Islam hate tread part II
daily reminder that all religions are a joke and a crutch for the weak-minded.
Good to know the strong mind is here on Jow Forums 24/7 to educate us
Eh no
Ironically, Islam without Arab culture would solve 90% of your problems wh*Toid.
Don't be so sure ahmed
>allah is highlighted in green to reference Kek which is also me
This is a gay reverse psychology propaganda made by a mudshit trying to attack right wing Christians while trying to larp that I have something to do with muslims. You know islam is a dead religion when their worshippers have to rip me off to keep their worthless religion afloat
>HY U SO MAD Jow Forums? Islam offers you everything you sperg and dream about!
- a faithful traditional wife, who will stay at home and birth many beautiful children. (Maybe more than one wife!)
- a God-focused life, your day not dominated by the rat race, but by prayer from Fajr to Isha’a, building a community that cares.
-a scared obligation to avoid the haram toxins of alcohol and drugs that cause degeneracy. The Quoran is clear on the sacred practice of health and hygiene. (Especially if you love feet!)
- a society where sexes understand they are equal but diffferent, and each has its traditional and natural role in the home and society. Where sons can grow up to be real men, respecting their elders and learning wisdom.
- leaning the beauty and poetry of the Arabic language which all Muslims share, unsullied by modern slang and filth.
- a faithful desire to protect Family, community and culture with armed force if justified. There is good reason imperialism and globalization will never defeat even the smallest Muslim country. My AK was my grandfathers and will be my grandsons.
Do not let your ignorance and blind hate confuse you when there is so much honest truth to be seen by just some short google searches. May Allah guide you home!
a faithful traditional wife
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