Its all so tiresome

Why does everything to have changed since the election of 2016?

It feels as if when trump won everything stopped...he was not aupposed to win, not to the jews, not to the media, not even to us.

But when he won...we were happy for once? We actually celebrated for once...then it all stopped and nothing is the same, we got stuck in that mentality of politics on the internet.

Hell, youtube went from gaming and music to politics only. Even if you purelfy watch 100% non politics videos, jews will push politics down your throat.

What the fuck happened? It feels like nothing is the same yet at the same time...the mentality is the same.

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The left is in nuclear meltdown mode right now. Trump is destroying them just by doing nothing

I don’t know. The world is fucked. I pray to God President trump delivers but it feels less likely everyday. I still support the man but holy shit it feels like he let me down. He’s still better than the democrats. Anything at this point is

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Stop using Jow Forums if you are such weak minded faggot

Something big is coming. That’s why there’s been so many probable false flag mass shootings. It’s got me on edge.

Why is everyone in his cabinet a banker jew then?

Same here leafbro

Yeah, the Globalist machine is seriously chimping out right now. They’re scared of something

That happened at least three if not eight years before Trump.

>borth parties aren't controlled by the same kikes
retard alert.

Not electing 1st white woman right after 1st black man triggered them.

>still thinking theres a chance trump isnt another puppet

Repent, for the end is nigh and time is short.

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We had the same thing when nationalist got into government but let 30 000 rapefugees into the country. Populists look good only in the opposition but cant handle responsibility.

They are scared of chaos.

Too many people feel like the Internet and media happens TO them. In some ways, the algorithms attempt to do this. But if one is inclined to inform himself and develop a well-rounded perspective on any given issue, he deletes his cookies and doesn't sign in. He searches what he's looking for (with a particularly skeptical eye, knowing that "they" want to direct him in one direction, regardless of facts), reads about it, considers the source, and then he closes the browser.

kike pedo ring running the world through blackmail, and magic.
They're fucked.

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I really supported Trump at first but I feel like everything has gotten worse since 2016. My daughter and daughter-in-law moved and it took months for them to come over, and my family doesn't have health insurance anymore. I haven't been able to find work." In August, the United States Supreme Court refused to consider the Obama administration's challenge to state Medicaid policies that limit how much doctors may charge. Pregnant women are also vulnerable to discrimination. In September 2017, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price appeared in an interview with an anti-abortion group, claiming that he could do whatever he wanted on behalf of abortion providers in order to help them save money and "keep the clinics open."

In August, several states passed abortion restrictions designed to make it more difficult and expensive for women to get abortions. Two others, Oklahoma and Texas, followed shortly thereafter. The United States does not have an explicit ban on abortion, but there are provisions of federal law prohibiting funding of abortions, including women's health services, if the mother's life or health is in danger. In contrast, in nearly every other country in the world, abortion is legal or nearly so.

The United States is at the vanguard of the international anti-abortion movement, but it is largely a pariah among nations.

I guess the internet has changed. When it was unknown and barely used, (roughly 2000-2013) websites were amazing and it’s contents reflected that (YouTube, Jow Forums). Hell Cicada 3301 was a thing in 2012. Kony2012! Our culture has nothing anyone, except memes about meaningless stuff (most of the time). The only laugh or fun we can get anymore is in laughing about/at triggered people who still care about our dead culture.

Remember all the shilling before the election, how he couldn't win and his supporters are stupid? The constant demoralizing. This the same thing but cranked up to level 10. The democrats are like a trapped rat, frantically violent and equally fearful and angry. This will get worse before it's over.

I'm hoping this is some 4d Sun Tsu appear weak when you are strong type shit but it's getting harder to believe by the day. Short of Jesus Christ returning I don't see a way out of this that ends well for us

It will get really stupid. At least we can laugh at their stupidity

Trump is a strong leader. He’s done a lot. He may be quiet because he’s making a strategy to win again. Then he can make any decision he wants without the fear of not getting elected again. He could hardline his campaign promises like finishing the wall and strict immigration policies that keep out terrorists. Even laws for better surveillance to catch mass shooters before they strike

The world is progressively getting worse under the illusion that it's getting "better". There's a reason we romanticize the past and every generation has always said things are shittier than when they were "that age". It's because they ARE shittier.

We've accelerated the development of these conditions, things move faster based on our constant feedback loops. It would take weeks or months to gather little bits of information, slowly formulating an idea or opinion in someone's mind. A rider would come to town bringing news, a visitor would stop by and tell people about a city 1,000 miles away, etc.

Now we're inundated with this shit literally 24/7, and it's much easier to foment dissent and create the ideas (((they))) want us to have. Brainwashing takes mere minutes, not weeks or months or years.

Things have gotten worse since 2016. They've gotten worse since 2012. Since 2007. Since 2003.

I finished elementary school in 2003. I finished high school in 2007. I graduated from university in 2012. Trump was elected in 2016.

The world of 2003 is completely alien and hard to remember compared to what 2016 was like. Today, in 2019, I feel like this world needs to be nuked more than ever. Just nuked, just kill everyone. Humans are a fucking mistake and we're doomed.

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It's interesting for me. More often than not, colective ideas and movements tha develop in the USA or other country with worldwide influence, end up being copied in third world countries. We basically imported your 2016 dichotomy in 2018, except our conservative candidate had a gargantuan religious foundation.

Well what the fuck do you propose then? go back to the stone ages and see what the fuck went wrong?

9/11 thrust us into an irreversible series of sand wars, PC culture, and niggerdom. It was the defining event in history in which I began to feel everything getting shittier. I was 14 but I knew the world was fucked.

It's not technology's fault, it's a cultural problem.

Technology is partly to blame, but ultimately that's a creation of ours so we are still the proximate cause. A reset to simpler living would definitely spur a cultural shift to the way things used to be, though. There's no denying that without the internet, cable, and all this other kike shit we'd be much more refined and simplistic in our lives.

You poos have a few nukes, couldn't you just let one of your lower class people stumble into the facility and set off a few by "accident"? I mean, India wouldn't change much but it'd probably spur a global war.

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I think Trump had pure intentions, that he really meant what he was saying, but the entire system is so utterly corrupted that one man, even if he is supposed to be in charge, can't do anything to stop it. The judicial system is riddled with activist judges who can issue blocks on literally anything he does blatently to stall and nothing happens. You can apparently serve on the Supreme Court while dead as long as you're a dem. His own supposed party is made up mostly of Dems wearing the wrong colours who throw him under the bus and cuck to the Dems at every turn. It's supposedly racist to investigate for election fraud, unless it's the Dems accusing you, then they need zero evidence to run an investigation that has no scope or time limits. And the list goes on and on.

I think I've had an epiphany. The founding fathers didn't include the 2nd amendment just in case the US government grew corrupt and had to be violently replaced. The founding fathers knew corruption wasn't a possibility, it was an inevitability. And that cowabunga was the only way to remove corruption.

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well the technology and its use is a product of culture, which is a product of how the collection of people see the world, which could be said to be an effect of the rapid development of the human psychology resulting in exestintial question that we have a hard time reaching closure on. so in a sense our culture and technology stemming from it is a result of us and our minds and our techniques of survival developing. and then the jews come along and ruin it all.

and before too. the internet was truly another world.

Technology is a double edged sword here. It's helped us see behind the curtain and gave us an avenue to share ideas in a way we never could before. And this is why tptb want to turn the internet (look at youtube) into nothing more than an on-demand tv platform.

based. one man cannot drain the swamp but he sure can Expose it for all to see

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Trump is 100% compromised

Trump proved that Americans were tired of the establishment, the people who keep fucking us over and trying to force feed us bullshit.
The scramble of politicians, intel communities, and big tech to censor online speech is testament to how terrified they are of people breaking out of the programming.
Trump may not be the guy we wanted him to be, and the country is still stuck in the mire, but there is plenty to be hopeful about. Things don't change overnight, but the will is there, and it isn't going anywhere soon.
More and more people wake up every day to the white bashing, the race baiting, the lies of feminism, the corruption and decomposition of the government, and the destruction wrought by international corporations.

>pic related

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>and then the jews come along and ruin it all.

And this is why we can't have complex things. At least not while (((they))) are around.

>Germans start eradicating jews
>explosion in technology
>jet engine
>massive infrastructure developments
>underground superhighways

Funny how everything always comes back to the Jews ruining it. Funny how most of society was aware of this problem and widespread "antisemitism" kept cultures whole/intact. Funny how the tech of the late 20th century basically eradicated every existing and early warning device we had against Jews, and they've since been free to rape and pillage the minds of a globe.

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Technology focus significantly shifted from the mid-1960s. Instead of focusing on outward projection and major engineering feats (spaceflight and projects like the Hoover dam), we have been essentially treading water by developing communications and computers.
I have a feeling this was a planned change of course, since the government is in control of who gets research funding.
Who knows, though.

>been essentially treading water by developing communications and computers.

>been essentially developing global brainwashing devices to indoctrinate a world's population with a singular idea and remove everything but a singular identity

Let us not build great feats of engineering and remind the Gods that man does exist. Rather, let us rot the minds of the innocent, teach them hate where there is none, tolerance where fear is natural, and perpetual guilt for their very existence.

Dont' forget to apologize for being white and using resources user. You're killing the planet and oppressing strangers, without even knowing it.

>do you think anyone felt any of this even 50 years ago?

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>durr I have no choice but to follow the authoritarian who will take away my free speech

There is no such thing as truly free speech. It's about volume. When there's one or two lunatics screaming about taking down society, it's tolerated. But when that number grows to a sizeable amount, it's hate speech or terrorism. The ideology is irrelevant at that point, left or right.

Every government, authoritarian or not, will limit and even stifle free speech. It's about ensuring you have a government that is willing to protect reasonable speech, and that this definition aligns with your own beliefs.

It ebbs and flows, that which you can be critical of. Sometimes you can bash religion, other times you can bash government. Other times you can bash political ideology. But it just depends on who is in charge at that time.

There's no such thing as truly free speech. Just make sure who ever is in power agrees with you, if you enjoy the concept of free speech.

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sounds like you stopped trying


Cats cradle!

because it was the beginning of the end. it pulled the rug out from under the establishment and shed some light on the corruption which is becoming more and more credible as each year passes. The worse they can do to keep us in line is take away our lives. But we have nothing anyway, that's why they're trying so hard with the propaganda. If it was hopeless, none of the prop would be necessary. They're afraid to lose what they have, which is everything.

before Trump won the real puppet-masters were going for a slow boil on Whites in America, after Trump won they increased the temperature to get rid of Whites as fast as possible.

>caring more about free speech than your own survival and that of your family and people
sounds like dead weight


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>Trump is destroying them just by doing nothing

user, that's been the case for the past 31 months....Trump doing nothing.

Me too. The man read The Art of War and allegedly kept a book of Hitlers speeches (this was said back in 1991 way before the 2016 elections)

2016 is nothing. It all started with Atheism+, and then you realize the left will doubledown and there's NOTHING you can do against them because the govt supports them.

I think trump went into it with good intentions, but didn’t expect to win. He expected to get the conversation started. When he won it was unexpected, Hillary didn’t even have a concession speech. He was misled by neocons and (((them))) under the guise of it being for maga. Advisors misguided him. Only now with Tucker Carlson serving in his entourage to NoKo and clearly getting close with the president is he seeing what his base really wants. Testing the waters with overtly racial attacks like calling out anti-whites.
That’s just a theory. I might be wrong but it makes the most sense to me

Jews are a treacherous race that believe intergalactic travel is their destiny. They've thought this for thousands of years, which is why they've been working to rid the planet of all others. They think their salvation will come in the form of an alien spaceship, to take the "Chosen People" to a new home among the stars.

This is literally what Zionists think.

The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that their will be another Holocaust, and that this time it will be real.

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>Sorry user, your mother and I are buying our third vacation house and we gotta keep the old 401k up. Make sure to give the manager a firm handshake

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*there will be

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trump was the last good shot.
one last wrench to throw into it all, but it fizzled out. the gradual realization and admitting it hasn't been easy

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> TRUMP was a gud boi


You never saw his early AIPAC speeches.
That's all.

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that hits home

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I think they just aren't used to feeling even remotely threatened and most of their leadership is so fucking old that all the forskins and placenta blood in the world can't keep them alive much longer. They are accelerating and the mask of their intentions is imposible to hide from the observant anymore.

What's old expression? The tighter they squese the more that will escape their grasp. I think that's what's happening.

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