Progressive mother abuses children for being "white males"

>Mom of two white boys here. Getting them to see on a daily basis how entitled they are -- all the breaks they get, that other kids don't, because of how they look or where they are from -- is a struggle. I honestly feel some days like it's a genetic defect.

>They aren't angry, thank god. But they do sometimes come home and have the audacity to start out with 'Its not fair...X, Y, Z.' it makes my blood boil. They seem predisposed to believing it's some grand conspiracy to keep them down when in reality, the opposite is true.

>My college roommate when on to get her PhD and did her dissertation on how the fragile white male ego is responsible for all the world's ills, and with each passing day I think she's more and more a genius

Notice the amount of likes she is receiving. Progressives are truly mentally ill.

Attached: huwhite.png (773x850, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Look at the name. It's obvious one of our goys on twitter false flagging. Nu-pol has no idea

Imagine having her as your mother, it's going to be no surprise that those kids will turn out fucked up.

I'd kill her in less than a month.
I'd poison her or set the house on fire while she sleeps.
No excuses for hurting children, all punishment is justified.

What does their name mean?

They'll reject what she conditioned them to believe later.

There is still likely to be some lasting damage though.

Two mass shooters incoming.

I hope she loses custody

>My college roommate when on to get her PhD and did her dissertation on how the fragile white male ego is responsible for all the world's ills, and with each passing day I think she's more and more a genius
>Translation: I am ugly as fuck and so was my roommate. She tried to quantify her rejection and came up with a hair brained scheme to shame her own children as a remedy
Yup, liberals sure are the smart ones. Child abuse is only abuse if you are not concerned with having sex. Have Sex Incels, it solves all problems that single mothers haven't managed to solve yet.

you can't undo years of bad childhood memories

I'm sure absolutely nothing bad will come from this

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Common phrase used by leftists. Similar to “are you kidding me?!”. Used in place of refuting an argument.

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Can't we report this to social services or something ?

those kids will grow up to hate her, don't worry

>how fragile the male ego is
Anything is fragile if you stunt its deveolpment

ego is not a dirty word

It's called "Agree and Amplify"


Come on, this is Jow Forums agitprop.
... Please be a Jow Forums campaign ...

You have to make your false flags less obvious. Even the dumbest Tumblr landwhale can sniff this one out.

Considering these days the "authorities" are A-OK with allowing children to strip in a gay club.. I wouldn't hold me breath with anything being done about this.

What if her name isn't ironic?

Guys you haven't seen anything. There are crazy moms who are raising their boys as sissie to fight the patriarchy, this is criminal

Attached: genderisasocilconstruct.jpg (937x1057, 275K)

>people wanted me to be more thoughtful and compassionate towards marginalized groups, so I doubled on being a hateful sociopath!!
>this is the society's fault

It's a retarded sentence fragment that liberals use to express their displeasure, and to show that their great and cultured minds don't understand something that's typically very simple to a well rounded person capable of empathy.

"She" looks like she's one of us tho, it looks like a dude trying to piss off wypipo to wake up the sleeping bear.

This is how you make mass shooters. Teach them they are worthless and to hate themselves.

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Being White is a genetic defect

Pretty good stuff


you sound like a terrorist

God I hope that’s a LARP. I can’t stand child abuse, elder abuse or animal abuse.

This is the shit that leads to mass shootings. Imagine your own mother refering to you as a "genetic defect"

My mother is an extreme liberal. After I figured out what she did to me, I stopped talking to her.

Wow crazy Christian parents will be replaced by crazy progressives
Fuck this world

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could be, but could also not be. coastalelite does sound Jow Forumsish on top of icanteven though



Attached: white people genocide suicide leftist logic fem whores how white people see themselves (500x456, 148K)

>kids literally always rebel against their patents
>tfw liberals parents are literally creating nazis

Reading the original thread has me wishing on an alternate reality where the colonial powers just went scorched earth on primitives before building their outposts.

Attached: anti-white parents angelina jolie.jpg (960x960, 118K)

Good. Those kids will turn out red pilled as fuck. Expect to see them here in 3-5 years.


>the fragile white male ego is responsible for all the world's ills,
honestly, it boosts my ego when i read shit like this. they wouldnt hate white males so much if we werent objectively superior to everyone else. this is plain, simple jealousy

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Is it any wonder he/she/whatever happened to turn trans to gain mommy's attention since savior mommy gives trans girls/boys/whatever extra mommy attention points on the Hollywood Communist scale of virtue signalling?

Attached: angelina jolie shiloh 'trans' bullshit.jpg (830x1136, 166K)

Jews gonna jew

Attached: (1080x2340, 603K)

>points out non white racism
>hate speech
>merica 2019

You seem like a solid nice guy. No shit.

Brad Pitt is a cuck. Imagine letting this happen to your child.

Sissier by the day. Every woman who isn't mentally ill is going to think about him s o y-ing to Lena here and be subconsciously repulsed going forward.

Attached: brad cuck.jpg (663x632, 89K)

Can't believe it took me so long to notice the fakery.

>false flagging
you mean A C C E L E R A T I N G


how the fuck is she allowed to get that close?

Imagine the smell

>"Agree and Amplify"
Cool thanks for the term, it's funny how you know what something is before you know it's word.

There is no point in arguing with these people. They need gassed.

>people wanted me to be more thoughtful and compassionate towards marginalized groups, and they punched me in the face for it, so I doubled on being a hateful sociopath!!

>‘Marginalized groups’

Shitskins are so marginalised in the US that thousands and thousands of them pour into the country every year just so they can be ‘marginalised’ as well.

If whitey is so evil why don’t they just fuck off back home?

white women are so fucking evil

This is just cuck fantasy nonsense.

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Call CPS and save those kids

Check out

Its an alternative search engine to google

I got redpilled by the Covington kids what happened to them

> look at me

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That's some pizzagate level shit right there