Remember to shoot for the head.
Remember to shoot for the head
kill yourself glownigger
Slow day at the FBI office?
This guy won a free speech award for saying this in 1995.
Brainlet child.
You literally can say whatever you want as long as there's no overt action. That is why the FBI is trying to pass unprecedented laws to shred the bill of rights as we speak.
It is I, G Gordon, known irreverently as tha G MAN!!!
based first non cuck response.
>Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.
Gee, Gordan. That's a Liddy bit extreme, don't you think?
lmao cucked as fuck
he said it to prove a point that needs to be proved now more than ever before
Here you go, you filthy animal.
Now let me tell you folks about the testicle reduction surgery I had to have as a young company man......
First post best post
Jow Forums is a board of peace
Even Thanos knows this.
hi fbi
thanks for the education on this liddy guy
Believe it or not, Republicans in the 90s used to be fine with openly fantasizing about killing the Feds when they tried to trample on the bill of rights.
The point is freedom of speech, you stupid cucks.
>p-please get angry and do something stupid you gosh darn incels!
yikes, you glow niggers sure are desperate. what's wrong, running out of patsys to throw in the meat grinder?
Cuck after cuck in this thread missing the point. Zoomers are the worst and most cucked of all generations.