Cops are evil and racist!

>cops are evil and racist!
>the government is oppressive to brown people!
>only the cops and government should have access to firearms

Explain yourselves, libtards.

Attached: 1564734535610.jpg (768x1024, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For a second I thought that book was written by Nate Higgers

This has been going on for 100 years.
>call yourself "liberal"
>preach about "liberty" and "rights"
>say the only way that's attainable is through expanding the federal government into an all-powerful unopposable force

Sadly, this will get buried.

I hope all of you anons prove me wrong.


It’s implied that the police force would operate as intended in this scenario and not as the corrupt paramilitary force that it is now. I always hear it on here, but you motherfuckers really are some mouth breathing dumb shits. Does it hurt to be so stupid?

Do you think mailing copies of this fine children's storybook to underprivileged youth in my area would be poorly received?

Attached: 7vWwe.png (219x207, 44K)

You’re a dumbass if you believe that a cops will give up their crooked ways just because Americans are suddenly unarmed.

You’ve got too much faith in the cops. You probably worship the military and veterans.


At least xe still has xer day dad right?

>only the cops and government should have access to firearms

They want this simultaneously with wanting the government and cops to be left-wing and totalitarian. See: any communist state.

I'm reading the book right now.

It's pretty fucking funny.

>Hey everybody X's dad got picked up by the cops last night
>Wake up Jailbird!
>A fucking bunny in a orange jumpsuit talking on a phone through bullet proof glass
>Dad was moved to a real prison
>A bunny in a denim prison uniform
>The bunny is sentenced to 6 years in prison!

This is fucking hilarious.

Attached: 1454591652722.gif (400x222, 551K)

The entire point of disarming the people is to expand the police state. Liberals are liars that's why their ideals don't add up. Socialism is communism and communism is fucking evil by design. There's a reason most of the true believers deserve to get thrown out of a helicopter.

Attached: Saul alinsky how to creat the socialist state.jpg (600x419, 96K)

Attached: 1443731537321.jpg (640x947, 59K)

Just wait five years.

Then the tiny handful of little white hellspawn skinheads manage to produce will need this book more than anyone.

We're going to lock you bastards up for years and detox your minds.

And when you finally come home, your kids will be gay or trans.

Have fun. :)

aaaahaha this is great
"Jasmine and TJ" gee wonder who this was really written for
I have limited bandwidth but I'm glad I spent it on this.

Attached: 5AYwe.jpg (401x374, 39K)


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enjoy paying the postage for every somali family in the GTA

Attached: NoDaddyNOsketch.png (490x511, 355K)

what's up with the machine gun in the picture?

I'll just stick em under the wipers of brand new luxury SUVs that already have the bumpers smashed in. I'll get em all eventually.
geez csis if I knew you were lookin I'd have put on a tie

>If we give up our rights the cops won't be corrupt no more and will treat us like royalty even though we have no way of fighting back!
I really hope you're not this fucking stupid.

See, you're insulting intelligence, but you completely lack precognition skills

>6 fucking years
The hell did he do?

Knowing bunnies, probably rape.

I love how the family is already separated. And only the dad has brown eyes.
Burn the hare, pay the fare.

Attached: 1487810633227.jpg (181x269, 12K)

Yes after guns are banned the cops will become uncorrupt and totally reasonable and willing to without hesitation die to protect people because reasons. And we’ll all hold hands and sing koombayah


Oh shit true lmao

