Having another baby

Well fags, my wife is having another baby. We already have an infant blonde haired blue eyed boy. Having children is incredibly difficult, but easily the most rewarding experience of my life. Do your part to save the West. Have babies and raise them in loving nuclear households. On a side note, I can't wait for my wife's milkers to get all swollen and sensitive again. Very comfy.

>Inb4 not political.
>Sure thing, goy. Population replacement is just a conspiracy theory. Just ignore the most meaningful action you can take to resist it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>willingly bringing a child into this world

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congrats user

once you have four or more the older ones take much of the load

>Having children is incredibly difficult
> cum into pussy, wait 9 months
Wow, so difficult for men!

Everytime I see a pregnancy test it makes my heart skip. It reminds me of that time I knocked up some slut and had to bully her into getting an abortion.

Good to know. Thanks user.

I meant raising them, faggot.


>Do your part to save the West. Have babies and raise them in loving nuclear households.

Agreed. But I'd also add- raise them to see the lies of the dirty Jew and their globalist plan.
Raise them to be aware of race and IQ and to hate; especially niggers but also sandniggers.
Raise them to hate faggots and trannies.
Raise them to love their family and also their lands and people as an extension of their family.
Raise them to love Hitler and his vision.

You are a disgrace to our nation

Congrats lad. Hope they have a good mother

Rich user bankroll
Just a while ago I used to browse the same board
I can see you fuck jannies with your cankles
Skrrt skrrt hold up pull up take yo main ho
Its Sneed
She gone off the feed and I'm gone off the seed,
I do what I want and I do as I please
And if you don't like it mods tell it to these
It's easy
I make no mistakes when I count up the cake
But boy if I do man I swear its okay
Cause I didn't even do nuffin today
Don't know why mods don't like me?
Cause gold round my neck and I'm icy?
I got a few guns I shoot em for fun and make them fuck jannies go night-y
Muh waifu she got the clappas
She can't fuck with you broke bastards
Fuck all you pussy ass jannies
All of you Jannies are actors

Pass me the drink I pour it up
I'm about to double up my Styrofoam cup
Hoes show me love when they see me in the club
I'm too faded I can't even dab you up
Pass me the drink I po it up
I'm about to double up my Styrofoam cup
Janny get no fanny cus he is a fucking cuck
I'm too faded I can't even dab you up

[Verse 2]
Got all this ice on my mufuckin' watch
I think he mad cause I'm winning and he not
You jannies hot you better thank Mr. Guwop
Go ban his posts cause if you don't yo' shit gone flop
I'm getting money jannies hating so oh well
You claim you real but under pressure u gone tell
I'm smoking loud you can tell by the smell
Just dodge a ban off my muhfuckin cell
I'm chasin the money not chasin the fame
Janny going bald lookin like he needs some Rogaine™
I skrtt off in the fast lane
I race to the cash I get to it fast and you fuck jannies in last place

Pass me the drink I pour it up
I'm about to double up my Styrofoam cup
Hoes show me love when they see me in the club
I'm too faded I can't even dab you up
Pass me the drink I po it up
I'm about to double up my Styrofoam cup
Janny get no fanny cus he is a fucking cuck
I'm too faded I can't even dab you up

I will not hide the truth from them.


Thanks user. Yes she's a wonderful mother and wife. I'm very blessed.

So you going to have a second child for your wife and her bvll black? Congrats fren


You're right. We should all just lay down in a field and await death.

Good plan user

>Giving up on the future of our people
You infected with the gay, dicklips? Or just being a subversive shill?

Most men will serve one of two roles. That of the father or that of the warrior

you must be struggling to find one faggot

You're a faggot beta bitch, OP.

I can tell because you said your wife is having a baby. An alpha would say "My wife and I are having a baby."

It takes two to tango. You left yourself out like you don't even matter.


Your "nfant blonde haired blue eyed boy" will likely grow up to be a fag or tranny with you as a father.... if you're even around and your fat ugly wife doesn't divorce you.

Cope harder, insecure faggot. I will live on through my children. Your lineage will die with you. Childless and alone.

>insecure faggot
don't project user, it looks tacky. bragging about your pregnancy larp on 4chizzle is just sad. we all know you're a neet like the rest of us.

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Go away, guy.

Nah, I bet he did get some fat ugly woman pregnant.

She will probably divorce him in a few years.

I bought my boy a Ruger 10/22 before he was even born. When I'm too old and fat to fight, he will be able to.

Thanks user!

Lel. We haven't even told anybody yet because we haven't had an ultrasound. An anonymous basket weaving forum was the only place I could spill the beans.

>Posts a gif of childless destroyer of worlds

Contracts OP. My wife and I are having our 2nd as well. We both understand our part on repopulating white society. We plan on having more after our second too. Also pregnant milkers are best milkers. My wife is already up 2 cup sizes and she’s only in her 1st trimester

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Thanks and congrats, user!

To all the other anons out there, take the family pill. It's the perfect antidote to the black pill.

Lmao he’s not the one pushing out a baby dumbass

i made a poo poo today

inb4 the baby comes out with an afro
bonus points if its first words are watchulookin at wh*te boi?

Yay you brought a life into this world that didnt want to participate in its disease. Watch her grow up and fuck a black dude get pregnant and fuck your life up.

They will only be brainwashed and indoctrinated into the jewish zog beast system.

Congrats user

Yes if only we could destroy mortality and cease the need to have children

One less leaf to be raked


Have you righted your wrongs yet, son?


Not with a private Christian education

Lay off the black pill user. Life is good.

Thanks user

Thanks for sharing