Massive Varg+Marie Archive

so iv compiled a bretty large archive with everything i had from his channel, his backups, his wifes channel, some of the translatingvarg channels as well as the archive from the mr himmler guy as he had many of them better sorted with names etc. when downloading you dont have to download it all if you dont want to but i appreciate anyone who can seed it.

Also would be nice to have many people upload some of their favourite videos on youtube.

the archive that iv made(not himlers) also include some very rare videos that got deleted/and or shoad before the whole channel got taken down, also some of the videos from the backup channels are pretty rare and might not be in circulation.

this is the magnet link anyway, cheers (:

Attached: VARG ROLLING.png (762x868, 670K)

magnet link magnet:?xt=urn:btih:gq6uxppmyfdtxzhu357txz3n6fable4f&dn=Varg%20Vikernes%20Extended%20Archive%20Torrent&xl=65394633537&fc=4032

I’ll bite, I’m a good boy so I might roll for something that I already don’t do.


well, i guess i should have stopped drinking the poison a long time ago, last i had today, ever.

Did they banned him from Bitchute now too?

how many fucking gigs is this? hash still checking.

no, but hardly any of his videos are on there. many rare/extinct videos in the archive

like 60 dude, but you can select to only download the folders you want to, iv sorted bretty good with the folders





jeez, how do I know i can trust you? rolling btw

hvor er du fra?

vestlandet, seie ikkje mer enn det

placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta placenta plancenta

Attached: vvvvv.jpg (246x138, 11K)

nice, bergen her.





240 kbs kan ta sin tid.

Brilliant, I've been waiting for this. There'd better not be a dumb catch or any bullshit because I haven't actually read your post yet

sorry byttet internet, fartern går opp snart

not an vargument


farten* lol

Ka stemme man på i lokalvalget? Bor i bergen æ å.


kanskje alliansen? vettkje om dei stille der eller ei

Virke for mæ som en hel del dårlige valg

Infant baby newborn mutilation.

Please don't roll a 1.

Well, I've already did away with most of this, so let's roll.

Lets find out


What the fuck I already dont do that. Rerolling.

How does this works

Attached: IMG_9125.jpg (701x1024, 89K)


Rollan for welfare nigger's advice

eigther click on the magnet link, or copy paste it in ur torrent program, should work

Did you get all the court documents and photos and evidence when he murdered that guy? I hear it was self defence; the guy ran into Varg’s knife 26 times. How about the church burnings? Archive the arson as well? He’s soooooo edgy..

>How about the church burnings?
å neei, jodetemplene brenner

buhu din jævla niding

jeg stemmer ikke. ikke noe poeng.

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She prefers BLACK BVLLS

Attached: 85703D6D-C645-46A3-88C0-1801E928C347.jpg (256x256, 10K)

roll for huh... wow


Nigger roll


Varg is retarded, but I'll roll anyway

Roll #2


I stopped playing video games 5 years ago

sure about that?

Attached: rebecca.jpg (608x947, 95K)

Roll #3



>there are still people who have not yet realized that Varg is trolling

Attached: 21151331_1410400002342301_7489559171105361177_n.jpg (256x146, 5K)

I'm rolling but I won't do what I get because this is obviously made for whitey (I'm no whitey)



Rollin' rollin' rollin'






Give me 7.

They see me rollin'

VIRUS, don't download this.
This is the same Norwegian retard or proxy that posts in every varg thread and tries really, realllllly hard to shit on him.

Tenke d samme, vill bare hor om d på magisk vis har dukka opp nå fantastiske kandidata


I saved almost half the videos from his YT before he got shoahed. It was just a matter of time. He posts once in awhile on Twitter now. I still don't use bitchute very often.


rolling, wont do it though

Cant say for all of the files, but the ones that ive downloaded so far have been clean and is exactly what OP promised.


Attached: snownigger.jpg (474x282, 33K)


Seems legit my dude, keep trolling those varg fanboys

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))))discord invite Py8gXX(((((

For Jow Forums nordics.

Tror Vargtardsene fra jewtube har en egen discord også, men har ikke fått meg en invite enda.

Attached: evola on the future.jpg (1280x810, 209K)


Let me guess, you pay for "Steam games"

reported for jesus

we banned him off jesus you really believed you could hide from the truth?

Attached: 1495982316920.png (607x608, 420K)

Why Discord instead of Riot or IRC? It's a honeypot.

or Telegram. IRC is preferable however instead of this modern material design bullshit.




idk, i guess thats true. Never seen anybody do IRC though. I guess discord is just a lot more popular, despite the security issues.


Ouch.. That hurts.


Obnoxious roll

rolling for a 2

They see me rollin’


i was just getting back into dragon's dogma...

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why does anyone care what this guy thinks? also rolling

Hoping for 7 I drink way too much caffine