Call GenZ "Vaccinials"

The Ethical Skeptic blog says that the insane load of vaccines is what's causing the health problems (including gender dysphoria) in Gen Z.

Guarantee that Connor Betts had all 69 loads of vaccines, which is why he dressed as a woman and couldn't have sex with his "girlfriend".

Attached: Vaccinials_EthicalSkeptic.jpg (712x356, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gender dysphoria can only be cured by eliminating the vaccines inducing the schizophrenia and hypogonadism that's causing it in the first place.

Shaming them won't make their cocks suddenly start working.

Attached: Vaccines_Zoomers_Trans_Tranny.png (743x650, 403K)

take your meds, schizo.


America will survive

God is good

good advice, Dr. Schlomo!

Attached: CalvinHobbes_Ritalin_Medication_Pharma.jpg (768x274, 101K)


He’s right dumbass


He is. Look at these beautiful families He created, who did not get injected with Satan's (((vaccines)))

Attached: VaxxedVs_VaxFree.jpg (1100x1940, 1.15M)

What is the redpill on vaxxing?

Probably behind a lot of autoimmune conditions

Fuck I’m retarded

Vaccines are Jewish.
Vaccine-free families way healthier than vaxxed
Vaccines only product mandated by government
Vaccine manufacturers only product you can never sue
Vaccine mandates are coming hot and heavy and Cal is threatening to force-vax homeschoolers

vid summary:


Vaccines use adjuvants (toxic ingredients designed to trigger an aggressive allergic reaction) to stimulate the immune system. So, if you get your (((vaccines))), your body is creating immunities to all foreign agents.

>Get (((vaccines)))
>Body develops antibodies to foreign agents
>Eat PB&J sandwich
>Body interprets gluten and peanut butter as toxic foreign agents
>Hence, gluten and peanut allergies

Attached: Vaxxes_Vs_VaxFree.webm (932x720, 2.28M)

Wait....isn't Big Pharma part of the PROBLEM?

Connor Betts sought "professional help". He was on a cocktail of anti-depressants.

Jow Forums doesn't shill for Big Pharma, faggot.

Attached: Pharma-DONATIONS.png (800x465, 34K)

>has no knowledge of how vaccines actually work and gets their info from a crappy blog
>tries to blame the big gay on vaccines but people have been gay for thousands of years, the internet has just made us more aware of them

What are you doing in Jow Forums, (((Tim Wise)))?

Attached: Tim_Wise_Antifa_Vaccines.png (646x815, 399K)

(Also, lolol at your flagrant lie that sexual degeneracy AND decay haven't skyrocketed since the Jew mass-vaccination program boomed in 1986).

Attached: Millennial_Sexless_LGBT_Tranny.jpg (1383x1072, 347K)

Op is clearly a privileged millennial who doesn't know what life out of a first world country is like or understand the threat that some dangerous diseases pose to someone without induced immunity.

Exactly. If you're starving to death in Africa and drinking raw sewage water....chicken pox might be fatal.

If you're in a white country, these "DEADLY DISEASES!" are benign and only media propaganda has gaslit you into thinking you're going to be genocided by mumps.

Attached: 3rd_World.jpg (700x700, 79K)

just here trying to "wise" up people who don't believe in science
can you provide evidence that directly links homosexuality to vaccinations?

Sure. Here are 31 studies showing that vaccine-free are far healthier than the vaxxed, and you'll find a whole host of ailments which attack the nervous system and endocrine systems, which are those systems which would logically be compromised in an individual suffering from gender dysphoria.

Attached: Jew_Tranny_RachelLevine.jpg (1111x981, 619K)

do you know why chicken pox is less prevalent in white countries? because of VACCINES which create herd immunity and lower the number of people infected.

You're confused.

Nobody in a white nation CARES if they get the chicken pox in the first place. It's a benign childhood infection.

Attached: Timeline_Mortality_Rates.jpg (699x960, 70K)

Having said that, if YOU want to buy the (((vaccine))) because you're a weakling who can't handle it....that's YOUR choice. Keep your hands and Jewish vaccines off other people's kids.

Attached: Brady_Bunch_Measles_Before_Vaccine_SIMPLE_BG.jpg (740x2215, 1.25M)

>a weakling who can't handle it
wow i got sucked into that one. just realized you gave me a list of PICTURES of parts of disproved studies, and from that line i can tell the whole thread is a joke i realized too late. On the off chance you're for real, I suggest you also take a course in immunology, and/or read up on some credible works that have results that are reproducible and not disproved, then get back to me