Racism is bad and so is transphobia and homophobia

Racism is bad and so is transphobia and homophobia

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yes but so are trannies and faggots

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Nigger Tranny Faggot

Im a faggot but im not a nigger or a tranny

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Ok niggerfaggot

why is it bad tho

Reminder that niggers do most mass shootings

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Im white
Theres no reason to be homophobic,racist or transphobic as everyone is equal and cant choose there sexuality,race,or wether or not they have gender dysphoria

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you did not answer the question
why is it bad?

>blacks are born in gang environments and forced to be like this because of the area they live in thats so bad because of whites mistreating them,redlining,and years of segregation.

U right, we should destroy non-whites to end racism. Transphobia is nautural reaction to a terrible mental disorder that we should be scared of

Your nose is showing, Goldberg

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Because theres no reason to be racist or homophobic or transphobic
Or maybe just stop being racist and transphobic dumbass

Are italians still of bunch of gang banging wops? No? Are the irish? No? How about the jewish mafia... no?

Im not jewish and you do realize red lining is still an issue where whites didnt let blacks live in wealthy areas

Because they didnt have to deal with racism from the goverment in the form of not being allowed to move out of crime filled areas

Also dont say segregation is over because redlining is still in deeds that dont let blacks buy houses.

Yes they did. Anglos treated all three of them like subhumans.

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This is you

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Why should I act against my self-interest? Because you tossed phobia onto something?

Because your self intrest is misplaced as blacks and lgbt people arent bad
Oh well that racism ended,redlining still effects modern contracts

A BLACK PRESIDENT was voted in racism doesn't exist. It's like people need to be oppressed or they don't know what to get angry about

T. Binyimin Schlomo Goldsteinbergmannwicz This thread is 1/10 bait, fuck off, and tell your epic reddit friends making the other bait to do the same. Also fuck niggers

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“Racism doesnt exist”
Look up redlining,those laws are abolished but they effected property deeds so now blacks aren’t allowed to own that property.

But they are. They're a terrible blight upon a white society

You didnt prove me wrong

The fact you think you can justify racism by calling someone jewish is proof we live in a clown world

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No they arent,blacks are scientists and presidents advocating for fair health care.
Blacks are in the military bravely defending our country.
Meanwhile “role models for racism” where slave owners who where to lazy to work.

Look up redlining and why it’s responsible for poor conditions for blacks.

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Actually ill do it for you

4th line, second from the right, that's scary

I hear anymore that's mostly by bankerjews who don't want to give mortgages to go to poor blacks. Which is messed up but probably based entirely on statistics and money not actual racism. More like race realism.

The reason blacks do so badly in school isn't because of "rayciss wypipo" it probably might be influenced in a tiny way by the fact the they have an average IQ that is far below the averages for other races (white, asian, etc), and don't start with "le economic factors in black areas" bullshit, we accept that all other animals (dogs, birds, chimps,etc) can be smarter or dumber depending on their genetics (i.e Pitbulls and Rottweilers are fucking stupid, while Poodles and Porder collies are smart) so why the fuck do you think it's any different with people?

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Jews are a religion so I understand not liking them as they arent a race

But the blacks are stuck poor because there stuck in poor areas with no job opportunitys besides crime Because blacks are able to be scientific and mathematical geniuses,the fact is they cant move out of poor areas and cant get good education




>+50 reddit karma

Hating straight white males is racist,hetrophobic,and sexist
Why would i support that?

Did it ever occur to you to wonder why some areas that were brutalized by Imperialism rebuilt themselves fine in a few decades while african nations seem to only be able to operate in the stone age. Or why only American blacks seem capable of scientific or mathematical ability while african nations never did any such thing long before Imperialism.