I-Im sorry Maga Bros...I don't believe in the plan anymore

I'm sorry that I have to do this to you maga bros... but we can't trust orange man to save America. He has been under their spell since the very beginning... there is very slim chance to save America from the ultimate brown wave.

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So the libs are right ? Orange man bad ?

It's over guys I can't take it anymore. The DEMOCHADS HAVE WON. W-We lost bros!!! I think we should just give up and go home like good gentilemen.

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This will just make you fight harder user

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dear god... the palindrome trips of troof.

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not a palindrome. but yea the guy is kinda retarded. fuck you, deal with it.

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>trusting boomers and christcucks to lead you

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shartblue shill alert. you aren't fooling anyone, retard. fuck off.

And then he got shot

>posting fake news
you the real glownigger

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Reorganize, regroup, live to fight on. Most of us knew Orange Man wasn't a hero, but know that we stopped Evil Bitch, and we were duped into voting for a lesser evil.

The average age on the board is approaching the age where entering the political arena isn't absurd, and not all of us, I would say not even the majority, are NEETs and losers...

h-hey, lennie and george are suppost to get the ranch together at the end of the book, r-right? thats what mommy told me


Then fuck off
We will save the west and white race without traitor cucks like you

How? Strongly worded letters to your congressman and firm handshakes?
How are you going to save us?

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you guys have done enough already. go away

OP has the right idea

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Fellating billionaires at the expense of everyone else isn't saving the west you idiot

It will become necessary to destroy the West in order to save it

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This picture is accurate but I'm not sad anymore just pull the trigger.

You Americans are fucked. I don't see any better alternative than Trump and he's not gonna save you from browning of US.

>S-stop believing in things getting better, goyim!

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this is basically us with T_D

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Fuck off glowie

I've given this a lot of thought

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There are two sides to every coin.

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