Why are they calling the texas shooting an anti-latino shooting but the Ohio shooting they leave out the part he targeted whites and was a hardcore liberal? Dont they understand we whites are a race of peace?
Why are they calling the texas shooting an anti-latino shooting but the Ohio shooting they leave out the part he...
The texas shooter was a beaner himself
>Targeted whites
No he didn't. Just because he was liberal does not mean the attack was based on political issues, you fucking idiot.
>Ohio shooting
NPR's 1A said that was white nationalist too.
he was clearly a leftist who was pro socialism and pro communism.
I thought 8/pol/ said it was an Aryan warrior like Knight Commander Breivik and Saint Tarrant
I know that, but that is not the reason why he shot up that bar.
el paso dude was leftypol commie
read his manifesto. total cringe, even accidentally called "us" his "comrades" .... you can tell he only hangs out with chapo faggots
*Pulls up statistics*
Did I hear you correctly you ISIS bitch?
she's correct senpai