That's right, nigger. Apologize

That's right, nigger. Apologize.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did he say? Was it based or pozzed?

That's right, boy. On your knees.

Lol, it redpilled to many people.

Why does everyone in the world bow down in shame before twitter mobs? When is somebody going to just say "How about fuck you?" Even niggers cuck, this is pathetic.

Nigger science man get back into the cotton fields your opinion is meaningless

pussyass nigga

Super based.

Let’s get this nigger back on the plantation.


He stated some simple statistics calmly and then was surprised that the lefties weren’t rational.

that guy is so fucking autistic, no wonder he has white people fooled into thinking he's intelligent

He said he's sorry and he'll be coming out of the closet next year

Just like Mario Lopez
Say something objective, get shit on by emotional children. This world needs a WW III

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Because they're otherwise blacklisted from working and making a living. You've gotta have fuck you money to do that.

He said that it is hypocritical to point out a couple of shootings that fit an agenda while ignoring the mass shootings that happen in black communitites every day.

He said something like only 33 people died in a rare mass shooting where as 400 people die from drug use every week and no one cares, and that people care more about spectacle then data.

People got made because its the truth.

Absolutely based.
Wrecked them all.

I like to think a little piece of black science man got seriously red pilled to what things have become from this whole situation.

>sorry for using facts and logic, next time i will pretend to be enraged like everyone else

>death by flu
Good riddance

This nigger thinks he’s free to say whatever he wants.

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>be white
>shoot up your own country for the jewish antigun agenda becuz muh virginity and social autism
>be white
>(((finance))) a lifted truck out to drive like a gook
>be white
>actively racemix and dilute what little is left of white heritage, pump out literal byproducts of jewish agenda to further their global scheme
>be white
>enable and enfranchise niggers kikes and spics then wonder why theyre being shit on
>be white
>actively assist their (((owners))) in gentrification of major cities
>be white
>literally die for Israel and its interests since 1940
>be white
>bring feminism, homosexuality, and myriads of degeneracy into mainstream media and society
>be white
>get beat like a weak soi, become a literal catalyst for a nigger to free itself from jail
>somehow every stereotypical soi and femicunt is a black furred whiteoid
>somehow every farm tool used in major shootings used to divert jewish scheme is a black furred whiteoid
T-this all has to a coincidence right?
mUH sUpErioRitY right?
Daily reminder you whiteoids are still continuing to enable and privilege kikes and niggers
Whiteoids owe an apology to this planet for enabling jews and niggers to get this far

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>medical errors
>the flu
>car accidents
>homicide via handgun
are these black gang names?

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A tweet that pointed to bigger causes of death than guns.
Other than than the fact that it was a whataboutism, it wasn't factually wrong or anything.
In my eyes, it should have served as a reminder that a lot of people form their causes and agendas based on what is covered on the news, which is why the causes or agendas pertaining to the other incidents he mentioned are often quiet and/or nonexistent.

Gize nigga, looks like MSM called an audible and left your ass hanging. Whoops

>Outrage culture

I hate it. I'm outraged by this. I'm gonna tweet all day how outraged i am.

wtf, I love black science man now!

That's very redpilled. It's too bad black people that think logically are labeled "uncle tom" and "oreo", or they're accused of having "internalized racism".

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whilst correct, it is a bit insensitive to piss on someones while the bodies are still warm

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I looked at the tweet. He was 100% accurate. He should've stood his ground and told everyone to go fuck themselves. Pol is correct that he was weak.

>Smash Mouth

The fuck? Just stick to making the Shrek song you meme band.

"What do you think you're doing nigger? You can't have opinions of your own! You're OUR black man!"

*whip crack*

"Now get on your knees and explain to everyone how the white man is responsible for your oppression, that's right nigger"

*whip crack*

"I only do this because I care about you. Can't you feel the oppression lifting out of your skin with every strike?"

*whip crack*

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He ignored the real murder problem anyway so who cares. Watch this instead.

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Comon boy, get to that apologizing like you gots tah!
Lessen I given you the rope.

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>having to apologize to people like "smash mouth"

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The phrase "Whataboutism" is orwellian and exists only so leftists and the establishment can argue you are wrong even when the facts are on your side.

guess what the apology wasn't good enough

>Black man drops red pills about narrative control on shootings
>Smash mouth comes out as racist
Wew, peak clown world lads.

Don't tell us how to treat our niggers, you racist

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That's the point, teanigger. One group of the day's corpses don't get special treatment. Zombie classist fuck.

He survived #metoo

Didn't stop the politicians and media agencies. But I guess it's alright if you parrot the gun control narrative.

that one shocked me, I would have never thought Steve would go the distance on all his treats to off his dentist....
>its always the quiet ones

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Didn’t know Smash Mouth was so woke!

Jk what a fucking world we live in

absolute based madlad wow incredible v interesting and true but also inconsiderate, should have been brought up during the debates about gun control that are coming desu.

you can easily fix the gun problems by allowing communities to segregate based on EVERYTHING they want to segregate on in every field and also bring back the asylums so people in the community can watch each others backs and put that weird virgin kid away before he hurts anyone.

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Kind of. Whataboutism can be used to derail as lefties claim. (But they can perform whataboutisms too)
Like say, if you make post talking about how many police get hurt on the job and a lefty comes along to complain about blacks being shot. The lefty is not necessarily wrong, just out of place. That's what whataboutism really is. Out of place.
If Tyson had made this post and did not mention the mass shootings whatsoever, there probably would not have been a backlash in the same way. It'd just be a dude listing thing that causes more death.

>be science nigger
>apologize for posting facts

Fuck this gay Earth.

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>other people behave like pigs
>I am can behave like a pig too!

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"Only 37 people were killed in mass shootings in a span. Those are rookie numbers; we need to pump those numbers up!"

t. Neil De Original Gangsta Tyson

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Totally memory holed that one!
It's basically confirmed then. Won't be long and he'll be redoing the mustache into something more presentable.

He basically only apologized to those directly impacted by the shooting...

>especially at a time when many people are either still in shock, or trying to heal – or both.

>So if you are one of those people, I apologize for not knowing in advance what effect my Tweet could have on you. I am therefore thankful for the candor and depth of critical reactions shared in my Twitter feed. As an educator, I personally value knowing with precision and accuracy what reaction anything that I say (or write) will instill in my audience, and I got this one wrong.

And people are still outraged after this apology. People that treat outrage like a competition, who want to exert power over people with their feigned outrage.

I like this style of apology, it's the same thing Scott Adams does; "to this very specific group of directly impacted people, I'm sorry [and to everyone else, get lost]" it's a nice cheeky way to handle it.

this. unfortunately, notch is a prime example as someone with "fuck you" money. he just fucked off and as faras im aware, doesnt even try to exact revenge on the masses.

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Thanks for the cuckapology breakdown, cuckanuck

>One group of the day's corpses don't get special treatment
whilst that might be the case, consistency does seem to be your strong side muerica bro

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wrong image and spelling misstake....fuck me I m off to be

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but dylan is in *prison*, not jail. theres no bond to post in prison. what am i missing here?

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Based black science man

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How's he living? I bet he's got super Nintendo and Gushers

Posted a hickock45 AR15 review from YouTube the day after on my Jew media page. Too soon?

no problem, saying sorry is our speciality up here

Token Black Science Monkey says, “Nutted but she still suckin’”.

Pretty sure he's in solitary confinement

Pay reparations.

Neil Tyson the science boy!

checked it out. Was entertaining despite my fricken hating jersey accents.

The point is these shootings shouldn't be happening in a first world country.

He said something that is true and inconvenient for leftist hysteria, and that's fucking unforgivable

As much as people wanna pretend like Black Science Man is "based", pretty much nothing he says has actual political motivation. His only motivation is literally that he's a fedora tipping manchild who feels the need to give "smart takes" on every topic even though he's completely clueless. I remember he once unironically said "we should make a one-world country called Rationalia, all laws should be based on the best available evidence", as if that even means anything. He's also just said factually wrong shit wrapped him some faux-deep nonsense, like "if sex hurt for any species, it would have gone extinct long ago" (there are tons of examples of rape and cannibalism during sex in the animal kingdom)

I just fucking hate the nigger, he barely ever even published papers so he's basically no better than Bill Nye the mechanical engineering guy, a faux scientist. Just because he triggered liberals this one time doesn't make him based.

And ALSO, I've seen liberals make this exact same point to play down muslim terrorism "hurrr statisically its rare that you should die from it so we should just ignore it and let the shitskins continue bombing our stadiums xD" so anyone who thinks what he said is actually intelligent is a fucking brainlet

jesus christ

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super woke

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Stupid fucking nigger, haven’t you learned anything from diamond and silk, Candace Owens, bill Cosby? How many of you people must we cut down before you learn? Now get to the back of the fucking bus, GODDAMN UNCLE TOM LIGHT SKINNED FUCKING NIGGER!!!!

>smashmouth is the favorite band of the mentally ill.
checks out

He was already playing the nigger by making the tweet so someone else couldn't make the same claim.




Why should he have apologized, when he did nothing wrong?
All he did was point out that hundreds of people die a day that no one gives a shit about, but then they care all of a sudden when it comes in a certain format.
The reason they were so upset is not directly about what he said, but because it blatantly points out their hypocrisy and fake value signaling.

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So he's back on the plantation in less than 36 hours? LMFAO.

I dont think he should apologize but his tweet was pretty autistic. He's a pretty autistic dude with this kind of stuff. He's not wrong but really it's obvious why anybody would react to some random massacre over an illness or a car accident. Those are unfortunate facts of life that happen to a lot of people. Going to the mall with your family and getting shot up isn't something normal people prepare for or think is a possibility. So it's jarring.

This is a true Jow Forumslack reaction.

He was calling out media faggotry in overrating to every shooting. Why don't they focus on the societal problems causing far more deaths? Instead they always focus on shootings because it's more "sensational" and because they can always use it to push their own anti-freedom narratives.

>black science man says the one thing that makes sense and is truthful and honest
>forced to apologize for it by the leftzies

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