What exactly is the problem with this picture?

What exactly is the problem with this picture?

Attached: 35162A37-1F59-48B5-80A6-1A2A22CD88D5.jpg (690x586, 80K)

The fact that it is mirrored asshole

Normies. All our problems boil down to normies. I wish I was joking.

>humans look happy
>time of business on reflection

bitch has got a thumb injury

Hover choke hold.
He's too beta to actually do it.

just ignore them user
it's a good thing that you think for yourself
be for good user

She is smiling.

If you haven't broken your Asain waifu's mind & soul you're doing it wrong

He needs to get the other arm in there behind her head for a full headlock

she doesn't have milkers
