How do Americans even go outside without the fear of being killed by somebody?
How do Americans even go outside without the fear of being killed by somebody?
By being armed.
because we are also americans.
Lol you guys get a new terror attack damn near every week and WE should be scared to go outside? Also guns. You ever heard of those?
Must be nice living in a city where things can't kill you.
end the thread
I live on a golf course. My neighbor runs all the prisons for my entire state. No one is going to kill me, they'll kill my neighbor and I'll book the fuck out.
Most of us aren't limey cowards. You wouldn't know anything about that, though.
I've never been killed before so I have no notion of what it entails
By living in white neighborhoods hours away from being accessible by public transit. I'm joking but also serious.
They dont.
Because none of this is as prevalent as you britbongs believe.
>How do Americans even go outside without the fear of being killed by somebody?
Because we understand statistics
were not weak and faggoty like the rest of the world, plus, were armed.
That only happens in black neighborhoods honestly.
because i can kill them back?
Firearms and knives. Sage.
Actually most of us don't, considering the backlash against Tyson for this tweet.
Their layers of fat will prevent the bullets from doing any serious damage to their internal organs.
how do you bongs come onto this site knowing you can go to jail for bad words on the internet?
Easy. Live in a town like mine that's 98% white.
The Left has never addressed why crime increases with diversity.
thats funny pancho. my cigar isn't going to roll itself.
because im not black. its only black people dying on mass in america if you look at the statistics.
I don’t live near niggers.
Unironically, how do Europeans go outside without a gun
Imagine being this defenseless
Because it isn't as shitty as the media/twitter portrays for most of the country.
Is life there are shitty as it's portrayed with the stabbings/acid attacks/trucks of peace/suicide bombings?
By living in places with no niggers and spics
I live in a 90+% white city, so I rarely ever see a nigger unless I drive past the 2 areas that went Section 8 housing during the Obama era where they can afford to live now.
Fun fact, the ONLY 2 murders we've had in our city of 70k in the past decade were after the niggers came in (about 1000 of them) because Obama's policies pushed them here. Both were Chicago feral niggers who both shot gas station attendants for less than $100 in cash, both were caught, and both will never see the light of day again. Niggers ruin EVERYTHING they come in contact with in any location they inhabit.