Lets go through all the info we've gathered so far. We need to make sure this shit stays at the top
Other urls found in this thread:
i learned that pee is stored in the balls
hes a dead man.
Thanks for the bump faggot
This is the biggest leak in Jow Forums history and it gets slided successfuly to the point that nobody even taks about it anymore...
what the actual fuck
Thank you brother
We can counteract it.
Weaponize your autism
What happens when these people get exposed? How will normalfags even react?
Have a bump fren
guys, epstein didnt do anything. this is all a setup
Around 1:00 in this video you see a flat spot on a hill near the flag. a building was removed from here. Around 2:45 you see huge garbage piles, building materials, and debris scattered over 100square meters or more, half ass covered in sand.
an user found records of epstein getting permits approved for around $26 million dollars of cement delivered to his island. it was not used above ground.
>an user found records of epstein getting permits approved for around $26 million dollars of cement delivered to his island.
Sauce? Very interdasting
t. shill
Anything to back that up? Why would epstein threads be slid this hard if that was the case?
bump while readiing. don't respond to meme flags or 1posts...
So I was watching some old king of the hill last evening and came across something interesting.
Daley gribble ordered a pizza but was so paranoid that he ordered under a fake name, Rusty Shackleford, isnt that the YT channel that uploaded the Epstein island drone footage? What's the correlation?
been looking, kinda hard to find
Rusty Shackleford is Dale's fake name of choice, its a running joke in the series. Dale is a conspiracy theorist. I order pizza under the name Randy Lahey. It's fun cause it really doesn't matter.
Please post in this thread if you find anything
come back leaf
Any idea why his lawyers want a september 2020 trial? It would take 4-6 weeks they say. Election related?
Install µBlock Origin user.
Buy a Dodge Ram, user
Why does the door unironically look like a dick? Lmao
Forgot image. Fuck
"God says, If he makes me King I have to Eliminate the Vile People"
Terry Davis
Recent show about infintychan and Epstein
They diddle the little ones in there, you know they like to hide their symbolism in plain sight
Mueller is / was a deep state fixor.
anyone being charged or investigated her would use his position in FBI to quash and cover up.
Hence Trumps comments about "columns" when speaking to intelligence.
Some agent would be investigating and they would receive orders to stop investigating because the higher ups in the FBI where on it.
Im still here. Phoneposting so my ID changed
Bumping white others are actually posting information can kill the thread sooner, are you trying to slide this?
i was searching for that pic to post leaf, you beat me to it
have this one instead
I'm guessing the "bumpinng" is how things like this are being slid now?
>you cannot post in this thread.
>Thread post limit has been reached.
Bump for justice, keep an eye on Israel's elections next month as well as any fuckery going on over there
8ch refugee?
the bumping is so it stays on page one
important pic
Thanks fren
also important
poor VOAT
72 Acre Privately-Owned Island – Little St. James, US Virgin Islands 1998 – 1999
Generated schematic designs that included elaborate underground fuel storage/ utility/maintenance buildings, beachfront massage pavilions, four 3000 sq. ft. guest homes
Prepared schematic designs, design development and construction documents for: boat dock, helicopter pad, renovation of caretaker house, custom door hardware
A circumcised one, too
Weird that 2 mass shootings occur after this creep is caught.
no, but with every post it moves back to first page. So when other info is being posted by other anons the bump can take away from valuable infos.
>Can you imagine accused and convicted pedophiles being in charge of american amber alerts?
For some reason I can, Canada is very very with pedophile in high positions of power bad too ........ And I mean very bad.
lol. "pages"
I'm so tired, anons. Aren't you sleepy too? Let's all go back to bed and get some rest...
It's been way more than two.
Be aware that satanic ritual days in beginning of August. Walmart shooters were seen doing strange dance outside the front door before entering. Walmart shooter father is known jewish satanist.
It is, to send a message that these people where activated. I highly suspect that Trump was forced to say what he said or they would continue to kill more Americans.
>A jew satanist shoots up a bunch of white people and a couple of Mexicans in a Walmart. >A proven fake manifesto uploaded to 8ch
>A antifa satanist shoots up a bar
Be Trump
>8ch shut down no more Q for the boomers
>Hate speech laws on white supremacists.
It really makes no sense unless Trump was forced in order to stop the shootings or Trump is part of it.
The Cobwebs wiped off Obama and Obama tries to claim creds
Shades of Finder's Cult and CIA?
Also, possible that the El Paso shooters father is connected through John of God and Spirit Cooking lady from Podesta emails.
This all goes deeper than we could possibly imagine. These fuckers have been trying to force God’s hand since Babylon.
The Vatican was built on top of an old Roman cemetary. It's not some big secret dumbass
Little saint James is held by a shell company "NAUTILUS INC" located at 9100 HAVENSIGHT St Thomas, VI 802
Same offices as this bitch.
Not unless the bones are recent, which is what they are looking at
>still not getting it
The mural, which hung on the second floor of his seven-story house in New York, portrayed Epstein behind barbed wire and between a guard station and a corrections officer, public relations employee R. Couri Hay said to The New York Times.
"That's me, and I had this painted because there is always the possibility that could be me again," Hay reportedly recalled Epstein as saying during a meeting at the home earlier this year."
"CANDIDATE Ehud Barak crashed at Epstein’s apt. regularly, neighbors say"
Is all you need to know. JE will be out by october
Yes the crushed bones may be from when they fed the non believers to pigs after they died. That is why in the old days the religious where told not to eat pigs. pigs would crush the bones and shit them out.
I wonder if Christopher Raynolds III or Stewart Gordon have Epstein ties?
Mr. Reynolds was arrested for running underage prostitutes out of multiple bars in the 70s, but somehow scored a plea deal to get out on probation or something. Investigation linked him to trafficking rings allegedly doing blackmail scams on politicians per a late 70s NY committee meeting
Insane how desperate they are to hide this.
Your image, I don't think that is a "Trump model", likely a misdirection image.
Trump is still best buds with Epstein’s brother
This is a good 15 minute watch
Trunews are the only people actually covering it.
She was
Have to go make bank so need other info posters to continue.
what cartoonist made this?
Have 95% of the human posters on Jow Forums vanished? Seems like it's all AI shill bots the past 2 weeks.
Good info moarphy, at least you're not shitting the thread up
Damn that got memory holed for me. Forget all about Dan.
Nah, Brock just set his shilling brigade to overdrive mode
In the words of Jow Forums.
>Jeff pls go
Q has successfully demoralized us.
Watching Rick and Morty by Dan Harmon last night, Every episode plays homage to pedophilia and blood libel satanic sacrifice.
I need to go.......
this has nothing to do with pizzagate, and you discredit the JE case when you mix the two, dipshit.
>still not getting it
The mural, which hung on the second floor of his seven-story house in New York, portrayed Epstein behind barbed wire and between a guard station and a corrections officer, public relations employee R. Couri Hay said to The New York Times.
"That's me, and I had this painted because there is always the possibility that could be me again," Hay reportedly recalled Epstein as saying during a meeting at the home earlier this year."
"CANDIDATE Ehud Barak crashed at Epstein’s apt. regularly, neighbors say"
Is all you need to know. JE will be out by october
After reading these articlea about Rickenbacker Airport (aka GlowNigger Airlines) and how it was funded by taxpayers so Wexner could import cheap Asian clothes and sex slaves and then operated at a loss,
I got to thinking:
Dayton / proximity to Rickenbacker Airport = hour drive
Gilroy / airports = several (not including military)
The ideal chess move is both offensive and defensive; ergo, these shooting were not only about creating ant-Q/-chan hysteria around right-wing extremism, but also about extracting people/resources from the area.
Are there planefags here from /qresearch/? I'm interested in suspicious flight activity at the same location/time.