Syndicated journalist here, I work for one of NZ's premiere news and current affairs outlets...

Syndicated journalist here, I work for one of NZ's premiere news and current affairs outlets. I just have one simple question for you - are "incels" the shock troops for the alt right? It appears that this board continually incites the less stable, lower status males to commit horrible acts of violence, while the inciters, the true criminals, remain nameless and anonymous, continuing to egg on a fresh wave of incels. Is this an accurate representation of what goes on here?

Attached: 1564937812528.jpg (1024x460, 54K)

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Fuck off Paddy Gower

Not today, CIA

no, we all come here for the fart and poop jokes

You're a dirty dirty faggot OP

Why are you asking this on a Cambodian basket weaving forum?

Dayton shooter was a lefty you retard just like your kike mother.

I'm not him, but have worked with him before. Surprisingly tall man!

But back to the topic, how would you feel if your words incited a low status white male (incel) to shoot up a place of worship, for a example?

* for example

Hey stringer boy. The Dayton shooter was far left, and shot up a country western bikie bar.