The absolute state of Qniggers

The absolute state of Qniggers

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I love coming to Jow Forums to look at Twitter posts

Fuck off with your anti Twitter tantrums that's the primary medium for political communication now so get the fuck over it

Means you should have something better to post on here than some gay shit off Twitter you fucking brainlet

OP is a faggot

Nigger, if I want to read Twitter I'll go to Twitter and read it there.

I dunno bout q but id giv her the d

until japmoot enables audio webms, posting tweets for videos is the best that can be done

idk what she's saying but I have this sudden urge to throat fuck her

Go back to fucking 8 if you need videos on your image board

>tfw no skinny margarita-addicted fake-tanned smoking mascara'd milf gf to watch 80s television reruns with in between creampieing her empty uterus

This larping faggot actually created a religion for single boomer roasties.

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Q is you
Q is me
Q is love
Q is life

>until japmoot enables audio webms, posting tweets for videos is the best that can be done
actually that's a good point borinquenobro
bump and carry on

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Stop shilling yourself here faggot ugly ass Will Sommers. Go fuck your nasty horse faced Jewish wife.

Good point

I had one for a bit. The tan was real, and i got her to vape instead.
We'd fuck at least twice a day, the no periods was great. She was fantastic, still miss her.

If anyone doubts that Q is a cult, watch this and tell me it's not. These boomers are treating Q as some sort of messianic figure. While everything collapses all around them, republicans are backing gun control, anti white rhetoric is at an all time high. But Q is gonna save us. Holy shit

It's fucking cult.

this shit really is a cult, holy shit. complete indoctrination
>q is logic
>q is a plan to save the world
>q is you, q is me
The more time passes, the more I realize just how easily people's minds can be manipulated and indoctrinated.

pretty sure everyone here got suspended from Twitter

fpbp, ECELEBS and their orbiting faggot followers should be banned.

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so a traitor jew that is a fan of comet ping pong is your go to guy is he?

tisha b'av on the 11th.
eid al adha on the 15th

we know jew. we know.

19? you'll see.

fuck q and fuck gun grabbing head in the sand maga fags.

>primary medium for political communication
lol how droll.

i bet she's a great fuck

Lol, a doctor. Single handedly just destroyed the jdif talking point. She deserves to have Q mention her, as it has been written as it will be done.

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Lol I saw this stupid boomer cunt before.

F in chat for the boomer MILF, boys

Have sex
Yes, it's a cult. You faggots thought Islam was dangerous, Q cultists will murder the left and believe it's for their messiah. There is no stopping that level of loyalty, nothing on the right or left can even come close to the loyalty Q has created in such a short time.

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Beat me to that post. I'd fuck the p's and q's into her hard.

This is why the Q people are technically our allies since they will murder the left as an army of cult psychos. Once CW2 is over we can solve differences in the ethnostate. Or they can die too.

>retarded smug diatribe
>smug smile
>easily manipulated to follow a retarded cult
Boomers gonna boom. Day of the pillow can't come soon enough

Isn't Q still dead, how much longer until they chimpout or rope?

I agree completely. Based on her level of commitment, then its rather clear the FBI labeling Q follower domestic terrorists and the shut down of 4+4 has inadvertently created a patriot 5th column. The boomer has the resources the grassroots Patriots need, hating on them wont get them to open their check books but it seems Q has. Honestly a unique whatever it is, it's a master piece if I do say so myself

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''q user'' is a pr stunt, pro-trump propaganda if you like, by trump and his staff, obviously

they're roleplaying losers who can't even ask a girl out lmao can you fucks seriously stop acting like you're movie characters, you're not special or intimidating. you would get obliterated by the average third world african/mexican drug cartel member/islam extremist. you're all irrelevant insects whose genetics will eventually die off because women don't want to mate with you

Qdeniers are worse than boomers.

Not sure if I want to jack off or shoot up a Wal-Mart...

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Maybe the FBI going after conspiracy theorists isn't such a bad thing afterall

Holy shit. This bitch has gone full Chem-trail-tard. Let's get this retard fired. She shouldn't be in charge of someones health.

Scratch that. Let's blackmail her into sending nudes...

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Cloudfire for the high score. Avenge our sweet princess

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Damn I'd love to eat her ass

As is the religion of "climate change". You've lost the plot, britbong. We are all being played.

lol, awfully hostile there aren't we faggot? This is how far we've dropped down the whole when fags like you defend twatter

I agree.

these ppl have no idea how mentally ill they fucking are holy shit.

isn't elizabeth waren ahead in the cultist kill count? i've yet to see a murderer thats a Q supporter.

>I love coming to Jow Forums to look at Twitter posts

and return back to Jow Forums to read the next clown post

Jow Forums is like index for laughs for me now

thank you anons :)

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Who is that hacker 4 Chan???

I'd bang that, btw.

how do people become retarded enough to believe Q?

my prediction is Q is a creation of the Trump re-election campaign to ensure none of Trump's boomer base leaves him over the course of the presidency

I don’t care if she’s a cultists, I’d still fuck that boomer milf hard.

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kys you woman

If 8ch manages to stay down, eventually boomers might give up on the whole thing. Which might not be the case.

>implying chemtrails don't real
not even a Qtist

I'd slam the shit out of this crusty milf

she got my dick hard, she speaks well and likes conspiracies
i'd put a baby in her if she wasn't already in menopause

>scroll down
>see 3 checkmarks near the top attacking her
>a daily beast "journalist", a rothschild and an ADL guy
made me think

LMAO the absolute STATE of global politics

Q posts on he hinted that he would switch to the blockchain

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