens, or citizen rights.
>Article 3: Crimes against nature, Crimes of Intentional malice, Treason. Death by firing squad. Once invoked this Article requires claim of the prisoners life, and a maximum of three days and a minimum of one day for those guilty to have affairs in order. Affair clause subject to denial at the ruling of a Judge.

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Fuck off christcuck
Fascism is better than your theocracy

No I don't. No government controls the minds of any man. The freedom to think comes from God.

You'd know this if you didn't live in a centralized nation where thoughtcrime is illegal

Literally the exact same construction but with term limits, border control, removing executive orders unless in war send provisions to limit federal power.

Based. What I'd do to live in such a great nation

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This is a noble thread

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There's nothing wrong with the Constitution we already have other than it isn't enforced at all. If you think we need to change it rather than read and enforce it you're fucking retarded and part of the problem

Oh shit

Based ameribro

Gas yourself

jidf on point.

Founding fathers were masons that deserved gas.

This, but I can think of three things wrong with the Constitution:

1) needs an amendment that clearly says no central bank

2) no women voting. Originally it said "men", but it needs to say no fucken chicks allowed.

3) 2a needs to say something like "if the govt / police is armed at so-and-so a level, then the rights of the citizenry to be equally armed shall never be infringed".

But other than that you're pretty much right

being a christian is about as bluepilled as it gets. fuck off back to china leaf

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>The truth is bluepilled
Are you new here?

If this isn't a shill or glownigger, you kids are amusing.

Is it? is he? does it matter?

Truth? HA! fucktards. Most everyone.

Found the kike.

You're not even American, you dumb spic. Puerto Ricans are definitely not welcome in New America.

Most Whites are subhuman along with the rest of the non-White subhumans.

>incoherent rambling

Coherence? death is coming, chances are there's no God and nothing afterwards.

Incredibly based

HAHA, you're serious too aren't you?

stupid fucking dumb christcuck goyim slaves. enjoy being bluepilled the rest of your life. christianity is a cancer.

Nah, it's nonsense.