If the left says a multicultural society works...why is it not working?

If the left says a multicultural society works...why is it not working?

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it is.

multiculturalism is a psyop perpetuated by coastal oriented minorities trying to invade and colonize our country

Iq diferences

it's working for 99% of society. most people are out living life and enjoying the new world culture. it's just a few retards who can't enter society and believe they'd function if they were only surrounded by "their own people". i can tell you know, you'd all be just as much outcasts as you are now. in summary, have sex incels.

Was a nervous pepe picture really necessary?I

Ps- dont steal my uncle bucko character like u guys did last time. I had to stop using it becuse it was catching on..


I not sure you see the clown world around you. No, its not working

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They say the opposite. They just don't care though and keep perpetuating it.

the criminal element is one of the main reasons it literally can't work
>white gangs hold ground
>suddenly a whole bunch of new gangs show up
>absolute mayhem in the criminal underground
>organised crime is now chaotic crime

Its working ass planed for non whites and kikes

multicultural and/or multiethnic socities never work, and are prone to failure
just research civil wars and look at the makeup of the population, very very few civil wars are due to difference in political opinion

It is working. If it weren't, niggers, spics, whites, etc would be killing each other and a civil war would have occurred decades ago

Its working much worse than a homogeneous society would work

Because the left is wrong about most things. They are idealists, rooted in nice views that they can say rather than what actually works. Words are everything to the left.
Multiculturalism doesn't work. It can't. Different cultures, even different races, have different values. For example, unfortunately, within the black community, education is not highly respected, though "loyalty" and "respect" is everything. This isn't as true for some black groups, like Nigerians, who value education, but ghetto nigger culture spreads.
One culture will always be required within an area. Subcultures and competing cultures will never bring peace, because cultures divide us into us and them. Multiculturalism just makes your "us" smaller and your "them" bigger. Multiculturalism will always require a larger government, too, to enforce it.

Because lefties don't work

>say multiculturalism has failed

I fucking hate this kike puppet so much.


>multicultural =/= multi-ethnic

There is only one relevant culture, and that is Western ulture, which has even been adopted to a large extent by most of East Asia.

Fuck all others, especially ghetto subcultures glorified by the left. And fuck Islam and sharia, too...there is NOTHING wrong with being "Islamophobic", any more than there's something wrong with being against headhunter or cannibal cults, either.

We will pick and choose the more valorous additions to add, discard the rest. We'll add sushi, throw out kamikazes.

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It is. They want to be fucked bareback by strong, hairy, foreign men.

Not sure their women will like that, though.

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>If the left says a multicultural society works...why is it not working?
Diversity, divide as in divide and conquer as opposed to assimilate. Its done to break up our culture.

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Because it doesn't work, but they conveniently stay away from it and say it works.

t. brazilian

Because Jews lie about everything... they are attempting to cause collapse so that they can consolidate power
eventually the nogs will become unmanageable and they'll flee to Israel and we'll have to clean up their mess