I love Tucker but this was kind of hard to watch. I don't understand why it's so hard to admit white nationalism is rising but it's entirely due to what the left is doing
I love Tucker but this was kind of hard to watch...
He might be thrown off the air for this one., unfortunately.
>white nationalism is the same as white supremacy
Fuck off, reddit
Tuck the Cuck
What is white nationalism?
The average person here is sick of seeing spics flood into the country.
Few people actually want to send the blacks back to Africa. They want to fix the problems we have here and stop taking in shitskins
OP is a faggot as always
Tuck the chuck
Tucker 'my daughter dates black guys' Carlson
Call it whatever I don't give a shit. The point is that whites have absolutely no reason not to be more racially aware at this point.
He's right. The problem is identity politics. If you play identity politics and demonize whites consistently, don't act surprised if they start to feel threatened at some point. It has little to do with supremacy.
Women that don’t want men in their restrooms are women supremacists.
Who says they arent? Republicans and the media havent represented the actual right wing in this country since at least bush and likely since ww2. Republicans only keep getting elected because voters are fucking retarded and believe in the lesser of two evils
Yeah around blacks never relax.
Tucker and Fox thinks pretends they aren't like they feel they need to do damage control. I'm saying tucker should be able to go on TV and tell the left no fucking shit whites are becoming more racist look at how everyone else is acting
Tucker is slowly revealing his power level. He is an expert redpilled and you ought to sit back and let the man do his job.
It's almost like it all goes back to racial segregation which was never resolved properly.
? we want to piss everyone off. burn this shit down
Did you just discover the overton window, or Jow Forums?
youre an idiot
>racial segregation
Try bringing them over in the first place
Its the closest thing to original sin that exists
>white nationalism is rising
Any source for this?
white nationalism and white supremacy are not the same thing.
White supremacy, in the literal sense, is also not necessarily the "White supremacy" the left refers to, which specifically just means White people and White culture (see pic).
The structural "white supremacy" which bestows "White privilege" upon White people literally is a baseless conspiracy theory because of things like equity policies, affirmative action, race quotas and the simple fact that people can openly talk shit about Whites and get away with it while the reverse is considered heavily criminal.
White supremacy implies something like the Confederate States or the British Empire where whites rule over shitskins
White nationalism implies white people worldwide breaking off from multiracial states like Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, the US and making their own homogenous homelands where they can achieve ethnogenesis and become a definable culture/ethnic group like English or Finnish people instead of being doomed to steadily get more and more overrun by shitskins until their daughters are blacked and sons are riceburners
It is a desire to separate, rather than rule. The fact these are conflated just shows the uselessness of shitskins that they view white people not wanting to be in the same country as them as a physical threat.
Because white nationalism will never be mainstream
Because stormfags fail to realize their ideas will never be mainstream
Even if the spirit of the idea becomes a dominant ideology, it will never be governed by those neets/boomers that inhabit that shitty website
"majority rights in a democratic system" will become a mainstream term for "white people have a right to their own nation". You will never straight up have "white nationalism" because not only is it a boomer-tier concept it's also unpalatable to normalfags, but it's easy to convince normalfags of majority rights if minority rights already exist- why shouldn't the majority have rights?
You're confusing nationalism with supremacy, just like you were programmed to.
No you don't
Jewish supremacy is the real issue. We need to deal with it as a nation. Root them out.
The overton window has shifted far enough by now. They have no reason to be doing damage control because trump said invasion and laughed about shooting Invaders
white supremacy =/= white nationalism
Do you not think his content is looked over before put on the air?
Normies are dumb enough that theyll do something like say they dont like blacks and then be repulsed by a famous person doing it. They worship the state above any racial considerations
The overton window is still moving left despite everyone moving right
Ok I know there are nuances in the terminology. All I'm saying is that it would be much easier to call it what it is. Pretending the mindset of white people is the exact same as it was in 1995 is a waste of time
Isn't duck duck go owned by our "allies"
I know what the difference is. I'm just saying tucker should be able to at least admit whites are waking up and not fear the blowback
It isn't because it's not, boomers won't accept it so it's a waste of time like all the retards who think you can redpill 60 million evangelicals into thinking that jews aren't chosen. The intelligent thing is to direct their rage, rather than spend time and money trying to get them to understand the newspeak. Newspeak comes after the ancien regime is removed from power.
Someone post Dr. Pierce's infograph on why normalfags are lemmings.
Ask yourself honestly. How many white nationalists or supremacists have you met in REAL LIFE?? I knew one like over 10 years ago who just was a customer where I worked. That was it.
>"The reality is there are now a significant number of whites in the country who are fully convinced they will have zero political power within 15-20 years, and rather than convince them otherwise, they are labelled bigots. The people they vote for are accelerating this process voluntarily against their will. It should surprise nobody if violent outburst start happening."
The fact that is too controversial to say is a huge black pill
>this was kind of hard to watch
Is it still okay to be white ?
None that are affiliated with a group. I'm just saying conservatives should have absolutely no problem by now with saying whites are getting pissed off
This. We can't give them control of our language, that's how they keep winning.
>Ok I know there are nuances in the terminology.
The more you talk like this, the more i wanna find your IP and Strangle you.
President Carlson
It DOES exist.....but it's not a problem
I don't trust anybody that works at kike news.
Who gives a fuck about the terminology Jesus Christ. You faggots think playing these word games rather than being straight up and telling the left they are playing with fire is the better option. They don't give a single shit about optics or words they want to see you and your family poor and on the street regardless
white supremacy is going to be the new 'racist'
itll be used for everything so much that itll lose its true meaning
That's what I'm trying to say. And completely rational and logical at this point
You've known dozens, he happened to be the only one out of the closet.
because its not only whites that are becoming more nationalist. everyone is blacks, asians, hispanics, Natives. dont let the jew divide you among racial lines
White Nations are great. Thats why every mongrel race the earth has ever shat forth is desperate to escape the spectacularly failed corrupt societies they create in their homelands to gain entry to the white nations.
# mass immigration
Everything is optics for the left. They reframe everything to fit a certain optic
The word supremacist is intentional, and apparently they care enough to use only that word over and over
Telling them they're playing with fire wont accomplish anything. These people also generally still believe in a civic nationalism. Perhaps tucker might be better but on the whole i doubt hes what you think he is
White supremacy used to be the de facto ideology left or right wing. Those spastic commies aren't lying when they say this country was built on white supremacy. It's pretty amazing how well the Jews subvert everything.
Of course they would never dream of living in a non white society. Or neighborhood, school etc
>like the english
kek nice try mohammed
White nationalists advocate for white ethno states. There's absolutely no way to accomplish an ethno state in America without genocide. The line between white nationalism and white supremacy, if there is one, is extremely thin.
>everyone is equal cuz the law protects them, except whites
There are still heavily racially segregated schools across the country. Racism might technically be off the books but that’s a far cry from pretending there’s racial equality in the US.
And no, talking shit about other races is not criminal, people just don’t like it. No one will put you in jail for hating blacks and jews as long as you don’t do anything to them.
Why does is matter if schools are segregated? Freedom of association is a thing
The freedom to associate means nothing if you are prevented from doing so.
Niggers are the problem in America.
Local schools are a reflection of the people in their communities. Shitting up white schools won't solve anything
Fuck off kike, it accounts for less than 1% of all crime in the US
White=/= Better
School districts are funded by housing taxes, so wealthy neighborhoods have better school.
The rich are fucking you no matter what race you are.
A white school with half the funding as an inner city black school is a much better environment for a kid
Tucker is just terrible in general. Even Republicans can't stand his stupidity.
violent white nationalism is the natural conclusion of a traitorous government forcing its majority ethnic population into becoming a minority population in their own nation as they plead in futility with their government to put a stop to it, while historical monuments dedicated to their history and ancestors are torn down and destroyed. on top of this, the media constantly and consistently gives only one side of the story when it comes to racial conflict, disparaging whites as uniquely evil for expressing ethnic and racial self interest, while ignoring non-whites who blatantly do the same thing.
tuck the cuck
You can filter the non-whites out over time using subsidies to your own birth rates, or otherwise offer money to those nonwhites who leave. Especially if you choose a place with a small nonwhite population to begin with.
People who insist otherwise are being hasty or disingenuous.
Separatism is not supremacism.
Why does FoxNews even exist at this point? No one believes they are any more "fair and balanced" as any of the other cancerous media networks
Because his job is to pander his majority 65+ viewership, who run errands from 7-1 and otherwise never leave their homes.
>"There's no white nationalist at the drug store."
>"Must be a liberal hoax."
>"Thanks Tuck."
America's going to experience conflict, that die has been cast. Mass immigration always leads to war.
this. I have don’t need to live in an all white utopia but for the sake of civilization please don’t turn this country into another Latin American shithole
Integration was done at gun point without genocide, segregation can be done as well. But the Jews will need to genocided worldwide if humanity is to progress
genocide is already occurring. it is our duty to reverse it.
This is exactly why I don't get the damage control. How hard is it to explain the actual reality of the situation? Whether or not it's a "conspiracy theory" like they claim, there are a significant number of mentally unstable whites fully convinced of white replacement and until they are convinced otherwise this isn't going to stop. I don't get why that's controversial to say in public?
>they don't actually want to send the blacks back to Africa
this kind of mentality in a nutshell is why the White race may well go extinct. you have to be cruel to survive in nature.
White supremacy doesn't exist, no organized group with any type of influence is going around claiming whites are superior afaik. And even if all these incidents happened because of white supremacy, which they didn't (no shooters were even right-wing, and one of the shooters was antifa), it's nothing compared to blacks and spics crime rate.
because there is far more evidence and proof of jewish supremacy and jewish nationalism that even Tucker is scared mention.
The shootings aren't due to "white suprrmacy", but "white desperation." They need to start clarifying that
About a dozen real ones and about a hundred people receptive to the idea of white solidarity and identity. All it’ll realistically take is a few outrageous screenshots of article headlines, a few racially motivated crimes in the stories, and a few politicians singling out whites suffering economically for social persecution.
why does this faggot constantly look confused and retarded
Sounds awful, makes it sound irrational.
One look at the sheer reasonability of the people in this topic shows why the left relies so heavily on censorship. They'd crumple in seconds flat if people were able to discuss this openly and rationally.
Nothing to do with race buddy, just pure desperation from lonely fucked up kids.
Because it isn't. Fuck off, stinky jew.
>blah blah blah
Nobody cares, faggot. Counterproductive pseudo-academic word-juggling belongs on Rationalwiki, and not coincidentally so do you.
Inner city schools get billions thrown at them, and nothing changes. In fact they get worse, as standards are lowered and lowered again. People leave high school barely able to form a complete English sentence.
BIG difference between Nationalism and the nonexistent white supremacy - the word “white” doesn’t belong in front of “Nationalism”
That might sound cute in a national geographic documentary way, but cruelty doesn't exist in nature, it's a concept that we've cooked up. Maybe what you need to be is practical.
>Can't debate it
>Voting doesn't stop it
>Complaining about it gets you ostracized
>Your taxes are paying for it
>You aren't given a reason why it's happening
What the fuck do these retards expect is gonna happen?
Tarrant was a lonely fucked up kid? The synagogue shootings? All in less than a year. Yeah these people are deranged but to pretend like this isn't just going to accelerate is delusional
Based tucker once again.
No it isn't. 'Pseudo-academic' is mixing up 'wanting to be separate' to 'wanting to dominate the world'
>that image
There should a website with links and archives for each link backing it up.
If there is, pls gib link.