Aaaand dropped

Aaaand dropped

Fucking degeneracy

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Other urls found in this thread:

Will the character kill itself by the time its 30 too for ultra realism?

It's a setting where more often than not the only biological part of any human is their brain, and that's also under question. So this makes a lot of sense in-universe.

Otherwise known as the "this character is a dummy that's easily exploited by megacorp market programming" option.

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Is anyone forcing you to play as tranny? You're like a muslim refusing to eat in a restaurant because they've got some pork on their menue

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Aaaaand picked up.
I will definitely play as a huge bulged bimbo. Sounds amazing.

It's supposed to be a dystopian game, dingbat

>in the cyberpunk game, body modifications are done at the cost of your humanity

Trannys are inhuman.

>not making a shemale
>not modding it with sex related shit then watching your character get brutally analed while fapping

i know right hot as fuck honestly

You would think trannies wouldn't want the reminder that they were impostors who were born with the evil sex organs of the "wrong" sex.
Fuck it, wasn't going to be buying Trannypunk, anyway.


You should have never picked it up to begin with.

Will be very immersive

Can't wait for someone to upload a video of a tranny character getting rekt and the inevitable screeching from the media

Was always going to, genius. Cyberpunk is the only setting where transgender shit actually makes sense, since the technology in the setting allows you to actually modify your body.

Pretty sure that's been a theme in it going back to the old pen and paper days. The same thing pops up in Ghost in the Shell, with technology allowing you to transfer your brain/consciousness into other bodies. If they don't get preachy about it it likely won't be a dealkiller, same as GITS.

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but the media is actually autistic

Thanks for the free advertisement dumbass. I'm going to buy two copies now.

>won't allow to kill children
So they decided to pussy out meh

>knowing the political beliefs of the npcs you get to murder with abandon
Literally the only fun thing about Watch Dogs.

>Futuristic dystopia
>Culture based on body modification through corporate explotation
>With both of these in mind OP is surprised theres trannies
Are you fucking retarded or something?

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It was pro-tranny shit a long time ago, retard.

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There was already a gang of literal transhumanist furries in the original lore. It's meant to be a dystopia you tool.

And wasn't it already heavily suggested that a villain was "transgender" in that they were presenting as another sex to avoid the law?

This could actually be a surprise bonus - you could kill every tranny on sight (in Cyberpunk)!

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boo says multi-classing turns you gay

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>hypercapitalist dystopia
>huge amounts of corporate backed degeneracy
sounds about right

So will the make the trans characters easy to clock or will they look just like normal women and just be called trans. Honestly, far cry 5 seemed to have went the route of making all of the women look trans just to be inclusive. Not one cute gal amongst them.

>shills implying this isn't the result of trannies and sois tampering with the vydia industry

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Transgenderism is about as dystopic as it gets user.
Stop playing videogames.

>the game is set in a post-apocalyptic world
seems about right

In an interview with Gamasutra at E3 2019, quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz said that “one of the things we want to do in the final game is to give players as many options of customisation in the beginning of the game as we can”. He went on to state that “we want to do this thing where, as you create your character, after you choose the body type, you can, for example, use physical traits as you build your face that could be assigned to a man or a woman”.

It’s worth remembering that gender fluidity in Cyberpunk’s character creation has surfaced before. After last year’s E3 demo, quest designer Patrick Mills told Vice that “it’s too early to say” whether CDPR would offer more than binary male or female gender choices, “but it’s definitely something we’ve looked at.”

Tomaszkiewicz’s language suggests that gender fluid options are still an aspiration for the team, rather than a reality. However, if such features do make it into the final game, they won’t just include your appearance. Tomaszkiewicz mentions later in the chat that you could be able to choose the voice you want as well as your body, regardless of gender: “The idea is to mix all of those up,” he says.

to be fair by 2077 people would just install dicks for fun

There's absolutely nothing wrong with having trans abominations in a futuristic dystopian cyber-punk game. Go false flag somewhere else, everyone knows you're just here so you can go post a thread on /v/ in 30 minutes claiming "Jow Forums says this what do you think about that /v/?" and other assorted faggotry.

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a degenerate society literally meant to be part of the cyberpunk genre you fucking retard. Its where we're headed

Trannies are pretty cyberpunk though.

>play as standard white male
>seek out and murder every faggot/minority/tranny

Also you can pirate it and do the same, and be even more based

Probably gives your character dialogue options about killing itself while giving the option to do so throughout the playthrough.

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>Its where we're headed

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There had better be a tranny detector in the game.

Well, cyberpunk is what happens when left takes over. Don't confuse it with retro futurism which is where people thought we were heading.

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But the game is anout losing yourself in constantly modifying your body.

Eh, so what?
You can put girl hair on the male character model and play with the dong slider on the lady.

It's nothing you couldn't mod into Saint's Row 2 given five minutes and an idea of what you're doing.

Once again op proves he is completely retarded and doesn't understand cyberpunk. One of the core ideas is the evil mega Corp that commercialized everything in human life. From augments to the very gender of the person an evil Corp will sell it to someone and completely control them through it.

If anything this is based and redpilled it clearly points fun at the real corporations that put a rainbow flag on for increased profitability.

>People getting surprised in a transhumanist world you can change genders
Youve got borg tier cyborgs running around and a 3d printed vagine and bobs grafted onto someone who is already 15% steel by bodyweight isn't too crazy

fuck off epic games. It makes total sense for degeneracy to be present in a degenerate dystopia

isnt including a tranny type offensinve to trannys?
if i want to be a women or a man then i want to be a woman or a man. not something in between.
a transgender type is an insult to my changing of genders.

>in a dystopian world it’s common to be trans
Seems pretty based to me

>dystopian cybernetic technofucked future
>no trannies
pick one and only one, we know where this ride is going

big if true

Poland telling like it is.
Fucking newfags don't know shit about cyberpunk.

>He didn't drop it when it became firsr person only.
Lmaoing at your life bro.

Pretty much this, OP is a brain dead faggot retard. CP2077 is going to be one of the most customizable game experiences of the last 20 years, if you don't want to play the game of the century OP be my fucking guest, we didn't want you to enjoy it with us anyway.

Wow, what a random unexpected feature in a game. Totally not part of some agenda.

>Pick female
>Choose Transgender
>Switches to Male Model

>Pick Male
>Choose Transgender
>Switches to Female Model minus tits

Wasnt the point of an RPG to just pretend your character is whatever you want?

Well, for once it is justified.

I just hope we don't have too much of that shit.

Just so we're clear cause it's obvious OP struggles with the terms, Utopia is a good future, Dystopia is bad future.
>Trannys in a Dystopia
Seems like the company did their research

Thats great news though. I'll be able to RP as a Cyber Trap ASSasin.

Well sombody us going to have to buy up the inventory, may as well be you seeing as how I'm not gonna buy it.


I knew that for a long time

Fuck me is this STILL in development?

>Be male
>create female character

How was there not already Transgender representation in games already? Are they just adding ugly NPC's?

It's a dystopian game. Dystopias are ALWAYS preachy. If trannies exist in-game, they're using it to subvert tranny culture.

This game is literally being made so niggers can we wuz cyberpunk.
I bet you obama funded it i am not even joking.

Have you played any game in the cyberpunk genre?
All of them are meant to dystopian hells of degeneracy, crime and tyrannical governments.

Even in Jow Forums's favorite cyberpunk game, Deus Ex, is full of degeneracy like homosexuals, drugs, and interracial mixing. Which is yet another thing it accurately predicts the future will be like despite being made pre-9/11.

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U mad wh*teboi?

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Normalizing faggot behavior is not to be encouraged.

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>dystopian future
>not expecting there to be all kind of degeneration, many of which already exist IRL

Do you really think Cyberpunk 2077 has the balls to put tranny freaks in the game in anything but a positive light? Don't be daft.

But if trans could choose a charecter wouldn’t they choose their preferred sex? Isn’t that the whole point?

>Dystopian shithole
>filled with niggers and fags
Based and redpilled. You have absolutely no idea why people dont like forced diversity in media do you?

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based and feminine penis pilled.

What the fuck did you expect from a dystopian view of the future??

How would they put them in a negative light?
They're already a living caricature of degeneracy and they're proud of that.

>takes place in a dystopian nightmare
>has trannies
Adds up. Where's the problem?

>no body transformation

Yes, it's a degenerate game. That's the whole point. It's called Cyberpunk, not White Ethnostate: The Game.

more like shitposter trolling for you's

it's pretty fucking obvious op's a disinengenuous little fuckshit trying to start drama where it doesn't exist

Do you realize that C 2077 criticizes the very concepts found within, and that it's the point of the game ? It's a critique of the profaning of your body.

It would be stupid if it were, say, battlefield whatever and they had tranny options. It's out of the scope of the game and is nothing but agenda pushing bullshit

But for a game based on a future liberal dystopia where it gets harder and harder to know where your humanity begins if it even exists anymore, yeah dumb shit like tranny characters makes sense

I mean it kinda fits the setting

Nah m8 that's just Montana. Eugenically attractive but no physically.

My tranny furry freak character most certainly be a bad depiction.

>Get chance to choose the sex you were meant to be
>Purposely choose to be in-between deviant
Is this proof this is a mass gas lighting between psychopaths?

It would be interesting in these games legitimately RPing as an SJW. Starting shit over ever micro aggression. See how long you can last.

Techno dystopia is such a massive cope. I wish we got dystopia with strong law order and cool aesthetics but we are in reality in the front seat of the clown car heading into clown country with demographic collapse mass insanity and hysteria followed by dark ages

>So this makes a lot of sense in-universe.
It doesn't make sense to forece made up pronouns on gamers, as well as a idealization of transgenders, because we all know they can't have any negative traits or the left will go ballistic. They have to be perfect heroes.

>that level of compression artifacting

so i take it this has been shitposted, saved, and reshitposted, thousands of times on /v/ already

what was the /v/erdict?

i bet the game will still be successful because the video game industry is a smoldering pile of human excrement like all entertainment media and art in the modern age

Poland speaks truth.

you will still play it, nigger

stop fronting like a fag

>with technology allowing you to transfer your brain/consciousness into other bodies.
All characters who do this don't change their "mental gender". And non of them tranfers to a body of the opposite sex.

get a load of these fucking loser zoomers thinking this game will be so amazing

oh my god the character customization!!! so epic!!

yeah watch dogs is so based! the main story might be about defeating the racist white male patriarchy but i can kill muslims. so based!!!!!111

"gamers" should be put out of their fucking misery

ill pirate it and play it for 20 minutes max like every other pile of shit game before forgetting about it because im not a cum dribbling aids riddled zoomer

no you just dont get it bro, CDprojekt is so based and red pilled, america might be full of mexicans but we will be totally propelled into a futuristic technocracy full of beaners just like this game!!!!!! so epic bros

As much as I don't like it, this is correct.

nothing but COPE for consolefags who have no other option than to buy games for some pathetic few hours of escapism

get a PC and pirate it or end your fucking pathetic life

you can buy it if its not cucked. but it probably isnt because its literally a cool futuristic world full of BEANERS. you fucking retarded pieces of shit

Did you read any of the posts you replied to Boomer?

does it make sense for california to have cool futuristic cities despite them being full of goblin
beaners like the game depicts too?

epic cope my fellow gamers

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It's called Cyberpunk not Cyberutopia retards
No shit it's there's gonna be degeneracy

i made direct references to both of them you aids ridden dumbass