Kiwifarms is down

Have they also been shoa'd? F

Attached: kiwifarms.png (400x400, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dont care

They'll be back.

Live free or die

They've been up and down all day. They're not gone forever, Josh seems like the cockroach type

guess i die then.

who the hell cares about these faggots?

They had some good archives of happenings.

Lol Chris is going to kill himself without null

-Dailystromer offline
-Kiwifarms offline
-8ch kill
-The_Donald termination pending
-Chapotraphouse termination pending

Get on talk the devs into hosting you on the blockchain fuck all that shit and earn crypto with your mysanthropic anti humanist content why ruin peoples life for free?

Gogogo join now

Attached: pocketnet.jpg (408x632, 69K)

It's bad because it just another free speech platform being knocked down and Jow Forums is next.

maybe 7chan will finally get traffic

It's krystalnacht for freedom.

What if a site didn't had a corporate entity behind it? Was user policed, on the blockchain and runs on a native crypto currency?

>7chan is still up
That is shocking

I know, they managed to last a decade on like three users typing desu.

how the hell can anyone use that site? but maybe thats the cover we need.

That's just how it has to be. We'll just keep migrating to increasingly obscure chans and they can play an eternal game of whack a mole.

>Chapotraphouse term pending
Woah, holy fuck shit is being purged even across the isle

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>sushichan becomes the new seat of internet fascism
>midi music scares the glownogs away
Oh I hope I live long enough to see it

"We are only going to say this once, so pay attention.
We realize that you guys are going to be edgy edgelords, and post things that fit into that mindset. That's fine, you're entitled to say stupid shit on the Internet.
However, if you post any threats of violence, be they to an individual, a group, a race, a religion, or anything that could be construed as such, you will lose site privileges permanently"

dont bother. they cucks.

Josh probably forgot to pay his bills again. You should give him some money
t. Not Josh on a VPN

>if you don't post threats of violence you're a cuck
What's it like working your ass off to work for the FBI just to be sat at a computer shitposting with "Nazis"?

One can only hope. They're a bunch of basement dwelling hypocrites who obsess over internet celebrities to an alarming degree.

Huh I never even knew that existed

>-Dailystormer offline

Nah it's back up on the normal web now and never went down on tor, which you should be using to access it anyway. Just download Brave browser and paste dstormer6em3i4km.onion/ into its "New private tab with tor" feature.

you just know speaking ill or making fun of someone will Count as a "threats of violance".

You get that one for free because it sucks but you'll have to find the rest on your own.

Yeah, but it took blatant and sustained calls for IRL violence to accomplish that, whereas T_D got quarantined for basically nothing then had it extended with even less justification. Most likely the chapo quarantine is just a "look we're moderating the commies too" trick for appearance's sake, and will be quietly rolled back, whereas T_D is doomed.

brave browser doesn't work on my PC are they on the

Not that I know of, try the full tor browser from instead

Damn that sucks. There's a few obscure cows they cover that I like to check every now and then. Then again if I want to I can always just go to the appropriate Jow Forums board to see them e.g. jack on /ck/

I got tor, tor is firefox based not brave....
I use this

It's just being DDoS'd, they'll be back most likely. Apparently it's because they were behind sadpanda and other hentai sites being taken down, so it seems like they deserve it desu

>unironically advertising and shilling a product on Jow Forums

Go mighty team of Jow Forums staff box.
Go and kill.

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That's incredibly unlikely considering how much of the userbase was bitching about the shutdown. More likely sadpanda got taken down due to new EU copyright laws or progressive do-gooders.

main repo for Tarrant's video,
lot's of people cared

>Yes goy, install this software so your IP is broadcasted to everyone else and we have permission to put content on your PC to host
>Oh, you didn't put the CP your hosting on your pc, sure pal.

Only use an old version of Tor to download the latest Tor. Going to the Tor website without using Tor will get you on a list. This is confirmed from an NSA leak.

Could there be a way to get the existing ptlatforms to silence the silence the ideas that are actually harmful i. e. hate against white people and white men specifically?

>connecting directly to tor entry nodes will bring less attention than going to tor website

Attached: Screen_Shot_20190710_at_2.59.14_PM.png (918x924, 1.18M)

fuck off with your honeypot, fedcuck!

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