What is pol doing with their $1000/month UBI?

What is pol doing with their $1000/month UBI?

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sending it straight back so hyperinflation doesn't happen.

Buying gf $1000

Stockpiling ammo, gym membership, Rock Climbing, and SCUBA Diving.

Spending it to par the bills at home. After that I'll be left with 1 grand. I save 25% of it and spend the rest on games, clothes, electronics, phones, car things.

buying a sex robot with an artificial womb

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Quitting my job, sell weed for extra cash, using newfound free time to hate on minorities and women online

Nothing since its worthless, burgers cost $40, there are no jobs anymore and rent is doubled.

I'm gonna put it in a nice safe savings account at my local bank where it's going to grow way faster than post-UBI inflation


buying a loaf of bread with it

I'd buy your momma DESU.

>welfare good


I'm already employed. Since it's government money I'd probably be a little more lax with how I spend it. It'd go towards dumb shit I wouldn't buy otherwise, maybe eating out every now and then, etc. Whatever I didn't spend I'd just throw into savings/investments.

I earn enough to where it's not enough income to make a substantial difference in my lifestyle.

Better hurry, next week it will be $2000 / loaf

I do unironically think welfare bad.

Coke and hookers

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diapers and postage. i will stop mailing shits to random assholes when random assholes stop voting for free shit.

If UBI makes prices go up 50% and you make over $36K annual then you'll actually be worse off

donating it to the candidate that offers me $2000 a month
fuck off chink cocksucker

>What is pol doing with their $1000/month UBI?
borrow it
loan it

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can i pull this off in 2019 sans the chain? i'm pretty built

I'm going to hire someone to help with cleaning my house on a weekly basis. I'll pay them $120/week to dust, vacuum, clean my pet cages, and do the laundry. Probably ~3 hours of work, so that's around $40/hour. Good deal for the housekeeper and keeps things tidy for me.
The rest will go towards healthier food. I'm sick of cheap, unhealthy food and an extra $500/month will help me out a lot. If any is left over I will probably get a toy for one of my pets or something, idk.

>Implying anyone who has ever even looked at text spelling out "Jow Forums" would get UBI
>Let alone people who post on it\
Can you just fuck off with your shitty forced memes and spam posts?

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nothing, im white

anime hug pillows

Fuck 2 high-end tranny escorts a month

I'd start a streetsweeping hotline to make up for the market failure that has left a roadkill squirrel decaying on my daily commute for the past week.

It will happen and you will be 1000$ less.
The key is to get some of other people's 1000$

If I were a healthy grocery store owner and suddenly had 3x customers, I would be very tempted to raise prices. But then I would remember that inflation is only caused by increasing the money supply, and back down.

Flex on europoors

All into Bitcoin and/or Chainlink


>believing that even though Trump can't get 5 billion for the Wall, Wang will get $4 trillion for UBI by convincing Democrat AND Republican senators to turn on their corporate handlers and give all their money to a gibs program that won't work to begin with

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The absolute state of Yang shills

He's still stuck at 1% and you're here desperately trying.

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Worrying about how I'll pay my $4000/mo rent.

Paying more taxes.

No ammo?

fyi the cost is only around 1.7 trillion because of the welfare overlap

Didn’t he say racists and anti-semites don’t get UBI? No one on pol will qualify for UBI

I love jews

no you fell for a fake tweet. everyone gets UBI unless you are incarcerated.

Charging people who pay me rent more rent because i know they now have extra 1000

You guys realize that Yang himself states that robotic automation will take over many jobs.

With robots taking over many labor and transportation jobs, many corporations will lay off millions of workers.

Millions of unemployed workers will be fearful, hungry and desperate.

Millions of rioters will take over factories and offices, smashing equipment and computers.

To avoid worker unrest, the corporations will try and push a government Universal Basic Income that shift responsibility (and cost) for feeding the fired workers. Automation of industry and maximization of corporate profits continues.

Universal Basic Income is not altruistic; it is not a gift. It will not be continued for a long time.
It is just a way for corporations to absolve themselves from any responsibility and cost.

He probably means convicted, hate crime evil doers.

My job is practically impossible to automate. Cope

No one, black or white, should get it. You're a fucking moron who thinks that because we're taxed to give welfare to some people, we should be taxed to give it to everyone. We shouldn't be taxed at all.

Nothing because I'm low IQ and now McD is $20 a meal.

No one should, but they're gonna you dumb faggot.

Sending it to Israel.

>the cost is only around 1.7 trillion
So go out and get a fucking job and start saving up.

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What prevents people from just buying fentanyl?

I'm getting a mail-order bride from Cambodia.

Donate it to Holocaust survivors like the good JUDEO christian that I am.

I don’t know dude sex botsare Getting more advanced probably be able to give a better blowjob and you

Still better than the Green New deal


i love this libertarian pipe dream where no one gets welfare but also no one pays taxes lmao. and people say ubi is unrealistic.
let me ask you leaf, what then is the best use of our tax dollars since the government is stealing from all of us? probably to give us something in return, at least that's how i see it.
UBI is the best use of taxes and anything else like (((welfare))) or (((roads))) is just siphoned off to the jews

>My job is practically impossible to automate. Cope

A fleshlight duct-taped to a foot stool would do.

Yeah, but will sex bots smoke crack with you after they suck cum out of your ass? Not for another 30 years at least.

no one pays you rent user

It would not be a big deal for me, but I'll take it. I guess I could hire a house cleaner for the parts the bot misses and maybe have more trips on the weekends.

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Living the NEET shut-in dream and only working part-time if I fucking feel like it.

I can finally afford a prostitute and then nobody will ever call me an incel again.

Imagine being the working class working 9-5 5 days a week sometimes overtime while barely being able to afford living and then reaching 65 years old and not receiving social security because you're a millenial.