Will China unironically be first world in a decade?

Will China unironically be first world in a decade?

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>2-3 decades maybe

Only if China get rid from all jews

>Will China unironically be first world in a decade?
Only if they can prevent shitskins from invading it looking for gibs after white civilization collapses.

1st/2nd/3rd world are cold war terms with no relevance to economic status
3rd world simply means nonaligned with Russia or the US and neutral, Switzerland is technically 3rd world

Nope. They aren't honest enough and their country will fall apart as superior races continue technological advancement.

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there will be no 1st world in a decade
3rd world all over with some 2nd world cities nad globalist jews living in 1st world place

their quality of life will never match or surpass Taiwan simply because of the mainland's incredibly toxic culture

Chinese are contributing to technological development more than Japan is nowadays.

Dont know, but its certain that this is their century and we are on our way out.

You have been visited by the Laura of mediocre threads.

This thread is about to die with only 8 replies. OP, hopefully you got what you desired out of it and that it wasn't a total loss.

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they are already in the 1st world?

explain this graph i dont get it

I would love to hear about these contributions, you mean like their new "wonder-breast never leak implants" or their marvelous plastic toys? Their "weather control" and their "cruelty free bear bile drainers"?

Doesn't 2nd world mean communist though?

They drop wallet on the ground with money and with no money, then plot the percentages and a line to indicate the difference.

Chile and Peru steal the wallet without opening first.

China steals the money wallet most often (95%) and over 2/3 of Swedes give it back both ways, which tells me this study is pre-2008

It’ll be “first world” in the sense that the US is “first world” (maybe)

What about their contributions to the smartphone industry, genetic modification, AI? I'm sure you could find a lot just by searching it up.

Yes. They're going to be the dominate power in East Asia and the Antipodes once the United States is out of the picture.

Every major Chinese city is more high-tech than 99% of American towns. Chinese millennials have HIGHER home ownership rates than their American counterparts (even though living with one's parents is still part of the culture in China whereas it is not in the US). Chinese manufacturing is through the roof, including high-tech prodcuts that increasingly only China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea can produce.

What you people need to understand is that GDP is a meaningless, misleading metric. China and her people are in many ways already richer than the US.

I hope so. Just so they can prove that state capitalism is a viable system. But chinks suck, and it's ultimately the people who make a country great, not the other way around.

>yfw whiteskins will be the shitskins of chinkland

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WAY too much corruption. On the "outside" things look cool, modern. Go read about their shit falling down all the time because engineers, supply chain, inspectors, etc are on the take.

Yes, and all the patents are american

We'll never see a first world China.
Chinese lie for everything. Their IQ results are 100% bogus (results from best schools in Beijing and other very wealthy parts of the coast only) and they also lie for their economic growth. Look it up.

I hope so, maybe it will open the western autist eyes. While ching chongs are focusing slowly on technological advancements while west cucks are studying gender studies.

If first word means dystopian hellhole (which it seems to all the "muh big buildings" and "muh consumer class" types) then yes.

cope harder the rest of the world of the world comes second to China, it's your own fault for doing nothing better than sucking jew cock for decades

China has like two times as many patents as America does now.

Perhaps, user... Perhaps.
I work in a hotel. We've always got large groups of rich Chinese staying.
I had to put a camp bed in the room for a small boy today, and as I placed it down and set it up, the dad told me
>Child sleep here with me, wife sleep that one

They are true alphas and won't succumb to Jewish Trickery.

I hope so, but the world is in a fragile position now (Cold War 2) and there must be major adjustments to all governments and societies to make everything viable in the long run (which probably will never happen, given humanity's collective stupidity).

If they keep driving into their own population and stabbing everyone, no.

China has never won a war and will always be that way.

we don't laugh at cheap chinese made knock-off shit just because it's made in china. it's literally useless crap, it doesn't work and breaks when used. they're infrastructure is exactly the same. go look at the videos of escalators and elevators killing people. look at the conveyor belts and machinery maiming workers. look at the videos of the ghost cities starting to crumble and topple years after being built. china is a paper tiger.

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Nope. China is already declining. Xi Jinping will lose his Mandate of Heaven and shit will hit the fan.

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And I mentioned what kind of products they are for.

No. They got as close as they're ever going to get, and they're headed towards third world status right now.

>China is already declining
>says increasingly nervous kike puppet for the 1000th time

It doesn't have to be products,. I'm talking about development of AI, genetics, medicine and things of that nature, which China is doing a lot recently. One product worth mentioning though, is the under-display camera for smartphones so that the notch is no longer required. Also, the modern vape was also invented in China.

Imagine being raped so much for 2000 years that literally half the population is a completely different mongrelized ethnicity. Oh wait, you don't have to imagine that. That's what happened to the chinks.

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And how is that exactly? Did you just pull that out of you ass?

This is irrelevant to OPs question

There's no such thing as pure race. East Asians are way more genetically similar than Europids are, so this is a stupid argument anyway.

First-world countries is a boomer concept, those times are gone.

>ghost cities

Not this shit again. Do none of you fucking niggers have enough brain cell to research anything beyond the fucking clickbait title?

so satellite imagery and hundreds of youtube videos literally showing these uninhabited cities is clickbait and i lack brain cells for seeing proof and believing? please explain. because i've watched people walk around these vast expanses of cheaply built shit malls, high rises, condos, town houses, and office spaces with literally no one in them. and they're falling apart. i'll be waiting for your reply.

Their mainlanders are pajeet tier ffs. Shitting in elevators and using gutter oil. Chinks aren't even that clever, they cheat on tests. Japs and Koreans are cool though.

Before construction of a building begins, majority of the unit is already presold at discounted prices. This is how the building is financed. It is how real estate development works, a model copied from Hong Kong. The apartment is delivered as a concrete box, which you have to finish yourself, such as the decor, flooring, wall paint, furnishing etc...

Most building have next to no occupancy, during the first few years after it finished construction, because the owner haven't moved in or finished renovating yet, but it is already sold.

The quality of the building is most likely shit, given that its fucking Chinese. But demand for real estate is ridiculous high, in China, especially in major city areas, which isn't surprisingly given their population size, and increasing urbanization and growing middle class.

Pic related is most likely the most recognizable, "ghost cities" of China. It is in rural inner Mongolia, created as a hub for coal industry. Price of coal, crashed during its construction, and the project was scaled down to accommodate a 300k people at best.

The original pictures were taken, almost immediately after its construction, slathered with the ghost city headline, when most of the resident haven't even moved in yet. Then over the next few years, the population increased several times. 80-90% of the units are sold.


It is fucking infuriating, how many people eat up bullshit journalism, just because it fits with their own preconception of the world.

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this not arguing against my point though. they are still uninhabited, and have been for more than "just a few years" before being finished. also, the people who buy them then try to charge outrageous, unaffordable prices so there is no hope of ever renting them. it's a investment scheme which is flopping, a way for the chinese to falsely inflate their gdp and infrastructure. i don't understand what you're so hot about, we're making the same point, you just seem to be hung up on the term "ghost cities". which they, in fact, are because no one lives there.

No, but the way it is present is fucking disingenuous. When the first news article hit, that town had a population of 20-30k, now it has about 150k.

>go to newly constructed district/town, that have no resident yet
>take pictures/ videos
>add click bait title
>never fucking follow up, after people move in
>now people think every fucking town in China are populated by ghost, when that couldn't be further from the truth.

These """"journalist"""" need to be hanged for being such dishonest fucks.

The Gian has awaken.

Europe is dying.

The future is Chinese.

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If we cave in this trade war? Yes!